Forums - MvC2: Iron Man Thread Show all 452 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: Iron Man Thread ( Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:27:2001 10:04 PM: MvC2: Iron Man Thread Iron Man players post your strats, info, whatever here! Anywhere Infinite Set - ups (no assist) - s. lk, s. hk, sj., sj. down + hp, airdash D/F, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, infinite - s. lk, s. hk, sj., sj. down + hp, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, infinite - s. lk, s. hk, sj., sj. hp, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mk, sj., airdash D/F, sj. lk (otg), sj. mk, dash forward, start infinite with j. lk - c. lk, c. mp, sj., cance sj. with lp., airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, sj., cancel sj. with lk, airdash up, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, sj., cancel sj. with lk, sj. mk, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, sj., cancel sj. with lk, sj. mk, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, infinite . c. lk, c. mp, sj., cancel sj. with lp, sj. lk, sj. mk, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, Fly, lp, Unfly, lp, up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, sj., sj. lk, sj. mk, airdash D/f, sj. lk, sj. mk, up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, sj., sj. lk, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite - j. up + hk, infinite - Tag in, infinite How to do the Japanese IM inf. set - up perfectly: IM makes a sound after his c. mp, when you hear it, quickly cancel the c. mp with a reverse tiger knee (D, D/B, B, U/B). Cancel the sj. with a lp, airdash forward (press both PP), lp, up + hp, infinite. Practice by just doing c. lp, c. mp, reverse tiger knee. You know that you’re doing it right when you see IM sj. Corner Only Infinite Set - ups (no assist) - c. lk, c. mp, c. hk, Jab Unibeam, infinite - Fierce throw, start infinite with j. lk. This does not work on everyone (Storm, Sentinel, bigger characters) - s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. hp, pause, sj. hk (otg), start infinite with j. lk. There are many ways to do this like: s. hk, sj., sj. hp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. hp, pause, sj. hk (otg). I won’t list all of them. - c. lk, c. mp, Fly, lp, mp, hp, Unfly, lp, up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, Fly, lp, mp, hp, Unfly, lp, up + hp, infinite -.c. lk, c. mp, sj., sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. hp, pause, sj. hk (otg), start infinite with j. lk Iron Man’s Infinites Yes, he has more than one or two. - (with IM trapped in corner) s. lk, c. mp, Jab Repulsor Blast, repeat. This does not work against certain characters like Storm, Sentinel, and Cyclops. - (in corner) s. lk, sj., cancel sj. with lk, airdash D/F, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, repeat. This is like one of Magneto’s infinites. Not hard to do, all you have to worry about it the crouch cancel and the airdash parts. - (Sentinel only) j. up + hk, sj., sj. lk, sj. mk, airdash D/F, sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, repeat. - c. lk, c. mp, [sj., sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp], repeat brackets. You may have to alter jabs and shorts in this one. Iron Man’s Aircombos - c. lk, c. mp, sj. hk, sj., sj. lk, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, airdash up, up + hp, sj. up + hk, Fly, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam - c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lk, mp, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam. This is his B&B aircombo. When you finish any of his aircombos with a jab or fierce Unibeam in the corner, you can add an airthrow in. He has more aircombos of course. Connecting the Proton Cannon after his Infinite - (after infinite and in corner) s. hp, PC - (after infinite and in corner) s. hp, Jab Repulsor Blast xx PC - (after infinite) PC - (after infinite) Jab Repulsor Blast xx PC - (after infinite and in corner) s. lp, c. mp, PC - (after infinite and in corner) s. lp, c. mp, s. hp, PC - (after infinite and in corner) s. lp, c. mp, s. hp, Jab Repulsor Blast xx PC Individual Match - ups Vs. Cable You can pace the match by throwing Smart Bombs from sj. height then follow up with sj. hp. He’s taking a risk when he jumps because you can guard break him into the infinite. Don’t tri - jump him too much if he has a good AAA. This is match is in IM’s favor. Vs. Magneto Surprise him with your s. hk when he tries to attack you from the air or when you anticipate that he’s going to start tri - jumping you. If he blocks, cancel the s. hk with a Jab Unibeam. Throw Smart Bombs when in air but not too much because he can predict you and punish you if you throw them a lot. Tri - jump him also. Vs. Storm Same as Magneto, surprise her with s. hk. Don’t give her the chance to sj. If you’re fighting against runaway Storm, sj. with and try to hit her with hp which has good range, little lag, and has priority. If she’s grounded, throw Smart Bombs and follow up with sj. hp to pin her down so she can’t sj. again. Vs. Doom When he starts throwing Photons, just wavedash under them. Try to get him out of the air and tri - jump him when he’s grounded. Throw Smart Bombs to pace the match and Unibeam his helper when you’re far away from him. Vs. Blackheart Simply wavedash under RH or Fierce Demons when he throws them from sj. height. Don't tri - jump him because you may get hit by an AAA and he will most likely to follow it up with Inferno xx HOD. Feel free to add anything. Posted by popoblo on 12:27:2001 10:44 PM: these are non infinite tactics: pace the match with smart bombs. for ex- sj, sb, air dash, smart bomb, flight mode, smart bomb, unfly, hp on the way down or you can jump up, sb, do his little knee rush down(down + kick?) right when that hits, cancel it into fly mode, from there you can... a) diagonally down forward hp b) smart bomb c) do another knee rush and cancel it again and the beauty about the cancelling the flight mode is that he's above most pixie characters launchers, i think sents is the only one that hits him. but don't over-abuse it, or you will die. and it's good to use with some sort of a ground assist also. never unibeam or smart bomb on the ground unless you have a helper of some sort. it has hella bad lag time and you will die. you can kinda play a projectile war on the ground with doom's AA assist. just launch his shoulder missiles (crouching hp), unibeam, regular jump smart bombs, or something else like that. you can even mash a proton cannon for some more chip damage. try to keep them under control with the directional hp. these tactics work especially well with IM(proj), sent(ground), and doom(AA). this shows that he doesn't need infinites to be deadly. and everybody knows how his medium punch can do a "mini-launch" into the proton cannon. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:27:2001 10:50 PM: Nice. Never do a normal jump Smart Bomb because you can't do anything after it, always do a superjumping Smart Bomb. A Jab ground Unibeam is ok to use but a Fierce Unibeam is not, a tigerknee version is better. Posted by GeekBoy on 12:27:2001 11:26 PM: Does it matter whether or not you do Iron Man's launcher chain to do his dash DF setups? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 12:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Does it matter whether or not you do Iron Man's launcher chain to do his dash DF setups? It doesn't matter. However, c. mp in the launcher chain will mess Anywhere inf. setup #3. (- s. lk, s. hk, sj., sj. hp, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, infinite) Posted by GeekBoy on 12:28:2001 12:12 AM: And of course, this is to everyone: For the Japan setup, you need to reset the joystick before you tiger knee. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 01:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy And of course, this is to everyone: For the Japan setup, you need to reset the joystick before you tiger knee. Oh yeah, forgot about dat. Posted by Voodoo on 12:28:2001 03:28 AM: I still think his best combo is just launch, jab, short, u+fierce, u+roundhouse xx fly, jab, strong, u+fierce xx fierce unibeam. Then again, throwing in the air dash fucks up my timing from time to time. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 05:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo I still think his best combo is just launch, jab, short, u+fierce, u+roundhouse xx fly, jab, strong, u+fierce xx fierce unibeam. Well, I use this combo: (with IM trapped in corner) s. lk, c. mp, Jab Repulsor Blast, repeat until you get to 40 something hits, then cancel the Repulsor Blast with Proton Cannon. It's either 100% or near 100%. Posted by popoblo on 12:28:2001 05:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Nice. Never do a normal jump Smart Bomb because you can't do anything after it, always do a superjumping Smart Bomb. A Jab ground Unibeam is ok to use but a Fierce Unibeam is not, a tigerknee version is better. i'm talking about only if you have dooms rocks right in front of you and almost on their way out. Posted by Razor on 12:28:2001 05:59 AM: The Cerebral Assassin is the Fucking man!! Good shit dude. I'ma give you a ken Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 06:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by Razor The Cerebral Assassin is the Fucking man!! Good shit dude. I'ma give you a ken Thanks dude. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 05:23 PM: This thread fell off fast. Semi-Infinites You have to be in Unfly mode to do these. - (in corner) c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, [Fly, lp, mp, hp, Unfly, lk, up + hp], repeat brackets until Unfly wears off. - (in corner) c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, [Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp], repeat brackets until Unfly wears off. - (in corner) c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, [airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp], repeat brackets until Unfly wears off. Guardbreaks - (against jumping opponent) j. up + hp, pause, rejump into infinite - (against jumping opponent) j. up + hk, pause, rejump into infinite - (against jumping opponent) j. lp, pause, j. up + hp (hits opponent), rejump into infinite - (against jumping opponent) j. lp, pause, (while still in air)j. mp (hits opponent), j. up + hp, rejump into infinite. Oh yeah, I just found another inf. setup. - c. lk, c. mp, sj., sj. lk, sj. lk, airdash D/F, sj. lk, sj. mk, up + hp, infinite. Connencting the PC without RB - c. lp, c. mp, Proton Cannon - j. up + hk, Proton Cannon - After infinite, Proton Cannon - Smart Bombs, Proton Cannon There are more but I'll list them later. Posted by IcarusDownworks on 12:28:2001 06:16 PM: Is there anyway to combo into PC without using the Repulsor Blast? Posted by KC0173 on 12:28:2001 11:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by IcarusDownworks Is there anyway to combo into PC without using the Repulsor Blast? (quietly whispering into IcarusDownworks' ear): read the section above in the last post before yours titled "Connecting the Proton Canon without RB" Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:28:2001 11:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 (quietly whispering into IcarusDownworks' ear): read the section above in the last post before yours titled "Connecting the Proton Canon without RB" I used up all of my 12 posts so I wasn't able to reply to him. 100% Combos without meter You must have Magneto capture type, Dhalsim ground type, or Doom AAA to do these. - Any infinite set-up, do about 3 or 4 repetitions, then do j. lp, j. mp, j. mk, j. hp quickly, call assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, up + hp, repeat. This is shown in the TeamDan Iron Man Tribute vid. It's easy to do but your opponent could tech from the throw so after the assist hits, s. hp, Proton Cannon. The PC does more damage. - Must have Magneto capture type and in corner, j. lk, j. hp, s. lp, s. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lk, mp, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam, call Mag assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam, call Mag assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam, call Mag assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam. Posted by GeekBoy on 12:29:2001 12:28 AM: That Smart Bombs Proton Cannon setup sounds pretty cool, how would you go about doing that? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:29:2001 04:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy That Smart Bombs Proton Cannon setup sounds pretty cool, how would you go about doing that? Are you asking me how to do it? Superjump, then cancel it when you're in normal jump height. When the Smart Bombs hit, you'll be on the ground and from there you can do a Proton Cannon. The distance varies, all I know is you can't do it when you're close to your opponent. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:29:2001 08:51 AM: Iron Man and War Machine: The Differences 1. Iron Man's C.Fierce makes him fire a missile that travels across the entire screen, which neutralizes single-hitting projectile attacks and does the same amount of damage from any range. War Machine's C.Fierce makes him fire a beam that covers about three-quarters of the screen. It neutralizes both fireballs and [non-super] beams and weakens the farther away it is from War Machine—it does more damage overall, than Iron Man's version. 2. Iron Man's primary projectile attack (Unibeam) makes him fire a beam, which weakens the farther away it is from him. War Machine's primary projectile (or projectiles, rather) attack makes him fire missiles, which do the same amount of damage anywhere on the screen, but do less overall damage than the Unibeam. War Machine's fierce Shoulder Cannon starts up faster than Iron Man's fierce Unibeam. 3. When Iron Man's Unibeam connects in the corner, it sets him up for a mini-air combo to air combo combination. 4. Iron Man's Proton Cannon starts up faster, does more overall damage and can be comboed into off of a C.Strong--his Proton Cannon shoots out a beam, which weakens the farther away it is from Iron Man. War Machine's Proton Cannon does not combo off of a C.Strong. His Proton Cannon shoots out missiles, which do the same amount of damage from any range. It also starts up slower than Iron Man's version. 5. War Machine has an additional super, War Destroyer, while Iron Man has only a Proton Cannon super. 6. Iron Man is faster and can combo more easily on the ground than War Machine can--Iron Man can do S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, while this doesn't work for War Machine. War Machine's s. mk recovers faster then Iron Man's though. 7. Iron Man's C.Jab, S.Roundhouse and C.Roundhouse all do less damage than War Machine's versions. *Feeling sleepy* Posted by Richter85 on 12:29:2001 10:17 AM: have this video by knowskill, it has this really neat infinite with ironman, the one where he keeps on flight canceling and dashing in the air. anyone know how to do that? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:29:2001 05:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Richter85 have this video by knowskill, it has this really neat infinite with ironman, the one where he keeps on flight canceling and dashing in the air. anyone know how to do that? That's Iron Man's Unfly mode semi-infinite. It can be done anywhere I think and you have to be in Unfly mode (there's an article about it in the articles section). It's a semi-infinite because you can only cancel out of Flight mode 5 times. - c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, [airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp], repeat brackets until Unfly wears off. Not that hard to do. __________________________________________________ ____________________ DFA: Do Ground Smart Bombs, when it hits, cancel it into a Proton Cannon. Unibeam xx Proton Cannon doesn't work. Damn 12 post per day rule. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 12:29:2001 06:13 PM: Does P.Cannon connect when you XX from a connected Unibeam? Ground Smart Bombs? Just curious. -DFA Posted by GeekBoy on 12:29:2001 06:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Does P.Cannon connect when you XX from a connected Unibeam? Ground Smart Bombs? Just curious. -DFA I think it does off a blocked Unibeam. I think the Smart Bombs cancel works with War Machine. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:30:2001 01:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Does P.Cannon connect when you XX from a connected Unibeam? Ground Smart Bombs? Just curious. -DFA If you haven't noticed, look at the post before yours for the answer to your question. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 12:30:2001 02:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo I still think his best combo is just launch, jab, short, u+fierce, u+roundhouse xx fly, jab, strong, u+fierce xx fierce unibeam. Then again, throwing in the air dash fucks up my timing from time to time. same with me but i do hk sj. lp lk lp lk up fierce dash lp lk up fierce fly lk up fierce (fierce) unibeam...... im too used to doing it too..... is that his most damage air combo? what is his strongest..? (most damage) once again thanks cerebrall assasin (god i can never spell your name right... lol) for helping to tech me learn the ironman japanese infintie.. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:30:2001 05:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA same with me but i do hk sj. lp lk lp lk up fierce dash lp lk up fierce fly lk up fierce (fierce) unibeam...... im too used to doing it too..... is that his most damage air combo? what is his strongest..? (most damage) once again thanks cerebrall assasin (god i can never spell your name right... lol) for helping to tech me learn the ironman japanese infintie.. IMO, his strongest aircombo is: c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lk, sj. up +hp, sj. up +hk, airdash up, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, Fly, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam. Does good damage because of all the Fierce and Roundhouses in it. Or his Unfly mode semi-infinite, also does good damage. And you're welcome. Just call me TCA, that's easier to spell. Posted by ¢LoN£ on 12:30:2001 02:59 PM: when i tried to do up+hp after unfly he falls and i cant hit Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 12:30:2001 03:28 PM: i think his best combo is : c.LP, c.LP, XX fly, LP, LP, LK, u.HP, LP Unibeam or after the .HP, land do another and start the infinite Posted by popoblo on 12:30:2001 06:04 PM: i can't even do the damn infinite, that's why most of my game relies around smart bombs and small otg's. i don't know why i can't do it... Posted by Raz0r on 12:30:2001 06:17 PM: Damn Miguel, you have THAT much free time in your hands now that you're in Cali? Good shit, but will that help against my superior BH. Lol, see ya. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:30:2001 06:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by ¢LoN£ when i tried to do up+hp after unfly he falls and i cant hit There's an article about Unfly mode in the articles section. Read that. Raz0r: Yes, I have that much time on my hands. I'm on winter break and my friends have gone AWOL. Posted by Repulsorgiest on 12:30:2001 07:12 PM: Why has nobody metioned his allternet infinet im like the only person that dose it its very flashy .All right this how it gos wile doing the reguler inf after you land [sj short short air dash forward short short up+firece] repet hope ya like peace im out Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:30:2001 08:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Repulsorgiest Why has nobody metioned his allternet infinet im like the only person that dose it its very flashy .All right this how it gos wile doing the reguler inf after you land [sj short short air dash forward short short up+firece] repet hope ya like peace im out This works? Doesn't the short knock his opponent too high? I do sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, repeat. But I'd rather do his normal infinite, which is easier. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 12:30:2001 08:08 PM: wow. TCA man today just i got to arcade i did the unfly infinite aircombo ended with a unibeam then throw with magnus capture and did the infinite...... and also i used c.lp c.lp fly lk unfly lp up fierce infinite set-up and in corner hp fly lk up fierce unfly up fierce repeat...... it was the greatest....... can u give me a strategy for sentinel unfly mode trap i cant find it in search thread, maybe becuase of my bad english... Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:30:2001 08:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA wow. TCA man today just i got to arcade i did the unfly infinite aircombo ended with a unibeam then throw with magnus capture and did the infinite...... and also i used c.lp c.lp fly lk unfly lp up fierce infinite set-up and in corner hp fly lk up fierce unfly up fierce repeat...... it was the greatest....... can u give me a strategy for sentinel unfly mode trap i cant find it in search thread, maybe becuase of my bad english... Do you want a strategy against Sentinel or a Sent Unfly mode trap? Here are some strats against Sent. - When he normal jumps, guard break him into the infinite. - When you anticipate a Rocket Punch from him, Proton Cannon his ass. - Pin him down by superjumping and throwing Smart Bombs, then as you're falling, follow them up with sj. hp. - Rush him down, but don't overdo it if he has a good AAA. - If he Unflys close to you, infinite him. Posted by GeekBoy on 12:30:2001 10:24 PM: I don't think Proton Cannon activation will beat a Rocket Punch, Rocket Punch will usually hit. Only times I PC with Sent is: -Too close when he unflys -When he unflys far away -Comboed in -Guard break Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 12:30:2001 11:24 PM: i want tips do do it.... i saw in one vid a sentinel with another sentinel on groung and he woul like jump do lk plus sent assist lk fly lk unfly lk assists hits and then like on the ground still in stun from the droids lp lp rocket punch HSF repeat........ its was crazy Posted by ¢LoN£ on 12:31:2001 01:53 AM: i read it still dont get it. just tell me what i have 2 do 2 hit Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:31:2001 03:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I don't think Proton Cannon activation will beat a Rocket Punch, Rocket Punch will usually hit. Only times I PC with Sent is: -Too close when he unflys -When he unflys far away -Comboed in -Guard break Uh, yes it will hit. If you anticipate the Rocket Punch and then do a Proton Cannon, it will out prioritize the Rocket Punch and hit Sentinel. More proof: go to and download the TeamDan Iron Man Tribute vid, it shows it there. CloNe: To set up Unfly mode, just allow your character to be hit by a move that knocks you of your feet but your character should be able to flip and return to standing position. example: Cammy AAA, Cyc AAA, Mag's s. hp, a launcher (opponent doesn't do an aircombo), Storm's s. hp, Cable's hk throw, Ken AAA, etc. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 12:31:2001 04:45 PM: *bump* Jeez, this fell down fast. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 12:31:2001 06:13 PM: TCA can u give me tips for doing the unfly sent trap? lol Posted by Repulsorgiest on 12:31:2001 06:19 PM: yes that inf works TCA its not that hard ether =) ask me if ya need help peace im out. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 12:31:2001 09:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA TCA can u give me tips for doing the unfly sent trap? lol Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:01:2002 02:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Repulsorgiest yes that inf works TCA its not that hard ether =) ask me if ya need help peace im out. Actually, I don't need any Iron Man help. I already mastered him. MagStormPsy4EvA: Uh, I'm not that good with Sentinel. All I know is you have to be in Unfly mode, jump, j. lk, j. hk, Fly, j. hk, Call CapCom assist, Unfly, j. lk, j. mk, repeat. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:01:2002 02:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA TCA can u give me tips for doing the unfly sent trap? lol Read the article. Basically, any unfly offense with Sentinel will usually take advantage of the fact that Sentinel can block after he unflys. Remember, you lose unfly after 5-6 unflys or normal jumping (so either sj.RH XX Fly or c.FP_s.FP XX Fly to start an offense). If you're fighting Cable, you're mainly gonna take advantage of the block you get coming out from flying, otherwise, you can start doing really annoying things. What I do with Sent/Doom if fly, fly.RH, unfly + Doom, dash back, c.FP XX Fly, fly.Fierce + Doom, fly higher, fly.RH, unfly + RH, stuff like that is annoying. This works best in corner, BTW. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:01:2002 02:35 AM: thanks geek heh Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:01:2002 02:41 AM: i got an im combo from nun that i saw at gc laucnher,cc u+f hp, dash down, lp, u+f hp, then the infinity of lp,lp,lk,hp im learning that from now on hehehe Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:01:2002 02:58 AM: old combo, plus its really easy Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:01:2002 03:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR i got an im combo from nun that i saw at gc laucnher,cc u+f hp, dash down, lp, u+f hp, then the infinity of lp,lp,lk,hp im learning that from now on hehehe Old stuff. Don't you mean down + hp, dash D/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp? Geekboy: Oh, ok. TNPR said it was a combo. Damn 12 post limit shit, I haven't even posted 12 times today yet. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:01:2002 03:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Old stuff. Don't you mean down + hp, dash D/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp? He means the reset one, where you trick people into not blocking. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:01:2002 05:56 AM: Geekboy: Oh, ok. TNPR said it was a combo. Damn 12 post limit shit, I haven't even posted 12 times today yet. Happy New Year everyone. Almost 3 pages. Damn, I need an Ironman Avatar. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:01:2002 07:41 AM: can u make me one TCA? it doesnt matter how complicated..... it would be nice if it had IM doing the jap setup teehee..... Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:01:2002 07:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA can u make me one TCA? it doesnt matter how complicated..... it would be nice if it had IM doing the jap setup teehee..... I would if I knew how. I can't make an avatar for jack shit. Check Image Mishmash, start a thread requesting for an avatar, then hopefully someone will pick up your request and make one for you. Posted by ¢LoN£ on 01:01:2002 12:56 PM: im still having problems with that unfly thing. i got the launch lp,lk,lp,lk up hp ad/uf up hp fly lp lp up hp now this is the part i unfly but he just goes straight down. all i want to know does it have 2 do with timing?or... Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:01:2002 06:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by ¢LoN£ im still having problems with that unfly thing. i got the launch lp,lk,lp,lk up hp ad/uf up hp fly lp lp up hp now this is the part i unfly but he just goes straight down. all i want to know does it have 2 do with timing?or... If you're in Unfly mode, you should be able to do anything after Unflying. After you unfly, then do up + hp and continue the rest. To setup Unfly mode, allow yourself to be hit with a move like Magneto s. hp, Cammy AAA, Cyc AAA, or Cable's kick throw. Once you get hit by one of these, you'll be in Unfly mode. DON'T NORMAL JUMP, it cancel's Unfly mode. Superjumping is ok. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:02:2002 03:59 AM: *bump* Does anyone know the background music in the TeamDan Ironman Tribute vid? Posted by ¢LoN£ on 01:02:2002 06:34 AM: wut do being hit have 2 do if im doing the combo and when i unfly it seems i cant hit after that i just drop i cant up hp Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:02:2002 06:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by ¢LoN£ wut do being hit have 2 do if im doing the combo and when i unfly it seems i cant hit after that i just drop i cant up hp Allowing yourself to be hit sets up Unfly mode. Try it. Get your character hit by let's say Storm's launcher. When you land, Fly, then Unfly and press an attack button, then voila, IM does an attack! Don't normal jump though, it cancels Ufly mode. Just read the article. <--- HAHAHA, NEW AVATAR. I made it myself. Posted by RushDownNinja on 01:02:2002 08:47 PM: sup im an IM newbie and was wondering how this infinite setups work quote: - c. lk, c. mp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp, infinite the unfly part, is it cancel fly or go into unfly mode? and if its unfly mode can sumone explain how it works? i mean how can u continue the combo when u have to get hit to enter unfly mode? can sumone give me a situation and explain wats goin on? thanx. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:02:2002 09:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by RushDownNinja sup im an IM newbie and was wondering how this infinite setups work the unfly part, is it cancel fly or go into unfly mode? and if its unfly mode can sumone explain how it works? i mean how can u continue the combo when u have to get hit to enter unfly mode? can sumone give me a situation and explain wats goin on? thanx. Cancelling fly, when you were put in the right circumstances, is effect being put into unfly mode. Unfly mode activates when you're in fly mode and been hit by a move that doesn't flip you on your back (Storm and Magneto s.FP, Launchers that aren't followed by combos, and the most common: Anti Airs). Basically, Unfly mode allows you to have an extra action when you unfly, meaning you're able to block, do an extra move (as in the case with Iron Man), or call an assist, you wouldn't be able to do that setup otherwise. Normal jumping would immediately cancel the Unfly mode and you wouldn't be able to do that setup anymore. But, if you were careful, it would still decay after a while (5-6 uses). so: c.LK, c.LP XX Fly (Activate fly), LP, LP, uFP, Unfly (Deactivate fly), uFP (Do when coming out of fly), land, infinite. Hope this helped. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:02:2002 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by RushDownNinja sup im an IM newbie and was wondering how this infinite setups work the unfly part, is it cancel fly or go into unfly mode? and if its unfly mode can sumone explain how it works? i mean how can u continue the combo when u have to get hit to enter unfly mode? can sumone give me a situation and explain wats goin on? thanx. After you do the lp, mp, up + hp part, you cance Flight mode and then you can do up + hp while falling and proceed with the infinite. The Unfly part means to cancel Fly btw. You have to be in Unfly mode to do this setup or IM will just fall straight down after you Unfly. There's an article about Unfly mode in the articles section called "Advanced Flying Tactics". Read that. Ok, for example, when you get hit by Cammy AAA, she knocks you off your feet but you flip and land back on your feet. You are now in Unfly mode. When in Unfly mode, you are allowed to move after Unflying, which you can't do if you're not in Unfly mode. Normal jumping in Unfly mode will cancel it or Unflying 5 times. It's confusing but it'd be clearer if you read the article. Posted by Voodoo on 01:02:2002 09:46 PM: How should the joystick be moving in a c.strong xx sj? Whenever I do it, it looks like shit - and the joystick motion is most definetly *not* smooth. I'll try like c.strong (holding down), then do some fucked up motion like up down up or something, I can't explain it heh. Anyway, it looks horrible. Mind you the actual rest of the combo isn't hard, just the xx sj. Any pointers? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:02:2002 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo How should the joystick be moving in a c.strong xx sj? Whenever I do it, it looks like shit - and the joystick motion is most definetly *not* smooth. I'll try like c.strong (holding down), then do some fucked up motion like up down up or something, I can't explain it heh. Anyway, it looks horrible. Mind you the actual rest of the combo isn't hard, just the xx sj. Any pointers? I take it that you're talking about the crouch cancel infinite setup. After c. strong, leave the joystick back to it's neutral position, then do the reverse tigerknee and you should see IM sj. And yeah, you can hold down then do the reverse tigerknee like it was a special move motion. Hope this helps or if you need more help, just holler. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:02:2002 10:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I take it that you're talking about the crouch cancel infinite setup. After c. strong, leave the joystick back to it's neutral position, then do the reverse tigerknee and you should see IM sj. And yeah, you can hold down then do the reverse tigerknee like it was a special move motion. Hope this helps or if you need more help, just holler. Wait, now I'm confused. So you don't have to reset the joystick or what? Posted by RushDownNinja on 01:03:2002 03:58 AM: ohhhh thas how it works...i knew that. wow thanx for the help. ima try that out rite now. latez. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:03:2002 04:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Wait, now I'm confused. So you don't have to reset the joystick or what? You can reset the joystick back to its neutral position or you could do the reverse tigerknee like it was a special move and they would both work. Choose whatever's easier for you. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:03:2002 04:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin You can reset the joystick back to its neutral position or you could do the reverse tigerknee like it was a special move and they would both work. Choose whatever's easier for you. So you can still hold down and reverse tigerknee? Posted by Voodoo on 01:03:2002 05:11 AM: So it could look something like this? (holding down) short, strong (down-back, back, up-back) jab -> dash, etc. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:03:2002 05:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo So it could look something like this? (holding down) short, strong (down-back, back, up-back) jab -> dash, etc. yeah, exactly that. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:03:2002 05:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy So you can still hold down and reverse tigerknee? Yeah. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:03:2002 05:23 AM: erm.... TCA i told u the song? any thank you's? hehe..... i found and use a new IM inf. setup..... in corner: c.lp (LP) unibeam call an assist like magneto capture or doom AAA or storm projectile or maybe even thanos capture or spiderman capture but just m,ainly doom mags and storm Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:03:2002 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA erm.... TCA i told u the song? any thank you's? hehe..... i found and use a new IM inf. setup..... in corner: c.lp (LP) unibeam call an assist like magneto capture or doom AAA or storm projectile or maybe even thanos capture or spiderman capture but just m,ainly doom mags and storm Thanks, I'm downloading it from Audiogalaxy right now. And your new setup is old news, sorry to burst your bubble. It can be also done in midscreen with Magneto's Hypergrav assist. ex: c. lp(call assist), c. mp, Jab Unibeam, assist hits, infinite away. It doesn't work against anyone btw. I don't use it too much. Here's another setup with Doom AAA c. lk, c. mp (call Doom AAA), s. hk, sj., sj. down + hp, airdash D/F, whiffed sj. lp, Fierce throw, assist hits (otg), up + hp while still in air, infinite. It can be a 100% combo if you add in a Proton Cannon after the infinite. Posted by ¢LoN£ on 01:03:2002 01:32 PM: man this fly/unfly is confusing u talkin bout reading the article i dont know how many times u said if im askin u how to do it that means that i dont understand the article. i read it confused, u confusing me. just for get it my ironman will lack fly/unfly combos. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:03:2002 05:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by ¢LoN£ man this fly/unfly is confusing u talkin bout reading the article i dont know how many times u said if im askin u how to do it that means that i dont understand the article. i read it confused, u confusing me. just for get it my ironman will lack fly/unfly combos. Read Geekboy's post about Unfly mode. He said it better than I did. Cancelling fly, when you were put in the right circumstances, is effect being put into unfly mode. Unfly mode activates when you're in fly mode and been hit by a move that doesn't flip you on your back (Storm and Magneto s.FP, Launchers that aren't followed by combos, and the most common: Anti Airs). Basically, Unfly mode allows you to have an extra action when you unfly, meaning you're able to block, do an extra move (as in the case with Iron Man), or call an assist, you wouldn't be able to do that setup otherwise. Normal jumping would immediately cancel the Unfly mode and you wouldn't be able to do that setup anymore. But, if you were careful, it would still decay after a while (5-6 uses). Posted by GeekBoy on 01:03:2002 11:25 PM: Bump to the izzo Topic to the izzay Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:04:2002 12:34 AM: I'm bored out of my mind here. The Best Assists for Iron Man (in no particular order) - Doom AAA - Magneto Capture - Dhalsim Ground - Psylocke AAA - Cable AAA - Sentinel Ground - Cyclops AAA - Storm Projectile How to setup the infinite With Doom AAA: c. lk (call Doom), c. mk, assist hits (otg), dash forward, start infinite with j. lk. c. lk, c. mp (call Doom AAA), s. hk, sj., sj. down + hp, airdash D/F, whiffed sj. lp, Fierce throw, assist hits (otg), up + hp while still in air, infinite. j. lk (call Doom), j. mk, assist hits, j. lk, j. mp, j. mk, j. up + hp, infinite. (corner only) c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. down + hp, assist hits, sj. up + hp, infinite. With Magneto Capture: (call Mag) Fierce throw, assist hits, infinite. s. lp (call Mag), s. lk, s. mp, s. mk, assist hits, infinite. s. lp (call Mag), s. lk, c. mp, assist hits, infinite. (corner only) s. hk (call Mag), sj., sj. lp, sj. up + hp, assist hits, sj. up + hp, infinite. With Dhalsim Ground: (call Sim) Fierce throw, assist hits, infinite. s. hk (call Sim), sj., sj. down + hp, assist hits, airdash D/F, sj. up + hp, infinite. With Psylocke AAA: s. lp (call Psy), s. mp, assist hits, infinite. With Cable AAA: Same as Psy, doesn't work on big characters (Juggy, Sent, BH). With Sentinel Ground: (corner only) (call Sent) Fierce throw, assist hits, start infinite with j. lk. With Cyc AAA: s. lp (call Cyc), s. mp, assist hits, j. hp, airdash D/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. With Storm Projectile: (call Storm) Fierce throw, assist hits, start infinite with j. lk. c. lk (call Storm), c. mk, s. lk (otg), assist hits, start infinite with j. lk. Teams for Iron Man Iron Man Proj./Magneto Capt./Doom AAA Iron Man Proj./Magneto Capt./Psylocke AAA Iron Man Proj./Magneto Capt./Cable AAA Iron Man AAA/Storm Proj./Sentinel Ground Iron Man Proj. or AAA/Storm Proj./Cable AAA Iron Man Proj./Cable AAA/Sentinel Ground Iron Man Proj./Cable AAA/CapCom AAA Iron Man Proj./Sentinel Ground/Psylocke AAA Dhalsim Ground/Iron Man Proj./Cable AAA I'll add a few more a little later. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:04:2002 02:20 AM: do this like i always do use ironman/doom/commando im doom u just dash and throw rocks and fly and unfly to confuse every people but with cable throw commando to confuse them hehe if u got any problems pm me anyway ironman=projectile type dr.doom=anti air type jin=expansion trust me on this one is worth it because jins typhoon lats like 5 seconds and u can do anything with my im of confusing the opponent Posted by Voodoo on 01:04:2002 04:01 AM: IM's AAA is the d0ng. It's slow to startup, he stays on the screen forever, but it's confusing as hell and it can hit 4 times. If you're using Mags/Storm you can usually get a quick OTG after the hit since it'll usually send someone flying to the otherside of the screen. Or with BH in do c.short(+assist), c.strong, inferno xx hod. Good times. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:04:2002 05:13 AM: I had to burn a post to reply back to this thread. Hey, I care. Iron Man's AAA is a good assist, however, it has bad recovery at the end and it has a little long start up time. It's good for rushdown characters (Magneto, Storm, Sentinel, etc.) and it confuses them. Once they're hit, free combo. Iron Man AAA hits both front and back, which is a good thing. And yeah, Jin expansion type is good for confusing, setting up IM's infinite, and it's good as cover for IM to sj. and throw Smart Bombs. Anyways, what's your team that includes Iron Man? Mine is Iron Man Proj./Magneto Capt./Doom AAA. It's a good team. It can chip well, rush that shit down well, and play good keepaway. Lots of infinite setups from Mag/Doom, and both IM and Mag go well with Doom. Posted by KC0173 on 01:04:2002 11:44 AM: my iron man team as of now is: ironman(proj)/cable(AAA)/doom(AAA) hey TCA, when i use doom's AAA to set up infinite, i usually do a + doom,, (doom's rock OTG), j.up+hp, infinite. sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. should i start it with a instead of the j.lp? Posted by ¢LoN£ on 01:04:2002 03:46 PM: yes u should the way i do is lk + doom assist mk dash, lp, lk,up + hp infinite Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:04:2002 05:50 PM: great avatar TCA..... ya almost any assist can be setup with plus cap AAA, plus storm, plus tron projectile, plus BH AAA, and i believe plus cammy AAA but sometimes after the u cant set it up with lk lp lk up fierce sometimes u sj. then dash down then lk then jump lk lk up fierce then do the infinite Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:04:2002 06:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 my iron man team as of now is: ironman(proj)/cable(AAA)/doom(AAA) hey TCA, when i use doom's AAA to set up infinite, i usually do a + doom,, (doom's rock OTG), j.up+hp, infinite. sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. should i start it with a instead of the j.lp? You should start it with j. lk. You opponent can roll out of this setup so be aware of that. IM/Cable/Doom is a great team. I think one of the Japanese used it at B5 and did well. Oh yeah, here's another good infinite setup with Doom AAA. c. lk, c. mp (call Doom), s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, sj. down + hp, assist hits, sj. up + hp while falling, infinite. MSP4EvA: Thanks, n817azn made this avatar for me. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:04:2002 07:55 PM: TCA clean out your PM box.... Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:05:2002 12:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA TCA clean out your PM box.... Uh, sure. *cleans out his PM box* Or you could just Email me. It's: Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:05:2002 01:33 AM: yea im aaa owns as a matter of fact try using this team magneto,im,psylocke magneto=capture im=projectile psylocke=anti air man its worth it cause when u r doing combos on the corner u grab him in the air and throw magnus then u keep going and going and going just ask anyone even the assasin lol Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:05:2002 05:09 AM: Magneto Capt./Iron Man Proj./Psylocke AAA is a good team. You can start the match with Magneto or Iron Man, but I prefer Iron Man. Nice DHC's with this team and there are a couple of 100% combos. I would trade Psy for Doom though, I just like Doom better than Psy. Doom's a better point character than Psy, who IMO sucks at point. Damn, I can't believe Sepehr hasn't replied to this thread yet. He'll be here. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:05:2002 04:51 PM: *Bump* Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:05:2002 05:09 PM: yo cerebral assasin im mad cause one of my friends at srk i just played with him and all and of course i havent played with him in a while like 1 week ago but have this happened to u sometimes?u know like u go to arcades then u use your ironman then all of sudden he starts to beat u and u feel like this is not my day to beat or something well it happened to me yesterday with my new ANTI AIR CABLE IM,DOOM AND COMMANDO and he used bh,cable and doom which btw im not very easily beaten with my team so then he has beaten me 3 times and i beat him only once then he goes mad but when he was beating me he was like showing off now he did a post saying to me oh tnprironman is really shitty i dont know why i have played with him again man that pisses me off its one of those ignorant peoples buti own him in cvs2 and he sucks Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:05:2002 07:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR yo cerebral assasin im mad cause one of my friends at srk i just played with him and all and of course i havent played with him in a while like 1 week ago but have this happened to u sometimes?u know like u go to arcades then u use your ironman then all of sudden he starts to beat u and u feel like this is not my day to beat or something well it happened to me yesterday with my new ANTI AIR CABLE IM,DOOM AND COMMANDO and he used bh,cable and doom which btw im not very easily beaten with my team so then he has beaten me 3 times and i beat him only once then he goes mad but when he was beating me he was like showing off now he did a post saying to me oh tnprironman is really shitty i dont know why i have played with him again man that pisses me off its one of those ignorant peoples buti own him in cvs2 and he sucks It never happens to me. He must be practicing or learning new strats for his characters. Or he may have watched you play IM and learned some tactics to beat you. If it did happen to me, yeah, I'd be pissed too. And I haven't played CvS2 yet. My arcade still doesn't have it. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:06:2002 03:39 AM: Just bump that shit back to the 1st page. Posted by mixup on 01:06:2002 05:47 AM: I'm trying to find an interesting team for my Im and i have this question, if bone wolverine goes low{his assist} and Im's jumping lk hits high, how can you block? i think i will cheat using them and some infinite set-ups from that anyone ever tried that before? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:06:2002 05:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup I'm trying to find an interesting team for my Im and i have this question, if bone wolverine goes low{his assist} and Im's jumping lk hits high, how can you block? i think i will cheat using them and some infinite set-ups from that anyone ever tried that before? Nope, you can't do that. But here's another way. IM's s. lk is just like Mag's c. lk, they can both juggle an opponent before he or she hits the floor. Which means if Bonerine does his assist and you do s. lk at the right moment, you'll be able to JUGGLE your opponent and your oppnent can't roll out of it. You can do IM's Jap Inf. Setup from that. Posted by n817azn on 01:06:2002 07:22 AM: Thought that i would just add my 2 cents in here, as Iron Man is my best guy. 2 other assists that were not mentioned which work great is magnetos projectile, although it requires a bit more timing, and also captain commando's aaa, also works great. Plus along with that captain commandos assist works great teamed with iron mans air combo. Heh, well i guess there is my 2 cents for now, haven't been in S&T for a while. n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 01:06:2002 05:59 PM: Are there any real setups from Magneto-Proj? Posted by n817azn on 01:06:2002 06:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Are there any real setups from Magneto-Proj? Yes there is i use it all the time. normal jump, ad df, lk + mags proj., lk,(proj. hits), land, ad f(on the ground), jump up and inf. Works great. n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 01:06:2002 06:15 PM: Would it work from his c.LK, c.LP chain? Or would it push them too far away? Posted by n817azn on 01:06:2002 06:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Would it work from his c.LK, c.LP chain? Or would it push them too far away? Nope it would push them too far away. It might work in the corner though. n8 Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:06:2002 07:40 PM: another combo to infinite to proton cannon yayyyyyyyyyy do the infinity then when u reached to the corner HP,DOWN HK,CROUCHCANCELING(lp,dash,mp,up forward hp) THEN down lp, down mp, PROTON CANNON just in case ok if no one knew that Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:06:2002 08:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Thought that i would just add my 2 cents in here, as Iron Man is my best guy. 2 other assists that were not mentioned which work great is magnetos projectile, although it requires a bit more timing, and also captain commando's aaa, also works great. Plus along with that captain commandos assist works great teamed with iron mans air combo. Heh, well i guess there is my 2 cents for now, haven't been in S&T for a while. n8 Yeah, Mag Projectile is good but the only thing I have against it is that it's hard to setup in a combo unlike Capture type. CapCom AAA is also great assist, adds damage in his aircombos during flight, and okay at setting up his infinite. TruenewbiePR: I never knew that worked, lemme try that. Geekboy: Check out The Maximum Effect Forums, they were considering you to be a S&T mod there. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:07:2002 03:11 AM: assasin it's a good thing that im here supporting ironman cause for me he is top tier only in my list heheeh cya all!!!!! btw i sat that combo in a vid of gc of nun or something Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:07:2002 06:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR assasin it's a good thing that im here supporting ironman cause for me he is top tier only in my list heheeh cya all!!!!! btw i sat that combo in a vid of gc of nun or something Iron Man isn't accepted as a top tier character by the MvC2 community, even though I still think he should be top tier. I don't care if he is or he isn't, all I care about is winning with him. btw, that PC setup after IM infinite is a little hard. I can't seem to connect c. hk after his s. hp. Posted by N. D. Wolfwood on 01:07:2002 04:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA same with me but i do hk sj. lp lk lp lk up fierce dash lp lk up fierce fly lk up fierce (fierce) unibeam...... im too used to doing it too..... is that his most damage air combo? what is his strongest..? (most damadge?) I Think the most damaging regular air combo is: (,,, sj.,, sj.U+hp, sj.U+hk, Airdash, sj.U+Hp, sj.U+hk, Fly, sj.U+hp, Feirce UniBeam) this combo does somewhere between 50-70% damadge and is not that hard to get off on someone. Posted by Kuroi Kaze on 01:07:2002 05:50 PM: i need a bit more specifics to finish off my infinite with the proton cannon...i do the repetitions about 20 or so times and they wind up in the corner and since i'm not perfect i will screw up the infinite eventually so if i can get it connect to the pc it will really help me out...i've tried your simple suggestion of just hp but after doing the uf + hp then doing hp it doesn't link? any help Posted by GeekBoy on 01:07:2002 06:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Kuroi Kaze i need a bit more specifics to finish off my infinite with the proton cannon...i do the repetitions about 20 or so times and they wind up in the corner and since i'm not perfect i will screw up the infinite eventually so if i can get it connect to the pc it will really help me out...i've tried your simple suggestion of just hp but after doing the uf + hp then doing hp it doesn't link? any help Basically, when you get up to like 50-odd hits, and in the corner, you do it, since auto-dizzy will set in in like 55 hits with IM's infinite. For any PC link from the infinite, you have to do one set of the infinite faster than usual, then one at normal speed, then land, s.FP XX Proton Cannon. The reason for that is because they need to be a bit lower in order for the s.FP to connect. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:08:2002 12:10 AM: Or you could finish off the infinite with a Proton Cannon this way. After you get about 36-40 hits, jump straight up and do the infinite repetition slowly and as soon as you land, Proton Cannon away. This also works everywhere on the screen but don't jump straight up though. Note that the auto-dizzy effect is different for every character. For example, Cable can take about 44 hits then he'll dizzy. Cyclops, on the other hand, can take more hits than Cable, around 50-55. Maybe I should do a FAQ about this when I have some free time. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:08:2002 02:27 AM: ok assasin well its hard yes but its easy for me now because i will tell u the problem ok while u r doing the infinity to your opponent make sure that u r doing it slowly be4 he hits on the ground then u HP him,then rapidly DOWN HK, crouchcanceling then lp, down lp, PROTON CANNONNNNNNNNN AND THERE U GO!!!!! Posted by Gen2000 on 01:08:2002 03:51 AM: Wow, I'm really suprised at how popular Ironman is getting lately. Its like everywhere I go I see Ironman topics. I had quit using Ironman long ago, but now I might start back playing him. Heh, I thought I was the only one (or crazy) who thought Ironman was a good match against Sentinel, lol. Back then though, we didn't know about his 18321883243 set-ups of infinties, we only knew about 20 then, Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:08:2002 05:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 Wow, I'm really suprised at how popular Ironman is getting lately. Its like everywhere I go I see Ironman topics. I had quit using Ironman long ago, but now I might start back playing him. Heh, I thought I was the only one (or crazy) who thought Ironman was a good match against Sentinel, lol. Back then though, we didn't know about his 18321883243 set-ups of infinties, we only knew about 20 then, There are some infinite setups that haven't been discovered yet, but I'll find them. btw, check your PMs. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:08:2002 11:43 PM: *Bump* I'll add some info on Iron Man's normals in a little while. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:09:2002 02:51 AM: Iron Man’s Normals Punches Jabs Standing Jab: Your average jab. Has decent range and good for poking opponents. Good startup time. Also a good anti-air. Crouching Jab: Just like S. Jab except that it’s done while crouching. Can be blocked high and low. Jumping Jab: This attack also has good range and starts fast. This helps alot in Iron Man’s infinite because of it’s range. For example, if you catch somone in the air while jumping straight up with Iron Man’s J. Jab and follow it up with J. Up + Fierce, you can jump Up/Forward with J. Jab and still hit your opponent with it. You can test it out by backing up a few steps back from your jumping opponent in Training Mode. Strongs Standing Strong: Better range than his S. Jab and has good startup time. However, it doesn’t have good recovery time and can be punished by attacks that start quickly (ie: AHVB, Sonic Hurricane, Somersault Justice, Shoryureppa, Berserker Barrage X, Fireballs, etc.). Also a good anti-air. Crouching Strong: An uppercut attack that has good startup time but has bad range and recovery. One of his most important attacks because it sets up his: Launcher, C. Roundhouse (if done in corner, follow it up with a Jab Unibeam then Infinite), S. Fierce (if done in corner, cancel it into a Proton Cannon), Jab Repulsor Blast (if Iron Man is trapped in corner, do his Repulsor Blast Infinite), Jab Unibeam (works on certain characters), Proton Cannon, and last, but not least, the Japanese Iron Man Infinite setup, in my opinion, his best anywhere Infinite setup. Jumping Strong: Good range, startup and recovery time. Fierces Standing Fierce: Bad startup and recovery time. But it has better range than his Jabs and Strongs and a good attack against dash-ins and Tri-Jumpers. It’s okay as an anti-air. Crouching Fierce: Iron Man sends out a missile. It neutralizes fireballs and it can be canceled into a Proton Cannon, Unibeam, Repulsor Blast, and Flight. It has bad startup and recovery time. Jumping Fierce: Neutral Version: It starts up quickly and it has good recovery time for a Fierce attack. It also has great range and does well in air-to-air confrontations. Up + Fierce: Just like the Neutral version of his J. Fierce except that hits opponents higher than him. Also does well in air-to-air confrontations. Down + Fierce: Hits opponents lower than him, has good startup and recovery time, and has great range. The bad thing about it is that it isn’t an overhead attack. Kicks Shorts Standing Short: Good startup and recovery time, but it has limited range. It can juggle an opponent if timed right and it OTG’s. Crouching Short: It doesn’t have the best startup and recovery time but it’s a good poke and it OTG’s. Jumping Short: It has a downward angle and can overhead opponents. Good startup and recovery. If you hit someone in the air with this, your opponent will be sent higher than Iron Man. Kinda weird for an attack with a downward angle. Forwards Standing Forward: It doesn’t have the best startup time and it has horrible recovery time but it has good range. Crouching Forward: Iron Man’s knockdown attack. Good startup time but it has bad recovery. You can OTG your opponent with C. or S. short. Jumping Forward: Good range, startup and recovery time. Also overheads an opponent. Roundhouses Standing Roundhouse: Iron Man’s launcher. It has good startup but it has horrible recovery and has bad range. It’s also a good anti-air attack. Crouching Roundhouse: Starts up quickly but has bad recovery time. It has great range, it can be used as an anti-air attack, and does well against dash-ins and Tri-Jumpers. Jumping Roundhouse: This attack overheads a crouching opponent directly below him. Has good startup but has little recovery at the end. Jumping Up + Roundhouse: Knocks a standing opponent into the air and you can Infinite them afterwards. If you do this against somone in the air though, it will also knock them upwards. It has good startup and recovery time. Jumping Down + Roundhouse: It can overhead a crouching opponent and it has good startup time but has horrible recovery when he either hits his opponent or if his opponent blocks it. To fix this problem, just cancel it into Smart Bombs, an Airdash or Unibeam. Combos will be next. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:09:2002 08:02 PM: yo cerebral assasin i forgot to tell u nun has taught me that combo the one that i told u about the inf on proton cannon hehe take care if u got anymore questions let me know!!!!!!!!!! me and assassin owns Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:09:2002 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR yo cerebral assasin i forgot to tell u nun has taught me that combo the one that i told u about the inf on proton cannon hehe take care if u got anymore questions let me know!!!!!!!!!! me and assassin owns He did huh? Personally? I can do it now but it's something I won't use in a match. S. Fierce is easier, way easier. And look forward to some combos in my next post. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:10:2002 12:24 AM: Micalleneous Iron Man Combos Credit to Daniel "PhatDan81" Finch. 1. S.Jab, Snapback 2. C.Fierce, Unibeam 3. C.Fierce, Smart Bombs 4. J.D.Fierce, S.Jab, S.Strong, Snapback 5. S.Jab, S.Strong, Unibeam 6. S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Fierce, Unibeam 7. J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, Snapback 8. C.Short, C.Strong, Unibeam 9. C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce, Unibeam 10. Smart Bombs (2-Hit), Proton Cannon 11. C.Fierce, Smart Bombs (2-Hit), Proton Cannon 12. J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, Proton Cannon 13. C.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon 14. J.D.Fierce, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, [AC Finisher]) 15. J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Proton Cannon 16. C.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, [AC Finisher]) 17. C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 18. C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 19. C.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 20. Tag In, S.Fierce, Unibeam 21. Tag In, S.Jab, Unibeam 22. Tag In, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) CORNER COMBOS 23. Air Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Roundhouse, Unibeam, JF.(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 24. Air Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce, Unibeam, JF.(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 25. C.Fierce, Repulsor Blast, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 26. C.Fierce, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon, C.Short(OTG), C.Roundhouse, Unibeam, JF.(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 27. Air Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, Proton Cannon, C.Short(OTG), C.Roundhouse, Unibeam, JF.(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) 28. C.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon, C.Short(OTG), C.Roundhouse, Unibeam, JF.(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Flight Mode (Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse, Unibeam) Add some more if you want. Edit: Hey Gen2000, I cleaned out my PM box so you can PM me. Posted by KC0173 on 01:10:2002 02:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Standing Fierce: Bad startup and recovery time. But it has better range than his Jabs and Strongs and a good attack against dash-ins and Tri-Jumpers. It’s okay as an anti-air. [/B] just a little knit-picking, but you forgot to mention that his standing fierce eats up most projectiles if i'm not mistaken. i believe it was in team dan's iron man tribute. they had a section where they had him cancelling iceman's ice beam with his standing fierce. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:10:2002 04:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 just a little knit-picking, but you forgot to mention that his standing fierce eats up most projectiles if i'm not mistaken. i believe it was in team dan's iron man tribute. they had a section where they had him cancelling iceman's ice beam with his standing fierce. Forgot about dat. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:10:2002 02:05 PM: assasin yo man u got some good stuff going on there but why does people think that ironman is low tier?he is top tier on ground people only but on air no :-( Posted by KC0173 on 01:10:2002 09:02 PM: i was wondering what's the best to have a good offense w/ironman. right now, when i use doom or sent, i try to use their assists to cover me and i try to do a tri-jump type move w/his short kick so i can get into a launch. are there any other ways to get into your opponment w/ironman? what are some advanced strats that you'd use against people that know what they're doing? right now, my iron man teams are: ironman(proj)/cable(AAA)/doom(AAA) ironman(proj)/sent(ground)/cable or capcom (AAA) and i'm experimenting w/ ironman(AAA)/storm(proj)/doom(AAA) Posted by Strider Hiryu on 01:10:2002 10:34 PM: hello fellows... My IM is pretty good... although there is one thing ive never figured out... Suppose i start the infinite, get to the corner, and launch... How do i go about restarting the infnite? I mean i know from the ground, its just launch, sj lp, sj lk, sj hp, pause, sj hk, OTG jumping lk, infinite... However, launchingfrom the infinite, the opponent is slightly more elevated, so that thecmbo i mentioned doesnt work... so if you could help me on that, that would be great.. Another IM strat... Reset combos... At any point during the infinite, launch, sj, cancel sj by air dash df to the other side of falling oponent, up hp, infinite... this is pretty damn effectve since most people that get caught areusually holding back anyway in case you fuck up the xx PC. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:11:2002 12:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu hello fellows... My IM is pretty good... although there is one thing ive never figured out... Suppose i start the infinite, get to the corner, and launch... How do i go about restarting the infnite? I mean i know from the ground, its just launch, sj lp, sj lk, sj hp, pause, sj hk, OTG jumping lk, infinite... However, launching from the infinite, the opponent is slightly more elevated, so that thecmbo i mentioned doesnt work... so if you could help me on that, that would be great.. Another IM strat... Reset combos... At any point during the infinite, launch, sj, cancel sj by air dash df to the other side of falling oponent, up hp, infinite... this is pretty damn effectve since most people that get caught areusually holding back anyway in case you fuck up the xx PC. You could try this: From infinite and in corner, launch, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. hp, pause, sj. hk (otg), jumping lk, infinite. Or you could try speeding the hits (sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. hp). I haven't tried that yet so I'll tell you if speeding the hits would work as soon as I try it. Nice reset, but I don't really use them that much. Cool avatar btw. Can't wait to get Love Hina for DVD, but I have to get a DVD first. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:11:2002 01:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 i was wondering what's the best to have a good offense w/ironman. right now, when i use doom or sent, i try to use their assists to cover me and i try to do a tri-jump type move w/his short kick so i can get into a launch. are there any other ways to get into your opponment w/ironman? what are some advanced strats that you'd use against people that know what they're doing? right now, my iron man teams are: ironman(proj)/cable(AAA)/doom(AAA) ironman(proj)/sent(ground)/cable or capcom (AAA) and i'm experimenting w/ ironman(AAA)/storm(proj)/doom(AAA) Here are some good assists. Storm Projectile: One of the best Proj. assists in the game. Once it's out, nothing can stop it. Combine this with IM's rushdown or you could go to your opponent's other side while calling Storm and attempt to confuse your opponent. Psylocke AAA: You could also go to your opponent's other side while calling Psy AAA and try to confuse them. If it hits, go right for the infinite, and if it doesn't, try to protect Psy. Know the maximum distance the Psy AAA covers so you know when to call here because she takes bad damage. You could also try calling her of a blocked c. lk, c. mk (call Psy). Then tri-jump your opponent with lk when they're still in crouch block stun. Magneto Capture: Same as the other two, confuse opponent by going to their other side while calling assist. Tick throw a lot with Mag assist, Fierce throw to Mag assist is a great infinite setup. Mag assist is good for combos and resets but don't overuse him, especially from far away. Doom AAA: IM and Doom are a great pair. They build meter quick, confuse well, and chip. Don't use this assist far away from your opponent, use it while you're close or if you're a couple of feet away. Once Doom AAA hits, free infinite. The best assist for IM for confusing and rushing down with. Go to your opponent's other side by tri-jumping. Sentinel Ground: An assist that can be sometimes used as a ghetto AAA. Since Sent has super armor, abuse this (not against Cable with meter or Storm) assist while either close or a few feet away from your opponent. Use this also when you rush with IM. I'll add some more assists later. btw, Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:11:2002 02:17 AM: hey cerebral assasin u got aim or somethin like that?i need to talk to u my teams r: im/doom/cyke im/doom/cc my fav im/sent/psy mag,im,psy im,cable,doom (this team is for arcade cause i dont wanna lose any of my money) Posted by GeekBoy on 01:11:2002 02:20 AM: IM/Storm/Sent is a good team too Posted by KungfuJoe on 01:11:2002 04:59 AM: what can IM do against heavy hitters like sent/doom/storm/BH/mags/spiral/ and cable Posted by GeekBoy on 01:11:2002 05:11 AM: Does Sent-A do any good at setting up the infinite? Update: Can you do it like c.LK + Sent, c.LP, dash, jump into infinite? Posted by n817azn on 01:11:2002 06:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Does Sent-A do any good at setting up the infinite? Thats projectile right? yea it works great also. just use the same set up as with mags projectile, and actually it works a little bit better then mags. just normal jump, ad df, lk + sent.proj., lk, land, sent hits, jump up inf....... n8 Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:12:2002 01:47 AM: n817azn: Sentinel Projectile is also a great assist for Iron Man. Since Sent has super armor, his Rocket Punch assist would probably beat out your opponent's attack and then if it hits, you can infinite away. His assist also does a good amount of damage, so that also helps. I'll look for some infinite setups with him because it's a Friday. GeekBoy: Yeah, Iron Man AAA or Projectile (AAA is better)/Storm Projectile/Sentinel Projectile or Ground is a good team and I also use this team. I can't seem to make up my mind with the assists to use though. I have a few posibilities: IM AAA/Storm Proj./Sent Ground IM AAA/Storm Proj./Sent Proj. IM Proj./Storm Proj./Sent Ground IM Proj./Storm Proj./Sent Proj. And a few more. TrueNewbiePR: No, I don't have AIM. Buy a Dreamcast. It's only $50 something I think and MvC2 is prolly cheaper now. Just Email me or post here with your questions. It's here btw. KungfuJoe: He could do a lot against the heavy hitters. He does well against Cable, Doom, BH, Spiral (yes Spiral), but Storm and Magneto present a problem for him. They both have the speed and rushdown advantage. Iron Man can beat out Storm Runaway but if Storm plays cautiously, that's another story. Magneto rushdown is just too good for IM. A good AAA can solve this or you could pace the match by sj., then throwing Smart Bombs. Also, random s. hp and s. hj tend to hit Magneto if he tri-jumps. Maybe Geekboy or Sepehr can help you out. Setting Up the Infinite with Sentinel Projectile - s. lp (call Sent), s. mp, assist hits, infinite. - c. lk, c. mk (call Sent), assist hits as otg, infinite (start with j. lk). - in corner, s. lp, s. mp (call Sent), s. hp, assist hits, infinite. - s. lp (call Sent), s. lk, s. mp, assist hits, infinite. It's really easy to setup the infinite with Sent. The only thing I have against it is that it hits diagonally. If it was the Fierce version it'd be better, oh wells. Ruby Heart's fountain move thingy is also a good assist for setting up IM's infinite. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:12:2002 03:49 AM: And the regular c.LK + Sent, c.LP would work? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:12:2002 04:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy And the regular c.LK + Sent, c.LP would work? No. It doesn't work on Cable but it worked on Colussus. I guess it works on some characters. Stick to s. lp (call Sent), s. mp, assist hits, infinite. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:12:2002 04:18 PM: i got a new team yay!!!!!! im/wm/rubyheart and im/wm/doom Posted by KungfuJoe on 01:12:2002 04:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin KungfuJoe: He could do a lot against the heavy hitters. He does well against Cable, Doom, BH, Spiral (yes Spiral), but Storm and Magneto present a problem for him. They both have the speed and rushdown advantage. Iron Man can beat out Storm Runaway but if Storm plays cautiously, that's another story. Magneto rushdown is just too good for IM. A good AAA can solve this or you could pace the match by sj., then throwing Smart Bombs. Also, random s. hp and s. hj tend to hit Magneto if he tri-jumps. Maybe Geekboy or Sepehr can help you out. [/B] thanks for the info. Geekboy or anyone else wiling to respond could you give me good strats on stoping Magneto? Posted by GeekBoy on 01:12:2002 07:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by KungfuJoe thanks for the info. Geekboy or anyone else wiling to respond could you give me good strats on stoping Magneto? A lot of fighting Magneto is easier when you're paired with Doom (Watch LM vs. Nun matches). Magneto will have a very hard time trying to get inside between swarming rocks and a very overprioritizing launcher. The way to beat Magneto with IM/Doom isn't attacking, it's about patience, let him come to you, and when he does, just blast him with s.RH + Doom (Doom's for insurance, just in case he blocks), if it hits, air combo, if he blocks, cancel s.RH into Smart Bombs, dash back, sj.Smart Bombs, sj.FP while falling. Just remember to keep yourself out of the corner. You can apply Repulser Blast to some of these situations, but it might be a little risky sometimes. Posted by KC0173 on 01:12:2002 09:33 PM: how do u get close to a keep away cable w/ironman? they had a good space controlling assist and they just kept jumping back and using the viper beam. did i just missed the openings to super jump and get in closer? it was really hard for me to get in. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:13:2002 02:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 how do u get close to a keep away cable w/ironman? they had a good space controlling assist and they just kept jumping back and using the viper beam. did i just missed the openings to super jump and get in closer? it was really hard for me to get in. Aight, here's what I do. Call your assist, superjump and throw Smart Bombs then as you're falling, sj. hp to pace the match in your favor. Punish him if he tries to hit your assist. Another important thing is to get Cable into the corner, in which IM has the advantage, especially if he has Doom AAA. Have a good projectile assist (like Storm's) to help you get close to Cable. You have to have patience against Cable, watch what he's doing and look for oppurtunities. I'm sure Geekboy can add a whole lot more to this. And expect some IM guardbreaks as soon as I can post again. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:13:2002 05:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by KC0173 how do u get close to a keep away cable w/ironman? they had a good space controlling assist and they just kept jumping back and using the viper beam. did i just missed the openings to super jump and get in closer? it was really hard for me to get in. The main thing to do is superjump up after Cable does his VB (that is if he doesn't have Sent or Storm assist, I'm talking 1 on 1 right now). Superjump up and dash UF, Smart Bombs, and sj.dRH when coming down. Do this until you can corner him, that way, you'll be sure he won't jump, VB since that will count for an automatic launch. When he lands from that, throw him, and when he tech rolls, simply wave dash towards him until he jump VBs and then just repeat. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:13:2002 06:15 AM: Thanx for answering that, GB. Working on guardbreaks right now, so I'll be editing this post later. Iron Man's Guardbreaks (cont.) All of these guardbreaks are done against a blocking/jumping opponent. j. lk (or lp), pause, j. mk (gb), j. up + hp, infinite. j. lk (or lp), pause, j. mp (gb), j. up + hp, infinite. j. lk (or lp), pause, j. mp (gb), j. mk, j. up + hp, infinite. j. lk (or lp), pause, j. up + hp (gb), infinite. j. lk (or lp), pause, j. hp, rejump into Fierce throw. j. lk, j. mk, j. hp, as soon as you land, jump into infinite with j. lk. j. lp, j. lk, j. mk. j. hp, as soon as you land, jump into infinite with j. lk. I'll add some more if I can remember better. Posted by KC0173 on 01:13:2002 06:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy The main thing to do is superjump up after Cable does his VB (that is if he doesn't have Sent or Storm assist, I'm talking 1 on 1 right now). Superjump up and dash UF, Smart Bombs, and sj.dRH when coming down. Do this until you can corner him, that way, you'll be sure he won't jump, VB since that will count for an automatic launch. When he lands from that, throw him, and when he tech rolls, simply wave dash towards him until he jump VBs and then just repeat. i'd be blocking the VBs right? wouldn't that push me back? also, they usually do have sent, storm, or dooms assist. what should i do then? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:13:2002 05:52 PM: it's easy to kill cable with ironman all u have to do this call assist sj dash forward smart bombs or down forward high punch or keep dashing to confuse him but beware of cable if he has commando or blackheart or storm variety assist anyway the key of killing cable is always super jump and throw a good assist so u may confuse him and all aw man i can't keep explaining anymore lol Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:15:2002 05:33 AM: *Bump* Sorry for not being here. I just have a little thing called a life. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:15:2002 04:53 PM: hey uh i wish zeroblue was here cause i saw the vid on mvcw-teamvid the thing with ironman heh kinda impressive well if u have seen it or not :-D Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:16:2002 05:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR hey uh i wish zeroblue was here cause i saw the vid on mvcw-teamvid the thing with ironman heh kinda impressive well if u have seen it or not :-D Are you talking about the TeamDan Vs. Viscant match vid during the MWC? TeamDan is one of the best IM players around and I wonder why he hasn't posted here yet. So ppl, do me a favor, bump this thread when it goes to the 2nd or 3rd page. Thanks. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:16:2002 01:31 PM: assasin: true that but im talking the other one from the one that i d/l that the name was mvc2-teamvid.wmv and it was zeroblue and hiryus vid thats why but i dont see zeroblue log on to srk anymore Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:17:2002 04:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR assasin: true that but im talking the other one from the one that i d/l that the name was mvc2-teamvid.wmv and it was zeroblue and hiryus vid thats why but i dont see zeroblue log on to srk anymore Aight, I'll check it out then. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:17:2002 02:21 PM: assasin or anyone *BUMP* HEHEHE THIS IM THREAD WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!! CHECK THIS NEW COMBO THAT NUN HAS TAUGHT ME!!!!!!!!!!! launh,up+f hp, dash down,lp, up+f hp,infinite, then when u reached to corner till 35 or 40 hits, launch again,lk, up+f hp,dash df,lk, up+f hp, fly, call for captain commando aaa, lp,pause,lk FIERCE UNIBEAM!!!!!!!!!! AND BOOM HES GONE!!!!!!! Posted by Dark-Angel on 01:17:2002 10:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR assasin or anyone *BUMP* HEHEHE THIS IM THREAD WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!! CHECK THIS NEW COMBO THAT NUN HAS TAUGHT ME!!!!!!!!!!! launh,up+f hp, dash down,lp, up+f hp,infinite, then when u reached to corner till 35 or 40 hits, launch again,lk, up+f hp,dash df,lk, up+f hp, fly, call for captain commando aaa, lp,pause,lk FIERCE UNIBEAM!!!!!!!!!! AND BOOM HES GONE!!!!!!! Cool Posted by calishaolin on 01:18:2002 01:37 AM: Yo TCA good stuff that crouch cancel inf set up was no easy task 2 learn but i got it, any way my new team is IM,STRM,DOOM but maybe u can give me some advice w/ this team like whos on point an stuff like that THANX Posted by GeekBoy on 01:18:2002 02:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin Yo TCA good stuff that crouch cancel inf set up was no easy task 2 learn but i got it, any way my new team is IM,STRM,DOOM but maybe u can give me some advice w/ this team like whos on point an stuff like that THANX Depends on who you're fighting. In some cases, start IM when you're fighting people like BH, Spiral, Storm. With people like Cable, Sentinel, start Storm. Also, if you're a DHC fanatic, and you can do the CC setup, you should be able to do infinite to PC XX Hailstorm, clips a hefty part of health. If you've seen the LM vs. Nun videos from Japan, Nun is a really big fan of IM/Doom, I suggest you watch both videos, they're highly informational and you can pick up a lot of tactics from it. One such that I really like is how IM can really get going in the beginning of the match. Launch, if it's blocked, call Doom, dash back (no need if push blocked), ground Smart Bombs (aimed forward), sj.Smart Bombs, fly, call Doom, Smart Bombs, unfly, land, Smart Bombs aimed forward. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:18:2002 05:02 AM: Geekboy had a lot of good info there. Do the infinite reset with Doom AAA. It's like this: Any infinite setup, infinite, then end one infinite repetition with j. hp instead of j. up + hp, then call Doom AAA, rejump into a Fierce throw, assist hits, j. up + hp while still in air, infinite. Watch TeamDan's Iron Man Tribute vid, it shows this along with lots of other Iron Man stuph. Also, go to forgo and watch the TeamDan vs. Viscant MWC vid. TeamDan used IM/Storm/Doom in that match. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:18:2002 01:34 PM: tca: which vid is that?hehehehe im pretty lost dammit lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's so many number sorry i have 56k hehehe anyway thread like this will never die!!!!!!!!! geekboy:sup long time Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:18:2002 03:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: which vid is that?hehehehe im pretty lost dammit lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's so many number sorry i have 56k hehehe anyway thread like this will never die!!!!!!!!! geekboy:sup long time I think there's only one vid with TeamDan in it. Did they update again? I'll see. Where the fuck is Solano? Update: There's only one TeamDan vs. Viscant MWC vid at forgo. Or are you talking about Posted by GeekBoy on 01:19:2002 12:05 AM: Solano is in Northern California, 45 mins from San Francisco. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 01:33 AM: !! quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Solano is in Northern California, 45 mins from San Francisco. I'll try to find it. Then when I find it, I'm gonna find and play you! If there ever is a B6, I'll be in SoCal. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:19:2002 02:25 AM: i have new thing to tell. i have just combo of joo his ironman one..... where he starts out with smart bomb.... .it is very fun and easy once you get groove of it. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:19:2002 02:30 AM: Re: !! quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I'll try to find it. Then when I find it, I'm gonna find and play you! If there ever is a B6, I'll be in SoCal. mister TCA will you post for me ironman air combos that go fly then d. hp plus something like thanos capture then u land and hit..... maybe the combo is this launch lp lk up fierce dash up lk up fierce fly lk call thanos d. hp then go down and do c.lp sj. lk dash forward lp up fierce into infinite..... or with magneto caputre or rubyheart capture or storm projectile...... just give me the assist do do with it Posted by calishaolin on 01:19:2002 02:46 AM: TCA Geek boy good stuff IM 4 eva thanx Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 05:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin TCA Geek boy good stuff IM 4 eva thanx You're welcome. MSP4EvA: Thanos assist combo thing, try to do that yourself, pls. I mean, it's not that hard, just go to training mode and look for some. I'll give you a few. - Call Thanos, Fierce throw, assist hits, any infinite setup, infinite. - Call Magneto, Fierce throw, assist hits, infinite. - Call Magneto, 1234, assist hits, infinite. - Call Magneto, c. 123, assist hits, infinite. - In corner, s. hk, call Magneto, sj., sj. lp, sj. d + hp, assist hits, infinite. See, not that hard. And use Ruby AAA instead of capture. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:19:2002 05:09 AM: hmm what i was asking for was different assists but what u said helps. i know i should try think up but my brain is fry Posted by GeekBoy on 01:19:2002 05:50 AM: I believe that combo MSP4eva's talking is this: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.uFP, dash UF, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.uFP, fly, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.FP + assist, unfly, land, trijump LK, LK, land, infinite. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 06:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I believe that combo MSP4eva's talking is this: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.uFP, dash UF, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.uFP, fly, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.FP + assist, unfly, land, trijump LK, LK, land, infinite. Which assist are you talking about? Thanos? Me don't get it. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:19:2002 06:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Which assist are you talking about? Thanos? Me don't get it. That's the kind of setup from Ruby Heart's Capture, it works with a few other people I think. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 07:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy That's the kind of setup from Ruby Heart's Capture, it works with a few other people I think. Cool, I'm gonna try it. Solano, right? Is that right by the Bay Area? I might be going there for summer or I might be going to LA and go to B6. Off Topic: Has anyone seen Fist Of Legend? It's a great martial arts movie staring Jet Li. If you've seen it, did you think it was good? Posted by Gilliam on 01:19:2002 07:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Off Topic: Has anyone seen Fist Of Legend? It's a great martial arts movie staring Jet Li. If you've seen it, did you think it was good? Yea that movie is badass. It just came on starz like 2 hours ago. oh yea keep all this iron man stuff going cause my friend could use this stuff. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 07:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gilliam Yea that movie is badass. It just came on starz like 2 hours ago. oh yea keep all this iron man stuff going cause my friend could use this stuff. Exactly where I saw it and yeah I watched it, I already taped it a year ago anyway. Liked all the fight scenes, especially the scene where the Chen Zen dude fought against Mitsuko's uncle blindfolded. FOL is too good. And yes I will keep on adding more Iron Man info (and maybe Geekboy or TrueNewbiePR). Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:19:2002 03:51 PM: assasin or geekboy: if u d/l the vid of teamvid.wmv theone that zeroblue and hiryu made well theres a part of ironman when he throws magneto then he gets stuck in the air like doom luckily hiryu and zeroblue told me how to do it the problem is u gotta unfly and fly really fast to stay in the air and i was like that but anyway if u have problems just let me know!!!!!!! Posted by Dorrinal on 01:19:2002 06:23 PM: What about me? What about Iron Man? Everyone, I just sloshed through this whole thread *whew*. Thanks for the information, everything's been great. As if my local players don't hate me enough for even trying the Iron Man infinite... But here's my contribution: I prefer to play Iron Man with Blackheart, who is by far my best character. Unfortunately none of you have mentioned him as a good assist Here's a simple pattern I use with IM on point: Blackheart AAA Super jump Smart Bombs (at appropriate height to control pace) Either: -Dash back and Fierce Unibeam -Dash forward and begin close-up pressure -Dash/fly up for more smart bomb fun Lather, rinse, repeat. There is a hole inbetween your final move and BH's next assist, which most players will try to take advantage of after a while. This pattern works well on folks who aren't as slippery as Magneto. As usual, exercise appropriate caution. While BH is on point I find Iron Man Projectile Assist to be a good aid in keeping an opponent pinned down so I can begin aerial pressure. My other team-mate is either Doctor Doom or Captain Commando; I believe we all know how good those guys are for BH and IM. Thoughts? Suggestions? Am I just wasting my time? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:19:2002 08:49 PM: I don't really use Iron Man with Blackheart too much, or should I say not at all. And yes, BH AAA is a great assist for IM. IM/BH/Cyc or CapCom would be a good team to use. Or IM/BH/Sent also. Good pattern there with IM/BH AAA. I'll add BH AAA to the good assist list. If someone can add some CapCom info, I'd really appreciate it because my MvC2 freezes everytime I choose him. Here's what I know so far with BH AAA with IM: - He's ok at setting up the infinite. - Stops runaway Storm or characters who are always airborne. - If BH AAA hits, you can jump and guardbreak them into the infinite (more info on that later). Heh, I know so little. No, you're not wasting your time. Posted by CowSquared on 01:20:2002 01:57 AM: This thread is the best thing I've seen since sliced bread and the microwave (yummy hotpockets(tm)). Anyway, my suggestion for the thread is for someone (TCA?) to make a FAQ on IM based on this thread, that'll be tizight. Mainly the people with low bandwith who don't like reading the irrelevant replies would appreciate a FAQ with everything including the mayo and cheese on that. Maybe a possibility, maybe not. Just my two cents. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 02:22 AM: The first 3-4 pages have the most information any beginning Iron Man player would want to know, the rest is just stuff TCA wanted to put up, as well as Q&As Posted by Voodoo on 01:20:2002 02:37 AM: With Capcom AAA, you can do: (assist), (assist hits) xx Proton Cannon. Cacpcom does OTG them, but it's *really* hard to time the roll on it. Nice beefy damage too. There are a ton of other assists that you can do the same trick with as well. Tron proj in the above combo does like 70% damage. Posted by CowSquared on 01:20:2002 05:14 AM: Hail Proton Cannon. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 05:38 AM: About the Smart Bombs infinite to PC setup. So you can't be like super close to your opponent? Like could you do the last rep going straight upx2 (this should push IM back after the 2nd j.uFP), land, sj.Smart Bombs, land, PC? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:20:2002 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by CowSquared This thread is the best thing I've seen since sliced bread and the microwave (yummy hotpockets(tm)). Anyway, my suggestion for the thread is for someone (TCA?) to make a FAQ on IM based on this thread, that'll be tizight. Mainly the people with low bandwith who don't like reading the irrelevant replies would appreciate a FAQ with everything including the mayo and cheese on that. Maybe a possibility, maybe not. Just my two cents. Gen2000 offered to make all the info in this thread into FAQ form. He's working on it right now so that's a good thing. I tried to make an IM FAQ once, but I don't have enough time, I can't put all the info I know (if I did, everyone would be IM masters, which I don't want), and the fact that MvC2 is dying. By the time I finish it, MvC2 will be gone. Maybe during spring break or when I have a lot of time on my hands, then it's a possibility that I might make one. Damn, now you made me think about hotpockets (*drools*). Geekboy: I just found this. - get really close to opponent, Ground Smart Bombs xx Proton Cannon. Wait a minute, I just read what you just said again. The SB, infinite to PC setup is not possible. Are you talking about the Smart Bombs to Proton Cannon? Posted by GeekBoy on 01:20:2002 06:59 AM: I'm talking about the infinite, SB to Proton Cannon. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:20:2002 08:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I'm talking about the infinite, SB to Proton Cannon. Okay then, that's not possible unless you had an assist that would make it possible. Interesting Iron Man Links Iron Man's Standing Fierce War Machine Vs. Iron Man Expect some more Iron Man links in my next post. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:20:2002 02:39 PM: hey u guys finally the jap setup of im i can do it perfectly the one that nun taught me about launch up+f fierce high punch, das down,lp, up+ fierce, then infinity i know its old its just that i don't have dreamcast and they lend it to me now so i can practice a little bit oh yea i did a new combo check this out sj smartbombs,lk,lp, down high punch,lk,launch, lp,lk,mp,u+f fierce, dash u+f,lp,u+f fierce,fly, lp,mp, CALL FOR WARMACHINE AAA,THEN FORWARD HIGHPUNCH RAPIDLY DASH DOWN THEN LP,U+FIERCE, INFINITY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IN THE CORNER BTW THANKS CHIQUE AND NUN I GOT THEIR IDEA FROM THEM Posted by Demon Hyo on 01:21:2002 12:38 AM: well i know everysingle last one of these combos on this thread and have figured them all out on my own like 2 years ago. Well its still a kool thread, also my fav reset combo in the corner is when you have somebody in the infinite, and you have doom as your AA do the reg infinite, and then hold over and HP instead of holding up for the last part, and then he will fall into the corner wall but then you hold over and jump and then throw with hp, and he won't hit the ground yet, but before you throw you push doom AA and then he will fall into the rocks and you hold up and push hp cause you will still be in the air. Then after that HP just do the infinite all over again and the damage resets. Or you can just do a psylock reset grab combo that is truly unrollable. I even put the computer on safe falls and they can't roll cause i do a standing lk not crouching. Also i do it all the time and even let people roll and they can't. The only way is if you somehow tech hit. Yall might know these combos or not, i made them up myself. Just my baby stuff, i don't feel like posting all of the other stuff, cause some of it is already explained. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:21:2002 12:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Demon Hyo well i know everysingle last one of these combos on this thread and have figured them all out on my own like 2 years ago. Well its still a kool thread, also my fav reset combo in the corner is when you have somebody in the infinite, and you have doom as your AA do the reg infinite, and then hold over and HP instead of holding up for the last part, and then he will fall into the corner wall but then you hold over and jump and then throw with hp, and he won't hit the ground yet, but before you throw you push doom AA and then he will fall into the rocks and you hold up and push hp cause you will still be in the air. Then after that HP just do the infinite all over again and the damage resets. Or you can just do a psylock reset grab combo that is truly unrollable. I even put the computer on safe falls and they can't roll cause i do a standing lk not crouching. Also i do it all the time and even let people roll and they can't. The only way is if you somehow tech hit. Yall might know these combos or not, i made them up myself. Just my baby stuff, i don't feel like posting all of the other stuff, cause some of it is already explained. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the stuff you just posted... old news. Yes, it works with Doom AAA but not as good and reliable as Magneto Capture and Dhalsim Ground. Dizzy will kick in after a few infinite reps, so I do this: I just do 2 infinite reps ending with j. hp, call assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, j. up + hp while still in air, infinite, repeat. This was shown in the TeamDan IM Tribute vid and I already knew it before that. And since you know so much, educate us. Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:21:2002 04:07 AM: here is a good Reset combo for IM : Ironman / Capcom AAA launcher , sj. lp , lk , hp up , cross over (reset) , lp , lp ,hp up , fly mode , lp , hp up + call Capcom , unibeam . Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:21:2002 06:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 here is a good Reset combo for IM : Ironman / Capcom AAA launcher , sj. lp , lk , hp up , cross over (reset) , lp , lp ,hp up , fly mode , lp , hp up + call Capcom , unibeam . Nice. Too bad I can't use CapCom in my MvC2 for DC. I'll try it out when I go to the bowling alley tomorrow. Is it just me, or do PR people have kick-ass avatars? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:21:2002 01:14 PM: ahem pr players kick ass remember that i am one and anti is also but anyway assasin this thread will never die!!!!!!!! if u have any vids that ihave never seen SEND IT TO ME :-P Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:21:2002 06:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 here is a good Reset combo for IM : Ironman / Capcom AAA launcher , sj. lp , lk , hp up , cross over (reset) , lp , lp ,hp up , fly mode , lp , hp up + call Capcom , unibeam . Mmmm sorry , here i forgot say that the cross over is a dash up forward* Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:21:2002 07:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Mmmm sorry , here i forgot say that the cross over is a dash up forward* I knew what you meant. TrueNewbiePR: There were a couple of match vids with Scott A. that you could download here a few months ago. Scott A. plays a hella good Iron Man and he was the guy who started using him in tourneys and got people to use IM. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:22:2002 12:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Sorry to burst your bubble, but the stuff you just posted... old news. Yes, it works with Doom AAA but not as good and reliable as Magneto Capture and Dhalsim Ground. Dizzy will kick in after a few infinite reps, so I do this: I just do 2 infinite reps ending with j. hp, call assist, Fierce throw, assist hits, j. up + hp while still in air, infinite, repeat. This was shown in the TeamDan IM Tribute vid and I already knew it before that. And since you know so much, educate us. ya mang. that stuff = old......... hey tca can u do unfly infinite with just up HP? like launch sj. up fierce dash up forward up hp fly up hp unfly up hp dash up hp fly hp blah blah blah? ......the one i use is launch lk up fierce dash lk up fierce fly lk up fierce unfly up fierce blah blah blah....... the combo is so usefull..... do u use it alot? Posted by n817azn on 01:22:2002 03:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 here is a good Reset combo for IM : Ironman / Capcom AAA launcher , sj. lp , lk , hp up , cross over (reset) , lp , lp ,hp up , fly mode , lp , hp up + call Capcom , unibeam . Just curious, but what would be the point to do a cross over such as this?? It makes no sense to me, i don't see the purpose this would serve. Explain please. n8 Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:22:2002 04:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA hey tca can u do unfly infinite with just up HP? like launch sj. up fierce dash up forward up hp fly up hp unfly up hp dash up hp fly hp blah blah blah? ......the one i use is launch lk up fierce dash lk up fierce fly lk up fierce unfly up fierce blah blah blah....... the combo is so usefull..... do u use it alot? sj. hp would end the combo, use sj. up + hp only. I use the unfly SEMI-infinite a lot when I'm in unfly mode. n817azn: Yeah, I found that "reset" useless also. It's "OK" but pretty much something I won't use in a real match. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:22:2002 04:30 AM: Note for connecting a PC from standard "speed up, slow down" method: Do the sped up set at the pace of WM's infinite (first three hits dont have pauses, last hit has regular pause), then regular speed, they should know be at the height for s.FP to connect Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:22:2002 05:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Just curious, but what would be the point to do a cross over such as this?? It makes no sense to me, i don't see the purpose this would serve. Explain please. n8 well sorry , the cross over is a dash up forward , i forgot to say , but I edited with a queote there . Read my last post. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:22:2002 01:25 PM: well assasin actually it was nun but no scott a but i got one match of him and it was impressive it was im,storm,cable vs spiral,cable,sent and scott owned him for luck hehe but anyway its cool i always loved im since msh so there u go lol anti: cabron tu eres magneto fan not ironman fan lol j/k loco Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:23:2002 01:13 AM: Yeah, I saw that vid too. Scott got lucky during the 1 on 1 match against Sentinel where he landed the infinite twice I think. There was also another vid where Scott played against some shmoe using Magneto/Cable/Cyclops. To make a long story short, he owned him, his opponent didn’t have a chance. Magneto got clonked by S. Roundhouses, Cable was just raped by tri-jumping, Cyclops was just too easy. There used to be some vids of Scott at where he played against Jose Garcia. I downloaded them when CW was new so they’re not available right now. Ok, I got a list of good assists for Iron Man. Magneto Capture and Projectile Type Cable AAA Doom AAA Storm Projectile Type Sentinel Ground and Projectile Type. Blackheart AAA Psylocke AAA Cyclops AAA Dhalsim Ground Type Captain Commando AAA Spiral Projectile Type Cammy AAA Ken AAA If you want to add more, go right ahead. Posted by n817azn on 01:23:2002 04:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 well sorry , the cross over is a dash up forward , i forgot to say , but I edited with a queote there . Read my last post. okkkkkkkkkkkk, still whats the point, i don't see any reason to do that, if it reseted something on the ground to continue doing the inf. then that would make sense, but in an aircombo with Iron man there is no reason what so ever to reset, i don't see the point..... n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 01:23:2002 04:55 AM: I've got a possible combo for IM/Doom/Sent: Infinite to corner, PC XX Photon Array, c.LK, c.FP, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.RH XX Photon Array XX HSF, dash, launch, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, fly, throw, sj.LK + Doom, sj.FP, fly down, sj.LK, sj.LK, DP Rocket Punch Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:23:2002 07:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I've got a possible combo for IM/Doom/Sent: Infinite to corner, PC XX Photon Array, c.LK, c.FP, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.RH XX Photon Array XX HSF, dash, launch, sj.LK, sj.LP, sj.LK, fly, throw, sj.LK + Doom, sj.FP, fly down, sj.LK, sj.LK, DP Rocket Punch This won't work because your opponent would be in dizzy by the time you otg them with Doom. If you lessened the # of infinite reps, maybe this combo could be possible. Why do this since IM and Sent have a 100% together? Infinite to 40-44 hits to corner, PC XX HSF, dash, launch, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, Fly, airthrow, sj. lk, sj. mk, DP Rocket Punch. That should make life easier. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:23:2002 01:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Why do this since IM and Sent have a 100% together? Because it looks cooler. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:23:2002 08:52 PM: Troubles I'm having trouble canceling the infinite into the Hp Proton Cannon or actually to the Proton Cannon completely i've done it once and it was on Sent. Whats the easiest way to do this on normal chars or all chars. I'm not sure if u posted this but one of my favorite infinite starter is, Dash/Forward lk,Up+HK (I'm not sure if this one works i havent played as Ironman in a while),Dash,mk,Up+Hk(These can also be down with Down+HP at the end to repeat thing Up+HK to infinite) I like to do this after the superjump smart bombs and rush in because people look for the sweep. If ur quick enough with the u can hit ducking characters The team to be Magneto/Cable/Ironman I like this team cuz it works in any order Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:23:2002 11:08 PM: tca: yea they sent me the file of the one when scott own him it's true scott a kicks ass he's like me hes really smart ok more lists: thanos: capture type iceman: balance type sentinel: whichever it's the same doom: aaa my favorite psylocke: DUH WHAT DO U THINK? jin: expansion type war machine: aaa blackheart: aaa commando: aaa t bonne: projectile type trust me its pretty effective thats all i know for now tca did the rest hehehe Posted by Trance Man on 01:23:2002 11:39 PM: I have a few ?'z for u guys, u may have already answered them but i dont want to read all through da pages and find nothin. I'm have a lil trouble with da combo reset IM has when ur doin da basic ground infinite then to a air throw into a asist to reset that shit. My ? is, i there some special way to throw them, like speed it up or slow it down? Cuz i'm not able to air throw them for shit when i'm doiun da infinite. Second...Does IM have a infinte that involves super jumpin? If so, how is it done? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 01:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Trance Man I have a few ?'z for u guys, u may have already answered them but i dont want to read all through da pages and find nothin. I'm have a lil trouble with da combo reset IM has when ur doin da basic ground infinite then to a air throw into a asist to reset that shit. My ? is, i there some special way to throw them, like speed it up or slow it down? Cuz i'm not able to air throw them for shit when i'm doiun da infinite. Second...Does IM have a infinte that involves super jumpin? If so, how is it done? It doesn't matter whether you slow it down or speed it up, as long as the infinite repetition ends with a neutral Fierce, not up + Fierce, but it also works with down + Fierce. Then after you hit your opponent with the neutral Fierce, call your assist while falling then rejump while they're still flipping, Fierce throw to assist. Watch TeamDan's IM Tribute vid for more help on that. And yes, IM does have an infinite that involves superjumping, and it was in the 1st page. c. lk, c. mp, Crouch Cancel, [sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp], repeat brackets. It's the Jap infinite setup, but it's also an infinite. You can also set it up like IM's normal infinite. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 01:31 AM: Re: Troubles quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 I'm having trouble canceling the infinite into the Hp Proton Cannon or actually to the Proton Cannon completely i've done it once and it was on Sent. Whats the easiest way to do this on normal chars or all chars. I'm not sure if u posted this but one of my favorite infinite starter is, Dash/Forward lk,Up+HK (I'm not sure if this one works i havent played as Ironman in a while),Dash,mk,Up+Hk(These can also be down with Down+HP at the end to repeat thing Up+HK to infinite) I like to do this after the superjump smart bombs and rush in because people look for the sweep. If ur quick enough with the u can hit ducking characters The team to be Magneto/Cable/Ironman I like this team cuz it works in any order Ok, look at n817azn's sig and you'll see "Infinite to PC Guide". Click that for info. I'll just put what Geekboy posted. quote: Originally posted by Geekboy Note for connecting a PC from standard "speed up, slow down" method: Do the sped up set at the pace of WM's infinite (first three hits dont have pauses, last hit has regular pause), then regular speed, they should know be at the height for s.FP to connect. For your setups, # one works, # two is a little tricky. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:24:2002 03:07 AM: There's nothing really tricky about the setup I listed, it's just the basic "speed up, speed down" setup, but I just gave them an example of what the timing would be like, I myself think this is the best way to link the super. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:24:2002 03:21 AM: My comments on the current existing self start-up IM infinite starters: Japan setup (c.LK, c.LP, sj.LP, dash forward, sj.LP, sj.uFP, land, infinite): Probably the best all around setup, since you can set this up just about anytime you land a c.LK from a ground assist or something. Trijump sj.LK, sj.uRH: Another good setup, this is probably the first self setup any IM player will begin to use, easy to land (especially from ground assists like Storm-A or Sent-G, once it lands, you can do j.uRH and start infinite). IMO, easier to land than the Japan setup in terms of chances you have during an actual match. Any launcher setup: Sometimes hard to land for some reason, not as convienient, height is a VERY big factor on these setups, which is why they're not use often. Posted by Trance Man on 01:24:2002 03:31 AM: Hey thanx a lot. That was what i was doin wrong, i was usin u+fp. As for da crouch cancel, u can do those 3 hits over and over again? I thought it was a lil too slow to keep it goin. Cuz da way i was tryin it was doin da crouch cancel, sj jp, dash jp, u+fp, then regular infinite for one round and back to sj jp....So there is a way to keep da sj goin. cu cu. Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:24:2002 04:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn okkkkkkkkkkkk, still whats the point, i don't see any reason to do that, if it reseted something on the ground to continue doing the inf. then that would make sense, but in an aircombo with Iron man there is no reason what so ever to reset, i don't see the point..... n8 Hellllllooo , is just another combo for Ironman . An air combo is an air combo . When u can make resests in those combos , the things comes more interesting and more damage. Im tired to hear : " IM have an easy infinite , why do u do that combo? " Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 06:01 AM: Thanks for the info, Supergeek ... err ... Geekboy. The Japanese Iron Man infinite setup is the best all-around setup for Iron Man. The launcher setups aren't that reliable. Also, guardbreak infinite setups are pretty useful if you know how to use them. The modified versions of the Jap IM Inf. setup (the one using kicks) are okay, but also not reliable. The best one is prolly this: c. lk, c. mp, Crouch Cancel sj., sj. lk, airdash up, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, land, infinite. It's good, but not as good as the Jap IM Inf. setup, which is, btw, a must-learn when using IM in competitions or tourneys. Expect a revised list of Iron Man infinite setups, which I will post on Friday after my finals. Posted by GeekBoy on 01:24:2002 06:20 AM: Here's a combo J-Wong just taught me recently: Launch, sj.LK, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, dash up, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, fly, fly to otherside, sj.uFP, FP Unibeam, it's a reset, does 75% as he says. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 06:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Here's a combo J-Wong just taught me recently: Launch, sj.LK, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, dash up, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, fly, fly to otherside, sj.uFP, FP Unibeam, it's a reset, does 75% as he says. Kick-ass shit right here. I just tried that and it does do good damage. It's useful in a match, VERY useful. And if anyone has any IM resets, post them here. Resets aren't my thing because when I get someone in the infinite, dead character, gb next char to inf, dead, gb next char to inf, dead character. Posted by AkumaTX on 01:24:2002 02:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Here's a combo J-Wong just taught me recently: Launch, sj.LK, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, dash up, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, fly, fly to otherside, sj.uFP, FP Unibeam, it's a reset, does 75% as he says. nice combo. Couldn't an assist like Capcom's be used after the last HP so that both the unibeam and assist hit him Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 03:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by AkumaTX nice combo. Couldn't an assist like Capcom's be used after the last HP so that both the unibeam and assist hit him Prolly. When fly to the other side, sj. up + Fierce (call CapCom), Fierce Unibeam. I think that's what it is. Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:24:2002 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Here's a combo J-Wong just taught me recently: Launch, sj.LK, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, dash up, sj.uFP, sj.uRH, fly, fly to otherside, sj.uFP, FP Unibeam, it's a reset, does 75% as he says. Cool Now u see guys that air reset combos for IM are very good too . His infinite isnt the only thing he can do . Then my post about that reset with Capcom assist kick ass . Thanks Geekboy/JustinW for that combo. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:24:2002 06:18 PM: Re: Re: Troubles quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Ok, look at n817azn's sig and you'll see "Infinite to PC Guide". Click that for info. I'll just put what Geekboy posted. For your setups, # one works, # two is a little tricky. That same night i posted this i happened to get the infinite over and over agian its easy i hadnt tried it in a while. Last time i tried it was when i first was experimenting with IronMan. THe second Setup is tricky its a timing thing and the easiest way to get it is if there in the Corner. I'm going to start working on some Ironman stuff. For this never ending Post. IronMan is nasty Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:24:2002 06:29 PM: Fun thing to do with IM team Okay this team i havent experimented enough with and i need a 3 person to put on this team so far its Ironman/Rogue-throw type/????? The reason rogue is in this is b/c of her assist and shes a good rush down character with the right assist i just need to know who should i use to benifit both IronMan and Rogue. There are several but i want the best and one problem i have no aaa. My fav. thing do after penning people down is to sj. down+HK, air dash any direction perferably forward or up call assist while the person is waiting for a smart bomb. Rogue will get them by the time u land u will have enough time to do a PC its works real well and its easy too. Now i havent tried yet but im sure there is a way to do the infinite from this. give comments Posted by n817azn on 01:24:2002 09:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Hellllllooo , is just another combo for Ironman . An air combo is an air combo . When u can make resests in those combos , the things comes more interesting and more damage. Im tired to hear : " IM have an easy infinite , why do u do that combo? " ok, i see the point now i guess, to do more damage?? Mhhh, you do the inf. to kill someone, i already have a very potent ac with iron man without the reset, that does about 50% damage. I'd say thats pretty damn good man. The problem i have with ac resets is that they're easy to mess up, and there also pretty easy to read, and know when you can block again. I still think the best reset is with psy., when you dash under your opponet while your doing the inf. and then recall psy to knock 'em back up. n8 Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:24:2002 11:51 PM: Re: Fun thing to do with IM team quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 Okay this team i havent experimented enough with and i need a 3 person to put on this team so far its Ironman/Rogue-throw type/????? The reason rogue is in this is b/c of her assist and shes a good rush down character with the right assist i just need to know who should i use to benifit both IronMan and Rogue. There are several but i want the best and one problem i have no aaa. My fav. thing do after penning people down is to sj. down+HK, air dash any direction perferably forward or up call assist while the person is waiting for a smart bomb. Rogue will get them by the time u land u will have enough time to do a PC its works real well and its easy too. Now i havent tried yet but im sure there is a way to do the infinite from this. give comments I swear to god, every I see has an AAA like Cammy/Ken/Cyc/CapCom/etc. My #1 choice would be Doom AAA and Psy/Cyc would be #2. Doom is prolly the best assist for Iron Man because it helps him confuse, adds pressure while rushing down or when your opponent is in the corner, and it's the BEST assist for IM to setup the infinite. Since I'm not a Rouge expert, I'll let someone else comment on her. btw, Rouge has an easy infinite. - launcher, sj., (do slowly) sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. hk, otg with sj. lk, [s. lp, s. lk], repeat brackets. The [] has tricky timing and it's easy to mess up, but practice makes perfect. Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:25:2002 02:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn ok, i see the point now i guess, to do more damage?? Mhhh, you do the inf. to kill someone, i already have a very potent ac with iron man without the reset, that does about 50% damage. I'd say thats pretty damn good man. The problem i have with ac resets is that they're easy to mess up, and there also pretty easy to read, and know when you can block again. I still think the best reset is with psy., when you dash under your opponet while your doing the inf. and then recall psy to knock 'em back up. n8 Ok , i want to tell that IM have more things that his infinite .Ok now , lets forget his infinite for a moment. -----> Now if u can do an air combo , u always try to make a good damage right ? Then a reset combo is a good option . Also think that u are doing an air combo vs Cable , when u finish the cancel fly mode , Cable can AHVB u there before land . If u call this assist : Capcom , Cable wont be able to AHVB u after the combo . Thats another thing I forgot to say . Now go back to your IM infinite <----- Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:25:2002 02:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Ok , i want to tell that IM have more things that his infinite .Ok now , lets forget his infinite for a moment. -----> Now if u can do an air combo , u always try to make a good damage right ? Then a reset combo is a good option . Also think that u are doing an air combo vs Cable , when u finish the cancel fly mode , Cable can AHVB u there before land . If u call this assist : Capcom , Cable wont be able to AHVB u after the combo . Thats another thing I forgot to say . Now go back to your IM infinite <----- He has a point. And what's so bad about IM's infinite? Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:25:2002 02:58 PM: IM Why is Ironman so nasty hes the best character to me next to magneto and they both go good together. Its a match made in heaven. This IronMan Page probably wont die he has way to many combos. I really want to know some good resets That cause damage of 100% or close or just combos that kill and are almost gauranteed including DHC's. I want all those who hate on IronMan with death by a beautiful combo. One last thing Cerebral assassin can i have ur old IronMan Avatar Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:25:2002 03:13 PM: Re: IM quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 Why is Ironman so nasty hes the best character to me next to magneto and they both go good together. Its a match made in heaven. This IronMan Page probably wont die he has way to many combos. I really want to know some good resets That cause damage of 100% or close or just combos that kill and are almost gauranteed including DHC's. I want all those who hate on IronMan with death by a beautiful combo. One last thing Cerebral assassin can i have ur old IronMan Avatar I agree that IM and Mag go well together in gameplay, but they need an assist to setup their combos, enter Doom AAA/Psy AAA/Cable AAA/etc. Resets? I'm not a huge fan of resets because whenever my IM gets someone in the infinite, it's usually a 100%. I do know a corner reset with Mag Capture type. It's in one of these pages somewhere. - c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., airdash d/f, sj. up + hp (reset), infinite. - Launch, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, dash up, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, fly, fly to otherside, sj. up + hp, FP Unibeam. -, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, airdash u/f, s. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, [Fierce Unibeam, dash forward while calling Mag, Fierce throw, assist hits, (while still in Fly) lk, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam], repeat the brackets. There will be times where you can't throw your opponent after 2-3 throws. This was in the TeamDan IM Tribute vid, so dl that. LoL! No you can't! It has my name on it! Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:25:2002 03:47 PM: heres one that i invented its pretty neat!!!!!!!! hehe hold on note: this is for im/wm fans hehe sj dash down forward,lk,lk,d+lk,d+lp,CC,launch,throw war machine aaa u+f hp,dash down,lp,u+f hp, go back rapidly then forward then d+lk,launch,lp,u+f hp,dash u+f,lp,u+f hp,fly,lp,lp,u+f hp, unfly,u+f hp,dash u+f,lp,u+f hp,fly,lp,lp,u+f hp (reset) it should be done more than 45 hits enjoy note: this is on the corner if u have problems let me know Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:25:2002 08:16 PM: Re: Re: IM quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I agree that IM and Mag go well together in gameplay, but they need an assist to setup their combos, enter Doom AAA/Psy AAA/Cable AAA/etc. Resets? I'm not a huge fan of resets because whenever my IM gets someone in the infinite, it's usually a 100%. I do know a corner reset with Mag Capture type. It's in one of these pages somewhere. - c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., airdash d/f, sj. up + hp (reset), infinite. - Launch, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, dash up, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, fly, fly to otherside, sj. up + hp, FP Unibeam. -, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, airdash u/f, s. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, [Fierce Unibeam, dash forward while calling Mag, Fierce throw, assist hits, (while still in Fly) lk, up + hp, Fierce Unibeam], repeat the brackets. There will be times where you can't throw your opponent after 2-3 throws. This was in the TeamDan IM Tribute vid, so dl that. LoL! No you can't! It has my name on it! You are right about if u do the infinite most of the time the person dies cuz i usually if i get it which isnt that hard to do i dont jump on the 40 hit and let them fall after j.Up+hp then call magneto and throw people dont look for it where i live everybody sleeps on Ironman and loves to use traps. Which happens to be my biggest problem. (dam BH/Capcom/Doom and Cable/Storm/Cyclops). Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:25:2002 08:23 PM: I dont know anything about this combo Okay when MvC2 first came out when not many people were using air combos. So kid that was at my arcade was doing the sickest combos with Magneto and Ironman. I think he must of been a video game tester saying that the game had just come out and he was doing the things we are talking about in this forum. Except he did a air combo where he flew over top the character and hit him from the other side and it all combo'd together and thinking about this now confuse's me on how the hell did he do that i've never seen again and he was at my arcade for about 2 weeks and never came back. He was so good then that he wouldnt even play anybody unless they put money in while he was playing. Well N E wayz does anybody have a clue on how the hell he did this? He flew over top the character and quickly, after already in fly mode and comboed on the other side with the unibeam. It was like 20 something hits and he could do it when ever he wanted. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:25:2002 08:30 PM: Re: Re: Re: IM quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 You are right about if u do the infinite most of the time the person dies cuz i usually if i get it which isnt that hard to do i dont jump on the 40 hit and let them fall after j.Up+hp then call magneto and throw people dont look for it where i live everybody sleeps on Ironman and loves to use traps. Which happens to be my biggest problem. (dam BH/Capcom/Doom and Cable/Storm/Cyclops). I havent tried that magneto combo b4 but it sounds very sick and if i ever accomplish it i will let u guys know. I like Psylocke's assist with Magnis and ironman but i hate psylocke so i guess i'll use Cable(AHVB) Anyway can somebody help me finish this combo to make it into the infinite if possible?... As Iron c.LK,c.MK(cable AAA)sj, dash D/F sj.LK.............. There is so much u can do after that anti air PC/ launcher/ c.LP,c.MP/ got to go practice on the Mas Stick Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:26:2002 01:05 AM: I dunno how that kid did what he did. I don't think he's a video game tester, IMO. Maybe he just practices a lot. And how to finish that combo, just look here and see. c. lk, c. mk (call Cable), assist hits, sj., airdash d/f, sj. lk, sj. up + hp, infinite, Proton Cannon. I'm not sure if you could do sj. lk, sj. mk, sj. up + hp, infinite, so that's a little fuzzy. IM/Mag/Cable or Mag/IM/Cable is a great team because IM/Mag build meter quick thanks to their resets, infinites, rushdown, etc, meaning if Cable's in, AHVB that shit! What sucks is that IM/Mag assists aren't exactly the best to set it up. IM Proj./AAA is pretty decent, Mag Proj. is ok, and Mag Capture type just plain blows. Posted by legbert on 01:26:2002 02:24 AM: cammy im infinite setup Just thought id post this here call cammy aaa while next to opponent then jump up towards opponent and hit lk right away on the way up (so it is an instant overhead)cammy will hit then proceed with inf. the beauty of this is that it starts from an attack thats faster than the fastest tri jump and is very easy to do even on the smallest chars Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:26:2002 02:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin He has a point. And what's so bad about IM's infinite? When I post an IM combo ( that isnt related to the inf. ) the people alwas reply with : " U dont need that combo , just make the IM inf. " And that piss me off . But is nothin direct against the inf. Btw , i like to do that infinite Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:26:2002 03:42 AM: IronMan/Cable/Rogue I used this team against some of my tourney playin friends today I like this team alot IronMan rush down then hesitate to Rogue throw type to a Proton works well or i just throw to Proton cuz if u rush well the opponent will be stuck in the corner and IM owns ALL in the corner. People were shittin on my team and now people know IM is the shit!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by n817azn on 01:26:2002 03:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 When I post an IM combo ( that isnt related to the inf. ) the people alwas reply with : " U dont need that combo , just make the IM inf. " And that piss me off . But is nothin direct against the inf. Btw , i like to do that infinite Ok, i in no way said that his infinite was his only thing, and i wouldn't cuz he does have some other good things about him, but lets face it, his inf. is the main reason why he is good, without it he really wouldn't get all that much attention. The only reason i was talking about that combo you listed is that its pretty much useless, especially since you can do just about the same damage with his normal air combo. Resets with Iron Man in air combos IMO are pretty much useless, they are way, and i mean way too slow and easy to read, and you can tell when you can block again. Its not that hard. So if your playing against some one who knows what they are doing, then you just waisted an ac trying to do a stupid reset that really doesn't take off that much more damage anyways, when you coulda done his normal fly cancel ac for plenty of damage. So in summation, do i think the inf. is all that IM has--NO But i just don't see the use of those resets in the air combos, it doesn't make sense to me. n8 Posted by strider86 on 01:26:2002 05:20 AM: Hey if you guys are looking for some good ironman/warmachine stuff... read this faq written by dumb ass combo the guy that play the "scrub team" or like he says he was taught by scott. check this out Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:26:2002 05:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 Hey if you guys are looking for some good ironman/warmachine stuff... read this faq written by dumb ass combo the guy that play the "scrub team" or like he says he was taught by scott. check this out I checked it out 5 hours ago and I thought it was interesting. And since when did Scott teach? I don't believe that he was taught by Scott, though. He could have just collected some info from Scott and posted it here. It's a worthwhile read if you have the time. Posted by antinewbies182 on 01:26:2002 06:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Ok, i in no way said that his infinite was his only thing, and i wouldn't cuz he does have some other good things about him, but lets face it, his inf. is the main reason why he is good, without it he really wouldn't get all that much attention. The only reason i was talking about that combo you listed is that its pretty much useless, especially since you can do just about the same damage with his normal air combo. Resets with Iron Man in air combos IMO are pretty much useless, they are way, and i mean way too slow and easy to read, and you can tell when you can block again. Its not that hard. So if your playing against some one who knows what they are doing, then you just waisted an ac trying to do a stupid reset that really doesn't take off that much more damage anyways, when you coulda done his normal fly cancel ac for plenty of damage. So in summation, do i think the inf. is all that IM has--NO But i just don't see the use of those resets in the air combos, it doesn't make sense to me. n8 Ok well , lets end this discussion Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:26:2002 07:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Ok well , lets end this discussion Good. Now let's go back to talking about Iron Man, I-R-O-N-M-A-N. Expect the revised version of the infinite setups tomorrow. Sorry, I just had wrestling practice and I'm sore all over. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:26:2002 03:48 PM: yo u guys never answered my combo Posted by n817azn on 01:26:2002 04:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by antinewbies182 Ok well , lets end this discussion cool . Now i have some questions about the jap set-up. I can do everything up to the after the super jump xx air dash bla bla. The question i have is this, how fast do i have to hit 'em after the airdash, they can always block when i do this, what am i doin wrong?? n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 01:26:2002 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn cool . Now i have some questions about the jap set-up. I can do everything up to the after the super jump xx air dash bla bla. The question i have is this, how fast do i have to hit 'em after the airdash, they can always block when i do this, what am i doin wrong?? n8 I think you pretty much punch immediately after the dash. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:26:2002 05:01 PM: Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:26:2002 05:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy I think you pretty much punch immediately after the dash. What he said. Just hold down after c. mp, then do the reverse tigerknee + lp like it was a special move. TrueNewbiePR: Your combo just confused me. I still can't figure what you posted. Can you type it again CLEARLY? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:26:2002 05:25 PM: sj dash down forward,lk,lk,d+lk,d+lp,CC,launch,throw war machine aaa u+f hp,dash down,lp,u+f hp, go back rapidly then forward then because the opponent will go to the left then u have to go back rapidly and then forward to d+lk,launch,lp,u+f hp,dash u+f,lp,u+f hp,fly,lp,lp,u+f hp, unfly,u+f hp,dash u+f,lp,u+f hp,fly,lp,lp,u+f hp (reset) u got any questions? remember this is on the corner Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:26:2002 11:02 PM: All I have to say is, Ironman is a pimp! I got so tired of people talking shit about him saying he isn't top tier and all that bullshit(they sure did shut up quick when they saw the infinite to PC or the japanese set up)I say fuck the tiers even though there are some characters who are better than others play with who is fun for you, and for me that person is Ironman. I would post some combos but you guys have all the ones I know pretty much covered. Oh yeah one more thing I wish when IM wins he would say something like "I need a drink" or take out a 40 or somethin' just to add to his personality. Tyson Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:27:2002 06:23 AM: Yeah, that'd be cool if IM can say "I need a drink" or somethin' like that. He was an alchoholic, you know. *Bump* Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:27:2002 03:27 PM: *bump* last night i made 35 wins with im/cable/doom hmmmmmmm isn't that a familiar team?btw someone used my im a scrub with thanos and sent and dammit i hate that hehehhee Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:28:2002 01:49 AM: Good for you. At least you have some competition. My town don't got none. Uh, sorry that I haven't made the revised infinite setups yet. It's just that my computer doesn't connect to the internet or if it does, it takes a long time for it to load a webpage. It disconnects automatically after that. So, if anyone has tips to fix that, go right ahead. btw, I'm over at my friend's place using his computer. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:28:2002 02:05 AM: tca: man u lagging too much sup man!!!!!!!! dude msp is owned easily by im/doom/commando trust me that team sucks Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:28:2002 02:24 AM: MSP does NOT suck! It's one of the best rushdown teams in MvC2. Even though it can be beaten, sometimes easily beaten. - Get Mag/Storm into the infinite, then snap in Psylocke. - GB her into the infinite reset. Psy's dead. - GB Mag/Storm into the infinite reset. - GB the next character that comes in into the infinite reset. - You win the match. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:28:2002 04:46 PM: oops Spam new thread and Submit Reply buttons i made a new thread on accident instead on submitting a reply Is it easier to do the tiger knee way of the japanese set up with IM while fighting people cuz i just use down up. But when playing people it is to fast pace to get the timing right BadNew VA(virginia) Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:28:2002 04:48 PM: ok i know it depends on the player of msp but still i dont know its still not a good team Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:28:2002 05:21 PM: Hold on Your saying MSP which is Magneto/Storm/Psylocke isnt a good team? Thats crazy that is the best rushdown team and one of the nastiest teams in the game. But u r right if u cant handle there speed and difficulty they arent that good but otherwise they are sick the one team the have the most difficulty is ones with spiral. Such Spiral/cable/sentinel other than that its easy to own with them and if and when spiral dies the rest of the team will fall. But N E Wayz this is a IronMan thread no need to mention them unless u team them together. Iron/Magneto/Storm is a team for skilled players. Anti air is weak but the team is fun to use other than teams. That go trap trap trap super trap trap super Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:28:2002 06:02 PM: Anybody ever try playin' with teams like, Ironman/Cable/CapCom or Ironman/Doom/CapCom these are some teams I've wrecked shit with. With the first team as Ironman your assits have two anti-air which isn't the best comboniation but the team makes up for it in other ways. The way I play the team is keep them in their place by sj. smart bombs fall toward them with hp down then standing lk.+ lp.unibeam with Capcom assit at the same time then repeat and chip away wait for them to make a mistake and take advantage of the situation. The cable assit I just use that when they try and get close to try and set up the infinite. Then after you do the damage with IM you still have a Cable/CapCom team that can finish it pretty easily. With IM/Doom/Capcom team I use Doom assit to keep them in place and use Capcom if they try to get close. Well there are some teams I like to use tell me what you think. Tyson Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:28:2002 06:22 PM: What happens when Capcom is alone. The only reason i dont use one of those teams is cuz of Capcom i hate him his assist i like but him as a fighter with 2 weak and whack supers he sucks and alone thats even worse the same goes for psylocke but she can fight better and beat some top tiers easily such as Sentinel Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:28:2002 06:35 PM: Spiral Spiral is When trying to fight her. How do i go about beating Spiral with IronMan i havent lost to a good spiral player yet with ironman but she's a pain in this @$$ to fight. Give me some strats Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:28:2002 06:37 PM: yeah Capcom is the weak link when he is alone that is one flaw with those teams but most of the time IM/cable get the job done. Im/Cable/Sentinal is another team I use. Those were just some teams I've been messing around with lately. Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:28:2002 06:42 PM: Yeah Spiral is a pain in the ass one thing that I've used is Blackheart AAA while smartbombing 'cause his AAA follows her when she teleports but even then it isn't the best way to stop her. Posted by strider86 on 01:28:2002 09:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I checked it out 5 hours ago and I thought it was interesting. And since when did Scott teach? I don't believe that he was taught by Scott, though. He could have just collected some info from Scott and posted it here. It's a worthwhile read if you have the time. scott did teach julius if you want talk to scott about julius and he'll tell you. Posted by strider86 on 01:28:2002 09:09 PM: oh if anyone needs some advice for ironman versus sprial the best thing to do against her is do a tiger knee then unibeam or have someone like doom on his side and chip them with the tiger knee. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 01:29:2002 06:31 AM: He really did teach him? Wiggy. Now I can ask him some questions. As for Spiral Vs. Iron Man (individual match-up), here's what I would do. Superjump, airdash up and throw Smartbombs, the sj. hp/up/down while falling. But Spiral's assists could take you down, for example: CapCom AAA, BH AAA, Cammy AAA, etc. Spiral pretty much controls the ground because of her WOS. Counter WOS with Doom AAA or Storm Projectile would nulify the swords. For Iron Man to dominate Spiral, he has to be in the air. From there, throwing Smartbombs, calling a good chipping/AAA assist while in Flight, and do a Knee Stomp and cancel that into Flight and repeat. Don't overuse it too much because Spiral can counter these tactics. Tigerknee Unibeaming is also a good move to use to keep Spiral grounded. Good videos to watch: Nun Vs. White Vids (Cable/Spiral/Cyc Vs. Dhalsim/IM/Cyc) Scott A. Vs Some dude (IM/Storm/Cable Vs. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel) If anyone wants to add to this, go ahead. As for teams, I don't choose teams like Battery/Meter User/Insert AAA alot. The weakness of these teams are the AAA, just snap them in and guardbreak them with the infinite or something that could kill them. Then guardbreak the next character, kill that character, then guardbreak the next, and you win the match. But this doesn't apply to any AAA, if the person you're playing knows how to use CapCom, Psy, Ken, Cammy well, you're in trouble. Especially Wong's Cammy, that shit is from hell! Another thing that would suck is that if the AAA is the last character, they're in trouble. If I could just fix my fucking internet connection, which doesn't connect to the web quickly (it takes like 5-9 tries to connect), if I do get to connect, it takes it's sweet time loading a page. I just look at the connection speed, 3,220 for like 5 minutes. It disconnects if I do get to connect. So pls, if anyone could help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:29:2002 11:36 AM: hey it's true about spiral but to own her easy use im/doom/cable cause all u have to do this sj dash up smart bombs fly, throw doom or cable and shes gone hehe but it depends on the player heh spiral sucks Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:29:2002 06:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin He really did teach him? Wiggy. Now I can ask him some questions. As for Spiral Vs. Iron Man (individual match-up), here's what I would do. Superjump, airdash up and throw Smartbombs, the sj. hp/up/down while falling. But Spiral's assists could take you down, for example: CapCom AAA, BH AAA, Cammy AAA, etc. Spiral pretty much controls the ground because of her WOS. Counter WOS with Doom AAA or Storm Projectile would nulify the swords. For Iron Man to dominate Spiral, he has to be in the air. From there, throwing Smartbombs, calling a good chipping/AAA assist while in Flight, and do a Knee Stomp and cancel that into Flight and repeat. Don't overuse it too much because Spiral can counter these tactics. Tigerknee Unibeaming is also a good move to use to keep Spiral grounded. Good videos to watch: Nun Vs. White Vids (Cable/Spiral/Cyc Vs. Dhalsim/IM/Cyc) Scott A. Vs Some dude (IM/Storm/Cable Vs. Spiral/Cable/Sentinel) If anyone wants to add to this, go ahead. As for teams, I don't choose teams like Battery/Meter User/Insert AAA alot. The weakness of these teams are the AAA, just snap them in and guardbreak them with the infinite or something that could kill them. Then guardbreak the next character, kill that character, then guardbreak the next, and you win the match. But this doesn't apply to any AAA, if the person you're playing knows how to use CapCom, Psy, Ken, Cammy well, you're in trouble. Especially Wong's Cammy, that shit is from hell! Another thing that would suck is that if the AAA is the last character, they're in trouble. Good point but one thing I see that is a problem with flying around and doing smart bombs is what the person has a good AAA assit like you said and what if they are on point with Spirals teleport they'll end up above you and your smart bombs. That's why I suggested Blackhearts AAA 'cause if your flying and call him out and spiral teleports above you his assist will folloow her and protect you. That's something I found that works against a Spiral. The team I would suggest is IM/Doom/Blackheart so you can chip with Doom but also protect yourself with Blackheart. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:29:2002 10:43 PM: Guard Breaks When doing some of the guard breaks when u snapback or kill the player should i jump u/f or just up then start the infinite. I've done it a couple of times with up forward but it doesnt work all the time. Could be timing or not knowing whether to jump up or up/f. And does anybody guard break in the corner after the cable anti air assist connects. Its seems that it should be possible. If so how would i go about doing it Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:29:2002 11:26 PM: Re: Guard Breaks quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 When doing some of the guard breaks when u snapback or kill the player should i jump u/f or just up then start the infinite. I've done it a couple of times with up forward but it doesnt work all the time. Could be timing or not knowing whether to jump up or up/f. And does anybody guard break in the corner after the cable anti air assist connects. Its seems that it should be possible. If so how would i go about doing it To answer both questions it's all about timing. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 01:29:2002 11:42 PM: uhm So are u saying u can guard break after cable's AAA? If so thats pretty cheap Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:29:2002 11:56 PM: Re: uhm quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 So are u saying u can guard break after cable's AAA? If so thats pretty cheap You can gaurd break with a lot of peoples AAA if they are in the corner coming out. You just have to wait until after the assit hits and they stop blocking and if they don't hit the ground they can't block again and you gaurd break. I spent a whole day once just messing around with gaurd breaks with random people and there are a lot more than most people realize. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 01:30:2002 12:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin MSP does NOT suck! It's one of the best rushdown teams in MvC2. Even though it can be beaten, sometimes easily beaten. - Get Mag/Storm into the infinite, then snap in Psylocke. - GB her into the infinite reset. Psy's dead. - GB Mag/Storm into the infinite reset. - GB the next character that comes in into the infinite reset. - You win the match. way to easy to get out of...... push block and then lightning attack or pushblock air dash.....only scrubs would try to time i won this guy perfect cuz i jap infinited him and then built some meter did lp lp lk up fierce then snapbacked and guard brake and snap back guard break......also one time my friend used all anakaris (3 total heh) and i use cyclops and BH i snap back him in the corner and called clops AAA and guard brake him and when it reach 50 snapback repeat,,,, really fun to do!! Posted by mixup on 01:30:2002 06:13 AM: Msp Vs Im/Insert character here is a one hit fight, exciting for the first characters, as soon as somone is hit, somone dies. So the same can apply to the magneto player towards the im player. Esp for those teams like Im/Doom/Cap, if Im dies to that first move, NO WAY will Storm/Magneto/Psy lose to that, nor will cable beat them either with cable/cap{a snap-out into gb on commando when you hit cable comes to mind} msp is pretty good, mscyclops i think is better. But this is an ironman thread and the Ironman team i am starting to use is Ironman/storm/cyclops *i love those last two* Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:30:2002 12:34 PM: mixup i agree with u mag vs im if anyoen hits u u dead!!!!!!!!only one blow its a tough match but thats life hehe im/doom/commando can own msp always Posted by astro86 on 01:30:2002 01:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR mixup i agree with u mag vs im if anyoen hits u u dead!!!!!!!!only one blow its a tough match but thats life hehe im/doom/commando can own msp always Dude u know that Storm Assits Counters Doom??? that means Magneto is free to rush ur ass into next week. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 01:30:2002 06:19 PM: MagStormIronMan Magneto vs IronMan.... Storm beats Doom assist Screw that all those characters got the skillz to beat all! Why not find some Strats on how to use them together. Quoted by MagStormIronMan If you can win with this team vs Traps,Rush Down,Battery, etc. You know ur the sh!t and all these characters take mad practice so u know u will get probs so why not use them together And f#ck sh!t up [IMG]C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\ironman.gif[/IMG] Posted by mixup on 01:31:2002 12:37 AM: I dont agree that Im/Doom/Cap is a great team, once Im dies, Doom cap will have tons of problems created by counter characters/counter assists{doom assist to counter cap} and the fact that captain commando will not stay an assist for long, he will always get snapped in. The team is kinda like msp but not as solid, great for IM with doom AND commando assist but when Im dies, the team doesn't even hold together as well as msp, just my opinion Posted by WarMachine420 on 01:31:2002 01:32 AM: Even though I use Im/Doom/Capcom what mixup says is true. The main weakness is Capcom. I think one of the most balanced IM teams and the team I use the most is Im/Cable/Sent it has almost the same ofense when IM is out(except cable AAA isn't as good as Capcom). but once IM dies it's still a good team with just Cable/Sent that can hold it's own but if people want to replace Sent with Doom that also works too. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 01:31:2002 11:26 AM: remember it depends on the player thats why i think that team owns msp for good sorry but that's my opinion or im/doom/cyke Posted by MadDogMiXon on 01:31:2002 04:55 PM: Now i disagree on comparing teams based on assuming one player is better than the other*no offense to you PR* I DO agree about Im/Cyclops/Doom, that team can really screw over Msp if used right, if you lose Im you still have cyclops + doom b to take on storm{which cyc CAN do, storm may try and rush and it will be a problem but much better than using capcom against her} i dont think doom can handle storm at all, it's only a matter of time and i hate the way they match-up*i would play more doom if he had some way to defend against the assault consistently* Which is why i would put cyclops 2nd. Ironman rules, so does strider, and cyclops. Back on topic, is storm Ironmans worst match-up? Personally, if the Im player uses him right, it's only a matter of time before he is in an infinite string killing the opponents team. I think IM is such a solid character, this is where the americans are going wrong with him, we dont use him correctly*outside of a growing few*. I think i will start using him in tournaments. The japanese were right all along... P.s it's keepaway AND rushdown always with Im? or is it better to always do one or the other in certain match-ups? Have you guys already discussed all of this? if so, disregard this post. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:01:2002 12:52 AM: what happened? What happened to the thread starter The Cerebral Assassin? I dont know how everyone else thinks but magneto and IronMan can both do some nasty combos that can kill off of one assist or one opening so the thing is that when ur up against Magneto or Storm i think u should do a little running to try to get a assist to hit. But u must keep in mind that Magneto is thinking the same thing the only thing is that he doesnt always need a assist and IronMan its much harder to set up without a assist not saying that it cant be done but its much harder. As for doom stopping magneto. I dont think so His rocks start out so slow that Magneto will Kick IronMan and Doom in the face and from there we know what will happen. I'm not haten on Ironman cuz hes in my team and so is magneto. But i think mag is better. But thats my opinion and if u feel IronMan is better so be it. Oh yeah Magneto also Looks better doing his combos. When IronMan goes against Magneto he should be a runner unless u know that ur Magneto opponent cant rush u down even though FK works well against Magneto sometimes but if it doesnt ur dekcuf(look in mirror to read that). Magneto isnt a runner but he can be. But more and likely he wont run from IronMan so run and wait for the attack and either use a assist but dont be predictable cuz mag loves to tease dash in and out lore ur assist and kill u. Im going to let others touch on the subject. Posted by WarMachine420 on 02:01:2002 01:08 AM: Re: what happened? quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan When IronMan goes against Magneto he should be a runner unless u know that ur Magneto opponent cant rush u down even though FK works well against Magneto sometimes but if it doesnt ur dekcuf(look in mirror to read that). Magneto isnt a runner but he can be. But more and likely he wont run from IronMan so run and wait for the attack and either use a assist but dont be predictable cuz mag loves to tease dash in and out lore ur assist and kill u. Im going to let others touch on the subject. Well said. I think running and waiting for a mistake is the best way to fight a good mags with IM. because even the best players make mistakes and with IM that's all you'll need is one mistake to take control of a match. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:01:2002 03:36 AM: I'm still alive. It's just that my internet isn't working properly. I'll be here at Friday and all weekend giving advice so don't fret. Iron Man/Magneto is one of the best combinations in MvC2, like Cable/Doom or Mag/Psy. Thanks to Mag's Hypergrav assist, setting up IM's infinite will be a snap. Also, Mag's assist allows IM to do the 100% infinite corner reset, which can be done on anyone. However, it can be teched hit out of, so think about that. Don't use your Mag's assist too much because the hypergrav is hecka slow and it doesn't travel that far, he can be punished for that. Use it only in combos or when you're absolutely sure that it's going to hit. For Mag, IM's projectile or AAA are both very helpful to him. Projectile type allows Mag to dash in, extend combos, and it also confuses your opponent. For ex: Tri-jumping to your opponent's other side while calling IM Proj. It has okay startup time and IM leaves the screen pretty quick after doing his assist, which is a good thing. IM AAA also helps Mag to confuse and extend combos. IM stays inscreen for a while so be sure to use him only when you can protect him or when you're sure that it'll hit. It does a shitload of damage and comboing it isn't all that hard. It sets up OTGs and a lot juggles. Mag Guardbreak with IM Projectile Anywhere onscreen (when your opponent comes in, call IM) sj. hk, airdash D/F, (assist hits), hypergrav or dash forward and go for a launcher. If you do it correctly, you can do this on an opponent that decides to take the hit. IM/Doom/CapCom isn't a really good team unless you have insane IM skillz. If IM dies, Doom/CapCom will be left alone and these two aren't exactly what you'd call a "good combination". Or you could snap in CapCom, then kill him. If you can use CapCom really well in a match, go right ahead and use this team. Replace Doom or CapCom with Cable, or CapCom with Magneto, or CapCom with Strider. Another good team is IM/Sent/Doom and IM/Cable/Sent. Two good teams to use in a tourney. IM/Magneto/Doom, my team, aka anti-Spiral, anti-BH, anti-Cable, anti-Doom, and anti-Sent. This is also a good team to use, but you gotta have skillz and knowledge. Laterz Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:01:2002 11:32 AM: sorry uh but if u disagree i respect but it all depends on the player if u know what r u doing then ud be unstoppable with your ironman anyway i got a new team that is anti-ground im(projectile)/storm(variety)/commando trust me its very good against magneto players tca: welcome back LOL Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:02:2002 01:29 AM: You're team's "okay" as in mediocre. If Magneto snaps in CapCom, you're fucked. When CapCom's dead, you only have IM and Storm with no AAA. It's going to be a hard fight against Mags/?/? because you don't have a good assist to counter his rushdown. You could interupt his keepaway with Storm's assist (the vertical Typhoon), so that's good but Mag's gameplan is to rush that shit down. My suggestions: Replace IM Projectile with AAA or you could keep Proj. if you're used to that assist. Take out CapCom and replace him with Cable, Doom, Sentinel, Cyclops, Magneto, or Dhalsim. And thanks for welcoming me back. Posted by astro86 on 02:02:2002 03:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR sorry uh but if u disagree i respect but it all depends on the player if u know what r u doing then ud be unstoppable with your ironman anyway i got a new team that is anti-ground im(projectile)/storm(variety)/commando trust me its very good against magneto players Dude u know what team is good againts Mag players Watts and it still gets beating by mag IM no way in hell is going to beat Mag and if u know ur shit u snap commando in Guard Break and Reset combos on his ass. ok thats one Character down and ur oponet has 3 left u start to run with strom what is a mag player Going to do? SuperJump Hyper-grav tempers DHC into Strom if he is using MSP Bam!! half of storms life is gone He he dosent have strom just Take ur time Charging levels while stom runs she does come down. Try putting strom at point She does more good at point on that team. IM can not hold his own againts trap teams even if u are the best Im PLayer in the world. and why are u Chosing Strom Variety on that team???? when it takes her 5000000 secs to come out???? u want Use her projectile and Put IM at point Call Strom Jump Smart bombs keep ur opponent on the ground... Posted by antinewbies182 on 02:02:2002 05:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 Dude u know what team is good againts Mag players Watts and it still gets beating by mag IM no way in hell is going to beat Mag and if u know ur shit u snap commando in Guard Break and Reset combos on his ass. ok thats one Character down and ur oponet has 3 left u start to run with strom what is a mag player Going to do? SuperJump Hyper-grav tempers DHC into Strom if he is using MSP Bam!! half of storms life is gone He he dosent have strom just Take ur time Charging levels while stom runs she does come down. Try putting strom at point She does more good at point on that team. IM can not hold his own againts trap teams even if u are the best Im PLayer in the world. and why are u Chosing Strom Variety on that team???? when it takes her 5000000 secs to come out???? u want Use her projectile and Put IM at point Call Strom Jump Smart bombs keep ur opponent on the ground... 500000 secs hmm i know a character called Storm , not Strom jaja j/k Posted by Gen2000 on 02:02:2002 05:45 AM: Hey TCA, just letting you know I'm still alive and stuff. Anyways, clean out pm inbox so we can make this thing go faster, I still need some more input from you on this thing. Anyways, well, I was wondering if you could go into more detail here on IM's rushdown, let exactly how to do it, I think that would help players out too. When I used to play it was something like, cr.lp/ (sometimes I don't like the trip effect of it, but most of times its not a problem cause the players are blocking anyways), (this to make the opponent start blocking low), triangle jump with,, land whatever. Throw in an AAA assist in there somewhere and it was good IM rushdown (I guess you would pick Doom since you like him so much with IM, ). Also, I find canceling into his fly mode during rushdown useful as well, kinda like a bootleg Sentinel type canceling to do overhead attacks, cept IM has to be close, I would do low attacks, then quickly canceling into flight mode and do, that helps set whatever IM wants (again I'm picking Doom in this case for you, ). Against some weak second tier and lower tier characters, you can also again copy Sentinel's flight mode strats, his j.HP has good range and priority and with an decent AAA, you could abuse it, IM flies just about as fast as Sent imo. Here is a flashy IM combo that I was doing when bored playing MvC2 at home, I don't know if posted earlier, its more of an Exbition(sp?) combo than anything: In corner: st.HP, cancel into Flight Mode, j.lp,, Psy's AAA, U+HP, (Psy hits at this moment), from here you can do anything...normal infinite, launcher into fly/unfly infinite, whatever. Anyways, hola back thru PM or email TCA. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:02:2002 07:51 AM: Ok, I'll clean it out. Email would be better. It's right here. As for his rushdown, it's best when combined with an assist (Doom AAA, any AAA, or projectile type). I use sj. lk, sj. mk because they overhead a crouching opponent and sj. lk comes out quick and it hits downward (kinda like Vice's j. lk). For those of you who didn't know, IM's j. lk has cross-up properties, thought I'd add that in. I would use IM's tri-jumping when close to my opponent or when I'm a few feet away from them (IM's sj. lk doesn't hit to far). You could also do it when you call an assist, which provides cover for you. IM's j. u/d/n hp isn't an overhead, but it has way better range than IM's j. lk. It doesn't come out as quick as j. lk though. Another good way to start IM's rushdown is when you fall from sj. Smart Bombs. For example: sj., airdash up, throw Smart Bombs, when falling, sj. hp (bombs usually make contact with opponent about here), (opponent is still in blockstun), sj., airdash d/f, you know the rest. Also, tri-jumping with sj. lk, sj. up + hk or just sj. up + hk by itself would work well. Sometimes, sj. up + hk won't connect on a crouching opponent after sj. lk. If sj. up + hk hits, go for the infinite, Proton Cannon, or s. hk for an aircombo. Yes, flight canceling also helps his rushdown, especially when used with an assist to add pressure, chip, and confuse your opponent. Yes, you have to be close to your opponent (use it FAR away from your opponent and you're fucked unless you cancel it quickly). You could do a low attack, call an assist, and cancel into Flight mode. From there, you could throw Smart Bombs, poke with his normals, then cancel Flight and start over. His Knee Stomp helps out a lot here, big time because you can cancel from Flight mode and cancel it into Smart Bombs, an airdash, or you could Fly again and repeat Fly rushdown. There are limitless possibilities for Flight canceling rushdown and there are too many ways of doing it. With Doom AAA, c. lk, c. lk (call assist), Flight, dash up, Smart Bombs, dash d/f, poke with overheads (lk, mk, hk, lp), then Knee Stomp to cancel Flight, rinse and repeat 'till you decide to stop doing it. More info on Flight Canceling Rushdown tomorrow. As for your combo, it's a good thing to use in a match, but only when you're in Unfly mode. Just change s. hp to c. lk, c. mp. And another thing, get ready to change the infinite setups list because I'll be posting a new list tomorrow. Laterz Posted by deadly_magneto on 02:02:2002 08:50 AM: I DONT KNOW IF U WENR OVER THIS BUT DID U EXPLAIN THE IRONMAN COMBO IN THE TEAM VID? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:02:2002 02:21 PM: hey astro hmmm maybe it's true but who knows ok? tca: u got some new combos???? btw do u have that video of nun vs white when white uses spiral/cable/cyke i want the vid please Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:02:2002 04:43 PM: Sorry, I deleted those a long time ago. I had it for a month then I deleted them because I didn't need those vids anymore. I may have NOT deleted all 4 vids, so I'll try to find them, when I do, I'll Email them to you. Sounds good enough? As for combos, yep, I've found a few new infinite setups and some airdash aircombos too. The setup is like this: c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, Crouch Cancel, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. Crouch Canceling from his s. hp is kinda hard, you know, canceling his hp into a sj.? I'll try to find the timing for this one. Gotta go down for breakfast. Laterz. Posted by GeekBoy on 02:02:2002 05:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Sorry, I deleted those a long time ago. I had it for a month then I deleted them because I didn't need those vids anymore. I may have NOT deleted all 4 vids, so I'll try to find them, when I do, I'll Email them to you. Sounds good enough? As for combos, yep, I've found a few new infinite setups and some airdash aircombos too. The setup is like this: c. lk, c. mp, s. hp, Crouch Cancel, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. Crouch Canceling from his s. hp is kinda hard, you know, canceling his hp into a sj.? I'll try to find the timing for this one. Gotta go down for breakfast. Laterz. IMO, this would be easier to learn as a CC infinite starter, cause as we all know, Cable's s.RH XX AHVB is easy, because you don't have to reset the joystick, it's already in neutral, this would have the same timing like (or similar) Cable's cancel, I won't know until I try it on Monday though =\ Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:02:2002 05:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy IMO, this would be easier to learn as a CC infinite starter, cause as we all know, Cable's s.RH XX AHVB is easy, because you don't have to reset the joystick, it's already in neutral, this would have the same timing like (or similar) Cable's cancel, I won't know until I try it on Monday though =\ Believe me, CC his s. hp is hard. I got like 2 out of 10 tries when I did it last night. You have a point about the joystick being in neutral, though. I think you have to CC the moment it hits your opponent. Heh, you don't have a DC? It's like $50 and MvC2 is prolly cheaper now, like $20. Hey, TrueNewbie, I was only able to find two vids. So if you want them, just holler. Posted by GeekBoy on 02:02:2002 05:33 PM: You were doing this in midscreen, right? Cause I can see how it can be hard to actually land, since IM's s.FP will knock people away, unlike Cable's s.RH. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:02:2002 05:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy You were doing this in midscreen, right? Cause I can see how it can be hard to actually land, since IM's s.FP will knock people away, unlike Cable's s.RH. I was doing this in the corner, but I did do it at midscreen. From what I know, all most all of IM's normals can be CC, except for c. hp and s. hk, his launcher. Posted by GeekBoy on 02:02:2002 06:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I was doing this in the corner, but I did do it at midscreen. From what I know, all most all of IM's normals can be CC, except for c. hp and s. hk, his launcher. Yeah, that's what I thought, cause in the corner, his s.FP doesn't have knockback capabilities. Midscreen makes it harder since it knocks the opponent back. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:03:2002 03:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Yeah, that's what I thought, cause in the corner, his s.FP doesn't have knockback capabilities. Midscreen makes it harder since it knocks the opponent back. True. I've been playing MvC2 for about an hour 1/2 and I still can't find the timing for when you CC. If anyone discovers it, post it. Another infinite reset. After IM's infinite, don't attack them, let them fall after j. up + hp, then Fierce throw them the moment they land, then s. lk, c. mp, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite, repeat. s. lk isn't an otg, it has juggle properties like Cammy and Magneto's c. lk, so it's basically unrollable. It can be escaped by tech hitting or when your opponent throws IM instead. It's still a good Infinite reset to use because his throw out prioritizes almost anything your opponent does the instant the land. Back up you go! Posted by calishaolin on 02:03:2002 07:05 PM: YO TCA is there anyway u can get unfly mode without geting hit? and what do u mean when u said u cant find the timing 4 cc? oh just wondering do u ever go 2 SHGL? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:04:2002 02:37 AM: sorry i havent posted in a while because i havent been on lately tca: if u have the vids if u canf ind it send it to me please and that cc setup i will try it its going to be hard but it will do the best hehe!!!!!!!!! Posted by GeekBoy on 02:04:2002 03:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin YO TCA is there anyway u can get unfly mode without geting hit? and what do u mean when u said u cant find the timing 4 cc? oh just wondering do u ever go 2 SHGL? No, you must be hit to get into UnFly mode. He's talking about the c.LK, c.LP, s.FP XX sj.LP cancel. First of all, s.FP is a knockback, which means it's almost impossible to follow up because the opponent has been knocked away, the timing on this is very tight, and you have to be very fast. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:05:2002 01:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin YO TCA is there anyway u can get unfly mode without geting hit? and what do u mean when u said u cant find the timing 4 cc? oh just wondering do u ever go 2 SHGL? Nope, you have to get hit in order to be in Unfly mode. I thought Jill's Rocket Launcher would activate Unfly but she lands on her back. I have only been to SHGL once in my entire life, but that's about to change when I go to SoCal this summer. As for the s. hp CC infinite setup, I still haven't found the timing to it. I think you have to CC the instant s. hp hits your opponent. But I have found another CC infinite setup that's a little easier. (in corner) c. hk, CC, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. You have to CC the instant the second hit of c. hk hits, it's also possible to do c. lp, c. mp, c. hk, CC, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp. In order for the 1st sj. lp to hit, you have to CC fast, REALLY fast. Don't use this in a realy match, chances are, you'll fuck up. Just stick to the Unibeam or aircombo OTG setups. Hey, TrueNewbiePR, I got the vids. I'll Email only ONE for now. Just tell me your Email address and I'll send it ASAP. Laterz. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:05:2002 10:01 PM: Hey TCA or any other Ironman players, what are your thoughts on War Machine? First thing that comes to mind of most players who think whether or not to use IM or WM is that IM is faster, so why use WM? WM does more damage on some of his moves than IM, its not much, only like 2 or 3 more points than IM, so he isn't THAT much stronger. Clear that his Proton Cannon isn't as useful as IM's, but that's where his War Destoryer comes in, he has alittle lag on the end (seems like more than it did in MvC1), but still useful super IMO for WM. Also his Shoulder Cannon, the Punch versions, hits higher than IM's, so you can't always just jump in on him when doing it, it seems to chip good or even better than IM's Unibeam (I haven't really looked into that). In case someone anyone was wondering, WM and IM takes the same damage, which is average damage (100% damage setting). With practice, you can do WM's infinite just as easily as IM's, but with WM's slower combo ability, some of IM's combos, he just can't do. Back on the War Destoryer (WD) super. Its a great vertical super and chips well, the start up time is quick, but its the lag that kills it. But if you have a good super to DHC into, such as HSF or Hailstorm, then you can cover alot of space and chip at the same time. If you afraid opponents will dash in or counter super, this is where hypercanceling comes in, just XX it off a Shoulder Cannon and the opponent should be in blockstun long enough for the missles to start raining on them then. Also, you can pull a WD off an AAA as well. I don't know if I explained it right, but there are ways to pull out the WD safely. Another little pro about War Machine is his cr.HP, its just like Sent's cr.HP, so you call an assist while firing a projectile, and then canceling into anything or just do whatever afterwards. When doing the infinite, instead of canceling to the Proton Cannon like his iron buddy, but cancel into a st.HK, WD instead. The WD is weaker than the PC, but just throwing in a suggestion that WM can super before the opponent bounce up during the infinite. For some reasons, I feel that WM is like a little Sentinel when I'm using him, lol. I just wanted to see if there are any other IM players out there, who also gives WM a chance or been wanting too. Has WM ever been in any good match vids like Ironman? I just wanted to bump up this topic :P and since WM and IM are so similar I thought it could spice up the topic some, heh. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:06:2002 12:23 AM: i use im/wm/doom and i rarely get owned by that team because im/wm/doom are the best 3 combinations one: ironman(projectile) war machine(anti air) which its pretty efective doom (THE ROCKS)WHO ELSE Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:06:2002 12:24 AM: i use im/wm/doom and i rarely get owned by that team because im/wm/doom are the best 3 combinations one: ironman(projectile) war machine(anti air) which its pretty efective doom (THE ROCKS)WHO ELSE Posted by antinewbies182 on 02:06:2002 12:59 AM: TrueNewbie: u are a spammer despues no hables de nosotros. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:06:2002 06:04 AM: Just bumping the thread back to the 1st page. And I'll give my thoughts on WM tomorrow since I'm at a friend's house. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:06:2002 11:27 AM: srry i didn't notice that because iw as posting from the university and i didn't know there were 2 replys at the same time sory but i don't spam u know it ok it's u and prodigy lol j/k tca: let me know about when to send me that vid Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:06:2002 02:54 PM: I'll be sending the vid later today when I get home from school. Cool with dat? As for War Machine, he's an "average" character to me. Not to bad yet not to good. He's on the slow side compared to Iron Man, but they have their differences (ex: WM's s. mk recovers faster than IM's). IM has faster startup when it comes to normals, Proton Cannon and special moves. WM's everything have slower startup. WM's Proton Cannon, which does a good chunk of damage when all of the hits connect, has a juggle effect that comes out randomly, which is a bad thing because you can't get the bang for your buck. IM's PC, a beam super, has quicker startup, does excellent damage, covers almost everything in front of it and it's thick. WM's WD, which is IMO his best super, starts up fast but there's some lag at the end. I can go on about this forever but I won't. It depends on your playing style on which one you choose. Iron Man's better, hands down. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:06:2002 04:38 PM: tca: thanks i really appreciate it btw did i give u my email? if not it is anyway to me wm is good because he recovers fast and his missiles are more faster than im's unibeam but if u r against cable it's not good cause remember wms smart bombs its slow and doesnt have long range so im not sure but i have survived cable users with wm/doom because i dash fast with wm and i confuse a lot of people Posted by Eternal Blue on 02:06:2002 05:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I'll be sending the vid later today when I get home from school. Cool with dat? As for War Machine, he's an "average" character to me. Not to bad yet not to good. He's on the slow side compared to Iron Man, but they have their differences (ex: WM's s. mk recovers faster than IM's). IM has faster startup when it comes to normals, Proton Cannon and special moves. WM's everything have slower startup. WM's Proton Cannon, which does a good chunk of damage when all of the hits connect, has a juggle effect that comes out randomly, which is a bad thing because you can't get the bang for your buck. IM's PC, a beam super, has quicker startup, does excellent damage, covers almost everything in front of it and it's thick. WM's WD, which is IMO his best super, starts up fast but there's some lag at the end. I can go on about this forever but I won't. It depends on your playing style on which one you choose. Iron Man's better, hands down. Actually, WM is faster when it comes to movement (sj'ing, dashing, normal jump, Air dashing), but he is ONLY slower when it comes to releasing his actual attacks. Not only this, but I find WM's air combos to come out much easier, and more naturally, and FINALLY, his smart bombs are faster, which is quite important, BUT, in some cases, IM's SB's are better because they're slower, so u can start some new shit, while they're falling on the opponent. Posted by antinewbies182 on 02:06:2002 07:27 PM: I found a thread about keep aways IMs , cool stuff : Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:06:2002 08:22 PM: IronMan I still havent seen the IronMan vid on i can only use the computer when i'm at school and its got some kind of block on it that wont let me download certain things i can watch most movies just not if they are .zip And i cant download WinZip b/c of the block on the computers. Can anyone help me out with a unzipped version of it? IronMan/Magneto/Storm Magneto/IronMan/Cable IronMan/Magneto/Cable Magneto/Cable/IronMan IronMan/Storm/Cable IronMan/Storm/Doom Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 02:06:2002 08:28 PM: all ok I just wanted to know which things do u do with IronMan while through smartbombs keep u from blocking as u fall down and which make it so u can block. If dont know what i mean... Such as doing the Downward Knee then flying back up just doing smart bombs then Dash Smart bomb fly to unfly etc. Help me out Posted by Gen2000 on 02:06:2002 08:58 PM: quote: As for War Machine, he's an "average" character to me. Not to bad yet not to good. He's on the slow side compared to Iron Man, but they have their differences (ex: WM's s. mk recovers faster than IM's). IM has faster startup when it comes to normals, Proton Cannon and special moves. WM's everything have slower startup. WM's Proton Cannon, which does a good chunk of damage when all of the hits connect, has a juggle effect that comes out randomly, which is a bad thing because you can't get the bang for your buck. IM's PC, a beam super, has quicker startup, does excellent damage, covers almost everything in front of it and it's thick. WM's WD, which is IMO his best super, starts up fast but there's some lag at the end. I can go on about this forever but I won't. It depends on your playing style on which one you choose. Iron Man's better, hands down. I believe War Machine should at least be credited or ranked higher than just average, he is like a slower more projectile base Iron Man imo. If you gonna play War Machine, the whole idea is not to try to copy IM's playing style completely, such as relying on his Proton Cannon which everyone here agrees sucks ass. I mean you don't want to actually do Proton Cannon, cause even if connects, does some crappy damage and not worth it. The whole point if you gonna do WM's Proton Cannon is that you want to chip with it, then you can DHC into a better and safe super. The same goes for WM's WD cept it has faster start-up and it can stop flyers. I don't think WM and IM should be played the same to the T. Iron Man has two things though that just makes him better in most battle cases though with some players, the speed and faster, beam version of the Proton Cannon. quote: Actually, WM is faster when it comes to movement (sj'ing, dashing, normal jump, Air dashing), but he is ONLY slower when it comes to releasing his actual attacks. Not only this, but I find WM's air combos to come out much easier, and more naturally, and FINALLY, his smart bombs are faster, which is quite important, BUT, in some cases, IM's SB's are better because they're slower, so u can start some new shit, while they're falling on the opponent. Yep, this is true, except with the combo ability part, it just depends on players on this part. I feel that since IM release his attacks so much quicker than WM, its easier to combo with him. With WM, I find myself having to dash in alot or start my attacks in deep to combo them. I also heard WM's Flight Mode last longer, but I haven't check this either and its not really important anyways since you would canceling it earlier anyways no matter which character you are. Posted by EBX on 02:06:2002 09:21 PM: Re: all ok quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 I just wanted to know which things do u do with IronMan while through smartbombs keep u from blocking as u fall down and which make it so u can block. If dont know what i mean... Such as doing the Downward Knee then flying back up just doing smart bombs then Dash Smart bomb fly to unfly etc. Help me out Here's a trick I developed in my head right now. Try this: When you get an opportunity, do sj. fierce xx AD back/up xx fierce xx far Smart Bombs, and while they're slowly decending, press back so you land near the opposite corner, than do a c. fierce to release a rocket, and I think the rocket should keep the opponent in blockstun, giving you enough time to sj. up again, into fierce xx AD up/back xx fierce xx Smart Bombs again, and trapping them. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:06:2002 11:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Eternal Blue Actually, WM is faster when it comes to movement (sj'ing, dashing, normal jump, Air dashing), but he is ONLY slower when it comes to releasing his actual attacks. Not only this, but I find WM's air combos to come out much easier, and more naturally, and FINALLY, his smart bombs are faster, which is quite important, BUT, in some cases, IM's SB's are better because they're slower, so u can start some new shit, while they're falling on the opponent. True. IM's normals come out faster than WM's, meaning that it's way easier to combo with him. WM's version of the infinite takes some practice to master, just get the timing right. And you're right about WM's SB, they're faster than IM's and yeah, IM can do some stuff while the SB descend. IM's Repulsor Blast starts faster than WM's, which allows IM to do the Repulsor Blast infinite, that WM can't do. I'll talk about WM more when I play him a bit. I haven't used him in a while (MvC1). I'll be editing this post since this would prolly be my 12th post. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:07:2002 05:27 AM: quote: True. IM's normals come out faster than WM's, meaning that it's way easier to combo with him. WM's version of the infinite takes some practice to master, just get the timing right. And you're right about WM's SB, they're faster than IM's and yeah, IM can do some stuff while the SB descend. IM's Repulsor Blast starts faster than WM's, which allows IM to do the Repulsor Blast infinite, that WM can't do. I'll talk about WM more when I play him a bit. I haven't used him in a while (MvC1). Well that's probably the reason why you don't understand WM is because you haven't played him enough . He changed big time from his MvC1 counterpart, not just talking about his moves appearance either. Like I said before, the WD is part of WM's big time instead of the Proton Cannon like his iron partner. His B&B combo is anything that leads to his cr.LP, (LP) Repulsor, XX, WD. Does alot more damage than his Proton Cannon combos. His cr.HP seems to take off a nice piece of damage as well, but I could be wrong, I had tagged a whiffed Psylocke's assist with this. If you are a heavy IM player, then WM's infinite really isn't that hard as everyone makes it out to be, I can do it just as good as IM's. Anyways, not to take away the spotlight from Ironman, any IM players like to share how their IM damages assist? I don't see many (and safe) ways for IM to deal with assist. When I used to play IM, I usually did a quick st.HK, Proton Cannon, sometimes throw in an AAA there to cover IM himself. Since the assist can't block anyways they would fall into the Proton Cannon. If you have an good super to DHC into such as Hailstorm, that just makes the damage even better. Other than that, I usually didn't brother with IM trying to hurt the assist, but instead just avoiding them and attacking the main character on point. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:07:2002 06:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 Well that's probably the reason why you don't understand WM is because you haven't played him enough . He changed big time from his MvC1 counterpart, not just talking about his moves appearance either. Like I said before, the WD is part of WM's big time instead of the Proton Cannon like his iron partner. His B&B combo is anything that leads to his cr.LP, (LP) Repulsor, XX, WD. Does alot more damage than his Proton Cannon combos. His cr.HP seems to take off a nice piece of damage as well, but I could be wrong, I had tagged a whiffed Psylocke's assist with this. If you are a heavy IM player, then WM's infinite really isn't that hard as everyone makes it out to be, I can do it just as good as IM's. Anyways, not to take away the spotlight from Ironman, any IM players like to share how their IM damages assist? I don't see many (and safe) ways for IM to deal with assist. When I used to play IM, I usually did a quick st.HK, Proton Cannon, sometimes throw in an AAA there to cover IM himself. Since the assist can't block anyways they would fall into the Proton Cannon. If you have an good super to DHC into such as Hailstorm, that just makes the damage even better. Other than that, I usually didn't brother with IM trying to hurt the assist, but instead just avoiding them and attacking the main character on point. Yep, I haven't used WM as much as IM. I'm not sure about c. lp, c. mp, lp RB XX WD, I think using PC instead of WD do the same amount of damage, but that could just be me. His c. hp is obviously better than IM's because it's a beam and it travels quicker than IM's missile. WM's infinite is sorta harder compared to IM's. My opponent was getting higher and higher when I did it like I was doing IM's infinite. I think you have to speed up the first three hits, then pause, j. up + hp, repeat. I'll be getting more into WM, but he still sucks compared to IM. As for IM punishing assists, Tigerkneeing a Fierce Unibeam does a small amount of damage. Usually, comboing an assist whenever they're on screen works well. For example, you get your opponent's assist in an aircombo, but you don't finish it. When your opponent calls out the same assist again, do another aircombo and keep on doing them until your opponent decides not to send out his assist or when you kill it. Just getting a few hits at your opponent's assist but leaving you safe, then attack your opponent's assist again when they call he/she out again. It's also similar to how Magneto does it. c. lp, c. mp, PC DHC to a safe super, this is prolly what you would stick to. Cable and Spiral can escape some (ex. PC DHC Magnetic Shockwave, Spiral can teleport behing Mags or IM). Other than that, I would just keep on focusing on the point character and ignore the assist. s. hp and c. hk are good strikes that knock an assist far from IM, then cancel it into a lp Unibeam/call assist if you want to. I'm not sure if this works: s. hk (call Doom AAA), Proton Cannon. Will it leave IM safe? Posted by blood_sin on 02:07:2002 08:14 AM: what is IM/sent's 100% DHC combo? Posted by mixup on 02:07:2002 09:09 AM: Ironman/Sentinel/cyclops is a good team, i like em' One post for my .2..... Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:07:2002 12:03 PM: tca: wheres the vid at?u didn't send it dude heh let me know ok? btw im using my old team im/sent/tbonne which it was MY OLD TEAM NOT JWONG'S NEW TEAM HEH COPYCAT LOL!!!!!!!! Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:08:2002 01:18 AM: All i can say about IronMan/Sent/TronBonne is The Power The Power its to great Ooooooaaaaaaaaa OOOOaaaaaaaaaa K.O No aaa but still results are Power over all. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:08:2002 01:29 AM: tca: u there? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:08:2002 06:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by blood_sin what is IM/sent's 100% DHC combo? Start with IM, with Sent as the second character. Any infinite setup, infinite, s. hp (or an attack that would connect the PC), Proton Cannon, DHC to HSF, dash forward, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, Fly, dash forward, Fierce throw, sj. lk, sj. mk, Upwards Rocket Punch. Sometimes, you can just skip Fly and end the magic series with a Rocket Punch. [QOUTE]Originally posted by mixup Ironman/Sentinel/cyclops is a good team, i like em' One post for my .2.....[/QUOTE] I've seen and played Japanese players that use this team. It's a great team, but there are variations. Replace Cyc with Psy or CapCom. You can replace Cyc or Sent for other characters to improve this team but hey, they're just suggestions. quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: wheres the vid at?u didn't send it dude heh let me know ok? btw im using my old team im/sent/tbonne which it was MY OLD TEAM NOT JWONG'S NEW TEAM HEH COPYCAT LOL!!!!!!!! I'm sending the vid right now. Sorry for the wait, it's just that my internet connection sucks. As for IM/Sent/Tron, aka Justin's new team, is one of the best I've seen. I also used to use this team, but I dropped it because I suck with Tron and that they could just snap her in and kill her. I think there was a thread about this in Gaming Discussion. I'll try to look for it and post the link. Tron's Proj. assist also sets up IM's infinite and adds insane damage to his combos. Try this one out, c. lp (call Tron), c. mp, Proton Cannon. I haven't used this team that much so I can't comment on gameplay/strats/combos. And I'll be here at Friday night and Saturday morning. quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan All i can say about IronMan/Sent/TronBonne is The Power The Power its to great Ooooooaaaaaaaaa OOOOaaaaaaaaaa K.O No aaa but still results are Power over all. *Hears sarcasm meter building up* Too much sarcasm!!! Posted by Mza on 02:08:2002 08:23 PM: I don't know if anyone mentioned this setup, but I found this one on my own a while back. Blah blah, launch, call storm projectile, sj.jab, sj.rh (FS), storm projectile hits, sj.rh (otg), land, start infinite with j.short... Also, here's a pattern I like to use with my A-IM, A-Storm, B-Doom team. Call Doom, sj.SB, air dash wherever,, fall towards the opp. with neutral fierce, s.fierce + call storm, jab unibeam, sj.SB, falling jab unibeam. It doesn't have to be strictly this, of course. Just mix it up. Throw in flight here and there and toss more smart bombs (aimed wherever you want). Kneedive, airdash back, and throw smart bombs. You get the idea (just be careful vs BH AAA). When you land with neutral fierce, the opp. might get ready to call an assist so dash back and punish with PC. BTW, anyone have any infinite setups from aircombo->flight + assist? Mza Posted by Magneto090 on 02:08:2002 10:30 PM: need some help Hi, I'm new at playing iron man and I am working on try to get is simple infinite down, j.lp, j.lp,, j.up+fp, using the psylocke AAA assist, I can maybe get the sequence out 2 times before cable falls too low to continue the infinite. What am I doing wrong, and how can I correct it. Also would appreciate any tips on using this team Mag/IM/Doom. Thanks Posted by Gen2000 on 02:09:2002 01:56 AM: quote: Hi, I'm new at playing iron man and I am working on try to get is simple infinite down, j.lp, j.lp,, j.up+fp, using the psylocke AAA assist, I can maybe get the sequence out 2 times before cable falls too low to continue the infinite. What am I doing wrong, and how can I correct it. Also would appreciate any tips on using this team Mag/IM/Doom. Thanks What I do is.. j.lp, j.lp, slight pause,, j.up+hp that way the opponent stays at the same height thru-out the infinite. As you practice it more, you will then have the feel on it and be able to "control" your opponent which is needed to combo into the Proton Cannon sometimes. About Mag/IM/Doom, I wouldn't know since I never use that team before, but I can say if you 2 meters, then you got yourself a free full screen counter on the ground (Mag Tempest which has instant start up, DHC into Proton Cannon). Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:09:2002 02:49 AM: Mag/IM/Doom is a team I've been using for about a year and a half (really). I prefer to start out with IM, though because of DHC reasons, but starting out with Magneto is okay. And Gen2000 has a good point on the MT DHC to PC, which has instant start up and covers a lot of ground. Use both Mag and Doom's assists to set up the infinite, then as you reach the corner, either you can go for the infinite reset (it's somewhere on this page) or continue the infinite and PC. You can use both assists for the reset. Don't call Mag's assist unless you're sure that it'll hit or combo because bypergrav doesn't travel that far. As for Doom AAA, use his assist to setup things like aircombos or his infinite, confuse people with it, use it to add chip damage and pressure to IM and Mag's rushdown, and use it to protect you when you do a move with lag time. Check in my next post later tonight or tomorrow about this team, strats, combos, tips, etc. Posted by mixup on 02:09:2002 05:56 AM: I usually dont like to use Charcters only for their AAA anymore. I just dont feel comfortable with anyone other than cyclops now... I just pretend my psylocke/commando will have to fight sentinel and i veer away from them and go and pick cyclops.. Do you have any suggestions for some Ironman teams? i may feel this way but i am still ears for simple discussion if you feel like it. Posted by antinewbies182 on 02:09:2002 07:00 AM: Is this a good team ? : Magneto / Cable / Ironman AAA I won some matches with this team in a tournament but im not sure if continue with this team Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:09:2002 02:51 PM: tca: u didn't send it to me wazzup man? anti: mag,ironman is the best duo Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:09:2002 06:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup I usually dont like to use Charcters only for their AAA anymore. I just dont feel comfortable with anyone other than cyclops now... I just pretend my psylocke/commando will have to fight sentinel and i veer away from them and go and pick cyclops.. Do you have any suggestions for some Ironman teams? i may feel this way but i am still ears for simple discussion if you feel like it. Same with me, but I do try to learn how to use characters in gameplay so I could have an AAA . My suggestions to IM teams are: - Since IM doesn't use meter that much and he does a good job at building it, get a character to spend the meter usefully (ie: Cable), Sentinel). - Have at least one or two assists that can setup his infinite or anything else that would bring an assload of damage. - Choose a character that covers the ground well (ie: Storm Proj., Sentinel Ground), a decent AAA (ie: Psylocke, Cyclops) and possibly a character that can do all these things (Doom AAA). - IMO, Doom should be on any IM team when you play against a team that focuses on rushdown (MSP). Doom AAA shuts them out and keeps your character safe. Not to mention the chip damage, confusion and hopefully if Doom AAA hits, it's a free infinite. - IM can play both rushdown, but he's not Magneto-ish, however, he has a great keepaway game. You could go for a keepaway/rushdown team (IM/Storm/Cable, IM/Mag/Doom). Anyways, they're just suggestions. As for Magneto/Cable/Iron Man, this team is very good. IM and Mag go well together, they kill people no sweat with the Infinite reset and they build 4-5 meters in no time. Which means you can tag Cable in and AHVB that shit. IM AAA also adds a good chunk of damage, Mag otg combo (or juggle) setups and of course, the AHVB. Hey TNPR, my eMail won't send you the vid for some reason. I'll try again to send it to you but I won't guarantee that it'll be sent right away. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:09:2002 07:02 PM: Hey TCA, if you have problems sending the email by mail, then you could just set up an yahoo briefcase account and upload the vid there. They have a 5 MB limit transfer, but you can get around with this if you have WinRAR which is used to split files in smaller sizes. What this means? Just split up the vid and upload in your briefcase account, then when people d/l it, just put the pieces back together and they have one vid. Problem is that briefcases have limited bandwidth, but this probabaly the best and easiest way to do upload vids for free, I seen a couple of people do this before and it works out well. Another way is if you have KaZaA/Morpheus, then just put the vid in your Shared Folder and people could just d/l it from there, just some suggestions Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:09:2002 07:53 PM: Hmm, I'm think I'll try the Yahoo Briefcase thingy, it seems easier. I don't have KazaA/Morpheus but I'll try to register and put the vids there, but for now, I'll try Yahoo. There are four vids that I'm planning to place. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:09:2002 08:14 PM: quote: Hmm, I'm think I'll try the Yahoo Briefcase thingy, it seems easier. I don't have KazaA/Morpheus but I'll try to register and put the vids there, but for now, I'll try Yahoo. There are four vids that I'm planning to place. Actually it would be faster with KaZaA/Morpheus. Using the briefcase, unless you got a cable modem, it will take a while to upload all those files on there, since its four vids, add to account that you have split those, that could be a while uploading them with a 56K modem. With KaZaA/Morpheus, its really simple, all you need to do is place the vids in your "Shared Folder" and stay online for people to d/l them and you're done. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:10:2002 02:44 AM: uh yea what the guy said do it on briefcase and tel us the link hehehe Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:10:2002 04:17 AM: Okay, I'll do it as soon as I can get my computer to log on to the internet. Then I have to upload all four vids fast because my ISP disconnects a lot. I'll prolly start around Sunday night/Monday afternoon so just be patient. The matches in the 4 vids: 1. Sentinel/Iron Man/Psylocke Vs. Dhalsim/Iron Man/Cyclops 2. Iron Man/Sentinel/Psylocke Vs. Cable/Spiral/Cyclops 3. Cable/Spiral/Cyclops Vs. Dhalsim/Iron Man/Cyclops 4. Cable/Spiral/Cyclops Vs. Dhalsim/Iron Man/Cyclops I'll go for KazaA/Morpheus. What do you mean "you have to split them"? Does it mean that I have to upload one vid at a time? Posted by Gen2000 on 02:10:2002 05:49 AM: quote: I'll go for KazaA/Morpheus. What do you mean "you have to split them"? Does it mean that I have to upload one vid at a time? For KaZaA/Morpheus (I recommend KaZaA), you don't have to split the files, you have to do that for uploading them to the briefcases. You see the yahoo briefcases only allow 5MB files to be uploaded and I'm sure those vids are more than 5MB (they usually are). That's where WinRar comes in, you use that to split the files into smaller files (like below 5MB) so you can upload to the server. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:10:2002 05:53 AM: Cool. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I can get started earlier. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:10:2002 10:06 PM: tca: i got the first match it was lucky match hehe but the other three no id on't have it just let us know so that we can d/l ok?thanks but its better the yahoo briefcase for me hehe but do your thing Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:10:2002 10:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: i got the first match it was lucky match hehe but the other three no id on't have it just let us know so that we can d/l ok?thanks but its better the yahoo briefcase for me hehe but do your thing The Yahoo Briefcase thing is out of the picture cuz I have to split the vids, which I have no I idea of doing. It's most likely going to be KazaA/Morpheus. The only problem is, my internet connection sucks and I can't log that much. If I log on, I'm lucky. And yeah, I'll post the link here for all of you to d/l. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:11:2002 12:23 PM: thanks a lot tca so anyway on to ironman do u guys can crouch cancel 10 times instead of doing the infinity???that if u like the unfly so much Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:11:2002 08:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mza I don't know if anyone mentioned this setup, but I found this one on my own a while back. Blah blah, launch, call storm projectile, sj.jab, sj.rh (FS), storm projectile hits, sj.rh (otg), land, start infinite with j.short... Also, here's a pattern I like to use with my A-IM, A-Storm, B-Doom team. Call Doom, sj.SB, air dash wherever,, fall towards the opp. with neutral fierce, s.fierce + call storm, jab unibeam, sj.SB, falling jab unibeam. It doesn't have to be strictly this, of course. Just mix it up. Throw in flight here and there and toss more smart bombs (aimed wherever you want). Kneedive, airdash back, and throw smart bombs. You get the idea (just be careful vs BH AAA). When you land with neutral fierce, the opp. might get ready to call an assist so dash back and punish with PC. BTW, anyone have any infinite setups from aircombo->flight + assist? Mza Nice setup. Here's another good one with Storm projectile. c. lk, c. mp, s. hk (call assist), sj., sj. hp, airdash d/f, sj. down + hp, assist hits, infinite (start with j. lk). Not that hard. Good pattern ya got. And it's not just BH AAA that can hurt you (Cammy AAA, CapCom AAA, Ken AAA, etc.). Flight should not be abused a lot and throw a couple of random fierces while sj. to protect yourself from an opponent that would hit you out of the air. Overall, it's a great pattern to use but should not be abused. Mix your gameplay from rushdown to keepaway or vice versa. Nope, I don't have any infinite setups from ac->flight + assist. I'm looking for some with Doom AAA and Thanos capture. Here is something that IM players should NOT do. When you sj. and throw Smart Bombs, DON'T TAG OUT BEFORE THEY HIT YOUR OPPONENT!!! If you do this and tag IM back in, he won't be able to throw Smart Bombs during the rest of the match. Yes this is a glitch. As for the vids, I haven't or should I say can't logged on in my computer last night. My Internet connection sucks. I'm at my other computer but it doesn't have the vids. So it'll take a while, FYI. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:13:2002 07:00 AM: Ok, since the last few replies in this thread have been off topic (yeah, I know). Let's get back to talking about Iron Man. I found a new infinite for Iron Man yesterday. Here's how to do it: Perform any of Iron Man's normal infinite setups (lp, mp, mk, up+hp). Then do one or two sets of the infinite. As you land from j. up + hp, j. lk, j. mk, j. up + hp, and repeat it. Or, you can alternate the infinite repetitions. What I mean is do one rep of his normal infinite (j. lk, j. mp, j. mk, j. up + hp) then his other infinite (j. lk, j. mk, j. up + hp). If you keep on doing this, you'll get about 55-60 hits until your opponent dizzys. As for the timing, look for it yourself. I also found a damaging infinite setup with Magneto Capture type. You must be in Unfly mode to do this. c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lk, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, Airdash up, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, Flight mode, (call assist), Fierce throw (Hypergrav hits), (while in Flight) up + hp, Jab or Fierce Unibeam, dash towards opponent (call assist), Fierce throw (Hypergrav hits), (while in Flight) dash down, Unfly, j. up + hp, infinite. Flashy as hell. It does a lot of damage by itself w/o the infinite. An important thing about throwing in combos: You can only throw twice in a combo. Airthrows or ground throws, it doesn't change the fact the you can throw two times only. You can mix them up. For example, you do a ground throw with Magneto at the corner. You juggle them with c. lk, c. hk, superjump cancel, sj. hk, Airdash d/f, Roundhouse throw. After the throw, you juggle them again with j. lk, j. mk. Usually, you can jump again and throw your opponent once more but instead, you get a fierce or a roundhouse. Or with IM, you do his infinite, then throw them the instant they land and juggle them with s. lk, c. mp, sj. lp, Airdash towards, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. You do this one more time but on the third try, you can't seem to throw your opponent the way you did the other two times. List of characters that go well with Iron Man (top 5) 1. Dr. Doom 2. Magneto 3. Cable 4. Storm 5. Sentinel This is just my opinion. If you think this isn't right, feel free to argue. About the vids. I went to but in order for me to register, I have to buy this t-shirt for $15.00 + S%H. That's out. I tried Yahoo Briefcase but that took TOO long and I was really confused. As for KazaA, I'm going to register and upload the vids there. My problem is, I can't seem to find it. Can someone give me the URL? I keep getting this porn site every time I type it at Google. And one more question, I have Audiogalaxy, can't I just upload them there? If yes, educate me with some how-to. And where the fuck is Sepehr when you need him? Posted by color_wolf on 02:13:2002 11:40 AM: go to for kazaa Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:13:2002 01:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by color_wolf go to for kazaa Thanks, dude. Posted by AkumaTX on 02:13:2002 02:13 PM: How can I split a file with WinRAR. I have some tourny vids I want to upload Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 02:13:2002 02:33 PM: Rush Down Is there a good Rush down Type technique with IronMan that can be used with IronMan that chips or confuses. Im not sure how to rush with IronMan i dont like to attack to much until i get the person in the corner then thats when i eat them up. It probably depends on the assist for rush down so feel free to add any assist in the answer i can use most if not all main characters except cyclops. Spamn Optic Blast One eye bastar... Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:13:2002 02:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by AkumaTX How can I split a file with WinRAR. I have some tourny vids I want to upload Ask Gen2000, he should have a clue. And let's not get off topic here. The Best Assists for Iron Man (top 5) 1. Dr. Doom AAA (stops rushdown, the best assist to setup the infinite) 2. Magneto Capture Type (another good assist to setup the infinite, helps in combos and resets) 3. Psylocke AAA (outprioritizing assist that sets up the infinite easy, allows for OTGs or juggles) 4. Sentinel Projectile (since he has super armor, he stays on screen for a while, another good assist to use for setting up his infinite) 5. Dhalsim Ground (yet another assist that can setup the infinite, sets up OTGs or juggles, okay range) BadNewsMVC2: For rushdown techniques, check the pages before this one. It's in here somewhere. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 02:13:2002 06:47 PM: Okay I still dont get Unfly mode What is the best way to practice this should i go to practice and set the practice dummy on manuel then have a assist like cammy's hit me when im flying and then b4 i land i am supposed to get back in flight mode. If so then after that am i in Unfly Mode. Also if i am i can Unfly and do whatever and if i fly again will i still be in Unfly mode? Help me out i dont use Unfly combos cuz i dont know enough about it. I know its been talked about but can u answer this directly anybody. Is Unfly mode good or useful during matches cuz without it my Ironman is still good. Posted by Voodoo on 02:13:2002 09:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 Okay I still dont get Unfly mode What is the best way to practice this should i go to practice and set the practice dummy on manuel then have a assist like cammy's hit me when im flying and then b4 i land i am supposed to get back in flight mode. Just have Storm hit you with a standing fierce. IM will do a little handspring back - and you're in unfly mode. The only thing that will take you out of unfly mode is by normal jumping once, or by unflying a couple of times. Posted by Nun on 02:13:2002 11:35 PM: This will probably be my last post for sometime so i decided to comment on this threat about ironman's runaway and rushdown. The best style of playing ironman is a combination of both. Only if you play both styles is when ironman becomes confusing and deadly. Runaway ironman alone will become predictable very soon just like his rushdown because simply they are not abusable no matter what you do. Smartbombs are one of the best checking moves in the game but it is not all ironman can do. Ironman is deadly if you know how to fully use all his flying, smartbombs, unibeam, triangle jumps, c.hp which can be connected into pc. Posted by Sepehr on 02:13:2002 11:41 PM: what can i do for you The Cerebral Assassin? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:14:2002 09:43 PM: *BUMP* MISSED ME YALL? GUESS WHAT? I FOUND NEW SHIT I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS OLD TO U GUYS BUT TO ME IT'S NEW THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS I LIKE AS COMMANDO AAA down lk,down lp,call commando,crouch cancel to inf then after the inf call aa then inf again its fun Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:15:2002 02:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nun This will probably be my last post for sometime so i decided to comment on this threat about ironman's runaway and rushdown. The best style of playing ironman is a combination of both. Only if you play both styles is when ironman becomes confusing and deadly. Runaway ironman alone will become predictable very soon just like his rushdown because simply they are not abusable no matter what you do. Smartbombs are one of the best checking moves in the game but it is not all ironman can do. Ironman is deadly if you know how to fully use all his flying, smartbombs, unibeam, triangle jumps, c.hp which can be connected into pc. Very informative. Thanks for commenting. Also, if you cancel his c. hp into a tag, it'll hit. Sepehr: Post some stuff about Iron Man that we don't know yet. Posted by MilkMan on 02:15:2002 05:46 AM: im not sure if this question has alrdy been answered, but how do i do that (semi-inf./inf) with ironman that zeroblue and hiryu do in their team combo video with magneto as the helper? thx Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:15:2002 07:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by MilkMan im not sure if this question has alrdy been answered, but how do i do that (semi-inf./inf) with ironman that zeroblue and hiryu do in their team combo video with magneto as the helper? thx I haven't seen that vid yet. Lemme watch it first then maybe I could answer your question. Or if anyone else wants to do it, go right ahead. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:16:2002 12:00 AM: *bump* ummmmmmm MILKMAN!!!!!!!1 I TOLD U WHEN U THROW MAG THEN FLY LK,UF+HP,UNFL,FLY AGAIN THEN SAME!!!!!!! Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:16:2002 03:42 PM: TCA: WHEN U GOING TO DO THE VID THING?HEHEHE I'M DESPERATE DUDE!!!!!! NUN: i need to talk to u!!!!!! Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:16:2002 05:39 PM: I won't be able to work on uploading the vids for awhile. Sorry, People. I have a fever and lots of school work to catch up on. I seem to have a problem connecting to the internet at my computer. If I do get connected, I always get disconnected about 10 minutes later, which means I don't have enough time to do it. I tried saving the vids in a floppy disc but it's too big. Sorry, peeps. I bet the URL's here somewhere. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:17:2002 06:24 PM: ok tca: let me know so anyway any more questions of ironman?????? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:17:2002 06:55 PM: There was that question Milkman asked. My computer doesn't have the new version of Windows Media Player so I can't download it. And people should be sharing more strats or combos. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:17:2002 07:28 PM: All right, I have a question for you people. How do you escape Iron Man's guardbreak? (Any) Also, some helpful stuff. When fighting Sentinel, if you get him in the Japanese Iron Man Infinite setup (JIMIS), airdash UP/FORWARD. Airdashing d/f or forward don't usually work. Posted by TimeFlip on 02:17:2002 08:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Nope, I don't have any infinite setups from ac->flight + assist. I'm looking for some with Doom AAA and Thanos capture. I believe you could do it with Sim AAA; just call the assist during the flying Sk part, and hit them into it with a D+Hp. __ How do you feel about IM with BH AAA? I'm going to TRY playing IM with him in either IM/Sent/BH or Doom/IM/Bh or IM/BH/SonSon . Any combos would be niced. Thanx in advance. Posted by strider86 on 02:18:2002 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin All right, I have a question for you people. How do you escape Iron Man's guardbreak? (Any) Also, some helpful stuff. When fighting Sentinel, if you get him in the Japanese Iron Man Infinite setup (JIMIS), airdash UP/FORWARD. Airdashing d/f or forward don't usually work. well i don't know if this is one hundred percent but try blocking the up fierce then activate flight with sentinel or air dash out of it. but like i said it's just a thought! Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:18:2002 06:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I believe you could do it with Sim AAA; just call the assist during the flying Sk part, and hit them into it with a D+Hp. __ How do you feel about IM with BH AAA? I'm going to TRY playing IM with him in either IM/Sent/BH or Doom/IM/Bh or IM/BH/SonSon . Any combos would be niced. Thanx in advance. Thanks for the info. I haven't used Dhalsim for a while. I'll try it out. How do I feel about IM with BH AAA? I don't use IM with BH too much but BH AAA is an excellent assist that IM could profit from. BH AAA stops runaway Storm temorarily as well as other characters that would play keepaway from you. The bad thing is, by looking at the 1p cursor, Storm can Lightning Attack to avoid BH AAA. Here's what I do against runaway Cable. For example, when IM and BH have low health and Cable has all 143 points of life or when Cable is playing keepaway by just superjumping and throwing Grenades, BH AAA is really useful in this kind of situation. When Cable has one or more levels of meter, you may have to scratch this because he can just AHVB BH as he comes down from blocking BH AAA. Use BH AAA when Cable's in the middle of executing a move; ie: Fierce Viper Beam, sj. hp canceled into a Grenade. BH AAA helps IM alot in these kind of matchups. As for combos and setting up the infinite, BH AAA's not to bad yet not to good because of it's laggy startup time. If you're doing an aircombo involving Flight mode, use BH AAA to add more damage(ex: c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., 1234, sj. up + hp, Airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lk, mp, up + hp (call assist), Fierce Unibeam). It also sets up IM's guardbreaks. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:18:2002 04:13 PM: IronMan/Sent/TB I just wanted to say that i see that IronMan needs no AAA to whoop AS$. In a tournament that happened the 16th in VA at Putt Putt there was a guy who used IronMan/Sent/Tronbonne and he used them the whole tourney pretty much. He was pretty sick with them I'm not exacally sure if he won right now but b4 the tourney when everyone was practicing he rack up almost 40 wins on everybody there. I wanted to use IronMan that tourney cuz nobody uses him in VA but he just switched teams and used him he would make my IronMan look like shit i played him to but got whooped. I just thought i might post that Iron/Sent/TronBonne whoops a$$ and rushdown is included in that whoopin. Posted by nightmareivy on 02:18:2002 05:13 PM: this is a very useful guide i will use it, thanks guys. -Erik Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 02:18:2002 05:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Thanks for the info. I haven't used Dhalsim for a while. I'll try it out. How do I feel about IM with BH AAA? I don't use IM with BH too much but BH AAA is an excellent assist that IM could profit from. BH AAA stops runaway Storm temorarily as well as other characters that would play keepaway from you. The bad thing is, by looking at the 1p cursor, Storm can Lightning Attack to avoid BH AAA. Here's what I do against runaway Cable. For example, when IM and BH have low health and Cable has all 143 points of life or when Cable is playing keepaway by just superjumping and throwing Grenades, BH AAA is really useful in this kind of situation. When Cable has one or more levels of meter, you may have to scratch this because he can just AHVB BH as he comes down from blocking BH AAA. Use BH AAA when Cable's in the middle of executing a move; ie: Fierce Viper Beam, sj. hp canceled into a Grenade. BH AAA helps IM alot in these kind of matchups. As for combos and setting up the infinite, BH AAA's not to bad yet not to good because of it's laggy startup time. If you're doing an aircombo involving Flight mode, use BH AAA to add more damage(ex: c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., 1234, sj. up + hp, Airdash U/F, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, Fly, lk, mp, up + hp (call assist), Fierce Unibeam). It also sets up IM's guardbreaks. WTF mang....... i post one of the threads once. it is easy to eascape you pushblock then fly with sent or AHVB with cable (usually both cancel out but it worth it ) pushblock lightning attack straight up or dash up forward..... when u lightning attack straight up or up forward you can block on the way down and and with ironman pushblock and practically cancel it with smartbomb while holding back..... or with ken do pushblock then do his flaming fist shoryuken without the super part, you know the dragon punch move......preferrable the lp one, the hp makes u go really high..... Posted by magnus on 02:19:2002 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin All right, I have a question for you people. How do you escape Iron Man's guardbreak? (Any) I reall havn't seen anyone escape it, buti have seen people throw off the timing by push blocking the up fierce. I'm not to sure, but maybe you can push block, then teleport out of there if your using a char. with telport capabilities. push block is what throws me off. MAG Posted by magnus on 02:19:2002 06:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin I also found a damaging infinite setup with Magneto Capture type. You must be in Unfly mode to do this. c. lk, c. mp, s. hk, sj., sj. lk, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, Airdash up, sj. up + hp, sj. up + hk, Flight mode, (call assist), Fierce throw (Hypergrav hits), (while in Flight) up + hp, Jab or Fierce Unibeam, dash towards opponent (call assist), Fierce throw (Hypergrav hits), (while in Flight) dash down, Unfly, j. up + hp, infinite. Flashy as hell. It does a lot of damage by itself w/o the infinite. Nice combo, for those of you who want to see it done, go over to and dl team dans ironman tribute. other combos in it include a setup with doom aa. ( otg though ) another setup is done in the corner, many of you probably know it: launcher -> then air s.j. jab, s.j short, s.j. strong, neutral fierce, otg the opponent off the ground with neutral rh, land then start inf. with jump foward short. the hardest part of the combo is timing the aircombo so that when you hit fierce, you fall with your opponent. the neutral rh should connect with the opponent as they are already on the floor, and you are landing. another note is that since fs was activated with the s.j. fierce, you can't call assist, proton cannon, or re-launch. you'll have to finish the inf. out. MAG Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:19:2002 03:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by magnus [B]other combos in it include a setup with doom aa. ( otg though )[B] The good thing about this infinite setup is that you have enough time to dash forward for the infinite if they fall for it or dash back to catch up with them if they roll. Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 02:19:2002 09:05 PM: For the people that use TronBonne with IronMan how do u link the infinite from TB's assist? I found out some corner garaunteed QCF+PP with TB after a corner throw and if ur like me i say its easy as hell to get a throw. I throw every match. If u want to know ask cuz im sure some people already do. *Master of throwing* Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:19:2002 10:01 PM: TCA: I MADE A NEW TEAM TODAY WITH IM IT'S CONFUSING AND IT WAS A MISTAKE USING HIM BUT I WON LIKE 40 WINS IT WAS IM/CYKE/STORM IT WAS A MISTAKE USING HER BUT HERES THE TRICKY U THROW STORM PROJECTILE IT THROWS AWAY AN ASSIT U CAN LAUNCH THE AAA THERUNAWAY IF THE OPPONENT THROWS IT AGAIN THROW STORM THEN PROTON CANNON,OPTIC BLAST,STORM SNOWING LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:20:2002 12:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR TCA: I MADE A NEW TEAM TODAY WITH IM IT'S CONFUSING AND IT WAS A MISTAKE USING HIM BUT I WON LIKE 40 WINS IT WAS IM/CYKE/STORM IT WAS A MISTAKE USING HER BUT HERES THE TRICKY U THROW STORM PROJECTILE IT THROWS AWAY AN ASSIT U CAN LAUNCH THE AAA THERUNAWAY IF THE OPPONENT THROWS IT AGAIN THROW STORM THEN PROTON CANNON,OPTIC BLAST,STORM SNOWING LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Wasn't the team used by Scott A. awhile back? This team has an easy 100% combo which is: (any infinite setup) infinite, Proton Cannon, DHC to Hailstorm. As soon as Storm can move again after HS, execute a Lightning Storm and DHC quickly to MOB before your opponent hits the ground. The team order should be IM/Storm/Cyclops. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:20:2002 05:28 PM: no sorry tca i knew it was scott but im saying im/cyke/storm if u know how to use cyke well but im telling u it can kill an aaa!!!!! Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:21:2002 01:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR no sorry tca i knew it was scott but im saying im/cyke/storm if u know how to use cyke well but im telling u it can kill an aaa!!!!! Storm should always be first or second, never last. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:21:2002 01:04 PM: i just dont care thats my team lol anyway where r the vids at? Posted by Dorrinal on 02:22:2002 03:50 AM: G'aah! quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I believe you could do it with Sim AAA; just call the assist during the flying Sk part, and hit them into it with a D+Hp. __ How do you feel about IM with BH AAA? I'm going to TRY playing IM with him in either IM/Sent/BH or Doom/IM/Bh or IM/BH/SonSon . Any combos would be niced. Thanx in advance. IM with BH AAA makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I always use that combination, usually with Doctor Doom. We know that IM and Doom work well and BH/Doom is an infamous combination. Where Blackheart helps Iron Man is assisting his keep-away and chipping. My standard routine with Iron Man on point is to call Blackheart AAA, jump (or sj) and do a smart bombs, dash (backwards for keep away, forwards for rushing), and follow it up with a unibeam. You can usually repeat that a couple of times without getting too predictable. As TCA mentioned, Blackheart is also good at boxing in people like Storm and Cable. Between that and Iron Man's moves you can box someone in nicely and soon you'll become psychic He also works quite well in aerial raves which involve flight. On a side note, Iron Man's projectile assist works quite well for Blackheart on point. It can be used to pin down an opponent while delivering aerial pressure, so it is often more useful than Doctor Doom's AAA. For y'all mentioning yer team's lack of an AAA: if you learn where to place IM's then you shouldn't need someone like Psylocke or Cyclops. Doom will suffice Posted by strider86 on 02:22:2002 06:47 AM: hey geekboy! try using sentinel on rocket punch assist and then short jab short then infinite. not sure if it'll work but and idea! Posted by GeekBoy on 02:22:2002 07:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 hey geekboy! try using sentinel on rocket punch assist and then short jab short then infinite. not sure if it'll work but and idea! Posted this a few pages back, it works. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:22:2002 07:08 AM: Re: G'aah! quote: Originally posted by Dorrinal IM with BH AAA makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I always use that combination, usually with Doctor Doom. We know that IM and Doom work well and BH/Doom is an infamous combination. Where Blackheart helps Iron Man is assisting his keep-away and chipping. My standard routine with Iron Man on point is to call Blackheart AAA, jump (or sj) and do a smart bombs, dash (backwards for keep away, forwards for rushing), and follow it up with a unibeam. You can usually repeat that a couple of times without getting too predictable. As TCA mentioned, Blackheart is also good at boxing in people like Storm and Cable. Between that and Iron Man's moves you can box someone in nicely and soon you'll become psychic He also works quite well in aerial raves which involve flight. On a side note, Iron Man's projectile assist works quite well for Blackheart on point. It can be used to pin down an opponent while delivering aerial pressure, so it is often more useful than Doctor Doom's AAA. For y'all mentioning yer team's lack of an AAA: if you learn where to place IM's then you shouldn't need someone like Psylocke or Cyclops. Doom will suffice Wanna share more strats? And I won't be uploading the vids for awhile. You know why. Anyways, what assist type should Iron Man be in? Projectile? AAA? Obviously not launcher type. I know it depends on who you're playing and the characters you're using but I just want to know your opinion. For rushdown teams, I put IM on AAA. (Mag capt./IM AAA/Psy AAA) For teams that are keepaway-ish/occasionally tri-jumping, I use projectile. (IM proj./Doom AAA/BH AAA) Posted by GeekBoy on 02:22:2002 03:34 PM: IM-a vs IM-b AAA wise, IM isn't the worst AA you could have, but he's not the best, on a team where you don't have an AAA and/or you can setup some really good ass combos from it, sure, use it. IM-b isn't without it's uses of course, if it hits, you're guranteed a combo or a super, since if it's hits once, the opponent will fly around in a vacuum effect for a second, hit again, and finally land, with OTG rules attached. Of course, you could always do the traditional, call assist, throw using IM's assist. If they don't tech, you can still get a combo. On the flip side of using IM-b, it's slow. It does take a bit to come out and if you need a last minute AAA, IM's not the person for it. And if he misses, well, he's fucked by the right characters, and can stand to lose a lot of damage if you're not putting him in the right spots. IM-a is a good assist. While not as great as say Storm-a or Sent-g, but it can work sometimes. It's not as good as extending combos as IM-b is, but it can start them. I don't really like using IM's assists all that much, I just usually stick him on Projectile and do what I can with it, he's not a assist heavy person, like Psylocke or Cyke. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:22:2002 08:28 PM: good rushdown for me bh doom cyke cable commando storm(projectile) psylocke tbonne (jwong who stole my new team) sent (ground) but i agree with peeps over here doom and bh is the best duo heh pretty tough to own that team with ironman keep away Posted by Nightshade3D on 02:22:2002 08:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by BadNewzMvC2 For the people that use TronBonne with IronMan how do u link the infinite from TB's assist?, (call gamma assist), jump+lk, j.lp, j.hp infinite As you know, they can roll out. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:23:2002 04:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy IM-a vs IM-b AAA wise, IM isn't the worst AA you could have, but he's not the best, on a team where you don't have an AAA and/or you can setup some really good ass combos from it, sure, use it. IM-b isn't without it's uses of course, if it hits, you're guranteed a combo or a super, since if it's hits once, the opponent will fly around in a vacuum effect for a second, hit again, and finally land, with OTG rules attached. Of course, you could always do the traditional, call assist, throw using IM's assist. If they don't tech, you can still get a combo. On the flip side of using IM-b, it's slow. It does take a bit to come out and if you need a last minute AAA, IM's not the person for it. And if he misses, well, he's fucked by the right characters, and can stand to lose a lot of damage if you're not putting him in the right spots. IM-a is a good assist. While not as great as say Storm-a or Sent-g, but it can work sometimes. It's not as good as extending combos as IM-b is, but it can start them. I don't really like using IM's assists all that much, I just usually stick him on Projectile and do what I can with it, he's not a assist heavy person, like Psylocke or Cyke. Great info. But which assist wins? Posted by Dorrinal on 02:23:2002 06:07 AM: Iron Man Projectile Assist vs. Anti-Air Assist To be quite frank, I would never use Iron Man's AAA unless I was really hurting for one. It's too slow and Iron Man takes damage like someone who ISN'T wearing metal plate armor. Here's how his assist fits into my team (IM/Doom/BH): Doom on point: IM's AAA can be a help for Doom as a setup for some Photon Arrays but in general Doom wants to use BH's assist. Typically the pin-down created by the projectile is good enough to keep Doom mobile, which can allow you to keep pressure via Doom's well-known methods. Blackheart on point: BH can handle himself. He doesn't need another AAA, because if anything's fast enough to keep him down *cough Magneto cough*, Iron Man's AAA won't save him. What he needs is Iron Man to keep beaming the opponent so he can make another superjump and continue air pressure. Conversely, it can also be used to draw out a jump (or sj) or bait an attack so you can punish with HK demons and/or Inferno XX Heart of Darkness. General strats: to go along with what Nun said earlier, you have to play a balance between the rushdown and keepaway. Doom works better for the former, and BH is ideal for the latter. I also have a couple of ideas for fighting some of your toughest competitors. These are based on my experiences, so they may not apply as well to your own favorite team. vs. Cable: Cable is terrible at defending above his head. Guess what Iron Man, Doctor Doom, and Blackheart excel at? Yeah, you guessed it. If you can keep in the air and drop the bombs, you can find an opening. Using an assist as bait is risky but it's easy enough to air-dash over his head and punish. vs. Magneto: I have a really tough time vs. Magneto without Blackheart. Usually I turtle with BH or fly with Doom. For Iron Man, fly a little, bomb, and use your hp to keep mags away. Use an assist to take a hit and work in a unibeam/launcher/proton cannon. Don't be afraid to use that to keep him boxed in where you want him. vs. Storm: I've never met a Storm player who didn't love to jump/air dash right into an infinite. Use a good assist (BH, CapCom) to limit her screen area and reach her with smart bombs and sj.hp. It's very hard to keep her completely down, but that's why we all hate Storm That's what I have so far. I hope y'all find it useful. I hope y'all learn the wisdom of Blackheart AAA. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 02:23:2002 07:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Here is something that IM players should NOT do. When you sj. and throw Smart Bombs, DON'T TAG OUT BEFORE THEY HIT YOUR OPPONENT!!! If you do this and tag IM back in, he won't be able to throw Smart Bombs during the rest of the match. Yes this is a glitch. that is not true...... just switch bback to ironman and then switch to whoever then switch back to ironman and he can use him.......... i make this combo along time ago.... it goes sj. air dash up smart bomb land switch to thanos (smart bomb hit at same time allowing him not to use them) do bubble capture and switch to ironman do smart bombs (they dont come out) hp proton and than call psylocke do then she hits then cancel smart bomb into proton is an amazing combo mang!! it uses 2 assists 2 smartbombs (well kind of heheh) and switching....oh, it must be done in corner... Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:24:2002 03:35 AM: BUMP Posted by nightmareivy on 02:25:2002 05:14 AM: i have been practicing the,, fly, lp,mp,fp, unfly fp then infinite for a while now and i still can't get that what am i doing wrong can someone explain this to me in detail. i can do everything untile unfly, then fp, it seems impossible to do, is there a certain way that i have to do it to get it out? -Erik Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:26:2002 03:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy i have been practicing the,, fly, lp,mp,fp, unfly fp then infinite for a while now and i still can't get that what am i doing wrong can someone explain this to me in detail. i can do everything untile unfly, then fp, it seems impossible to do, is there a certain way that i have to do it to get it out? -Erik First off, don't use neutral fierce, hold up while pressing the fierce button. If you're talking about this setup (c. lk, c. mp, Flight, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp, infinite), check the the other pages of this thread. This question has already been asked and answered. Posted by TS on 02:27:2002 02:56 AM: Heard some people mention WM, and figured I'd add my 2 cents Things: What combos IM has that WM doesn't and vice versa is sort of a moot point since any connected hit should lead into the Gehngis unfly infinite or the traditional one. That said, I don't think that IM has much that WM doesn't. WM's AAA does entirely too much damage. If you can link 3 hits together you 50% damage with no super. I was in Training Mode the other night and did Crouching short + assist, crouching Strong, standing Roundhouse with Psylocke, WM's AAA hits like 3 or 4 times, walk backwards, launch into air combo with no super, and that's half of Cable's life gone. Let's not even mention what Sentinel or Magneto or anyone who can do real damage would be able to do. quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 His cr.HP seems to take off a nice piece of damage as well, but I could be wrong, I had tagged a whiffed Psylocke's assist with this. If you are a heavy IM player, then WM's infinite really isn't that hard as everyone makes it out to be, I can do it just as good as IM's. WM's crouching Fierce, like all beams, does less damage the further away you are. quote: Anyways, not to take away the spotlight from Ironman, any IM players like to share how their IM damages assist? I don't see many (and safe) ways for IM to deal with assist. When I used to play IM, I usually did a quick st.HK, Proton Cannon, sometimes throw in an AAA there to cover IM himself. Since the assist can't block anyways they would fall into the Proton Cannon. If you have an good super to DHC into such as Hailstorm, that just makes the damage even better. Other than that, I usually didn't brother with IM trying to hurt the assist, but instead just avoiding them and attacking the main character on point. That would work better with WM. Also, you can DHC to hail if they flinch. I wouldn't say WM's infinite is harder to do, since I play him sometimes, and don't play's all relative. Damn near any assist in the game sets up the infinite. You can call some random AAA, and if you have your timing down you can do jump up+fierce, land, infinite. Just FYI. Though some (Dhalsim, Psyloke, Cyclops, Hulk, etc) are obvoiously easier than others. Edit: change that standing Roundhouse in the Psylocke combo to a crouching Fierce, works better. Sorry about that. Posted by nightmareivy on 02:27:2002 03:58 AM: cerebral copy and paste that to a new post because i can't find that shit anywhere there are other combos but no explanation for that one, all there is; is what buttons to hit nothing else. -Erik Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:27:2002 12:20 PM: does anyoen have the vids of jwongs new team the one who copycat???im/sent/tbonne Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:27:2002 04:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy cerebral copy and paste that to a new post because i can't find that shit anywhere there are other combos but no explanation for that one, all there is; is what buttons to hit nothing else. -Erik Nah. I'm too lazy. I'll just post it again. I'm assuming the setup you're talking about is c. lk, c. mp, Fly, lp, mp, up + hp, Unfly, up + hp, land, rejump and infinite right? You have to be in Unfly Mode in order for you to do this combo. To activate Unfly Mode, get your character hit by a move that causes him/her to flip, then land on their feet automatically. Knockdowns won't work. Get yourself hit by moves like Cammy's AAA, Ken's AAA, Storm/Magneto's standing fierce, any launcher (your opponent doesn't go for an aerial rave) and even Cable's AHVB. Once you get hit by any of those moves, don't normal jump. Normal jumping cancels Unfly Mode. Ok, you're hit by Ken AAA then you can do the infinite setup. Try Flying then Unfly and press an attack button. Then boom shakalaka, the attack comes out! If you're still confused, go to the articles section and read the one titled Advanced Flying Tactics. You should be able to understand it better by reading that article. L8s. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:27:2002 10:33 PM: The old IM Thread will never die eh TCA? Heh. Anyways.. quote: Things: What combos IM has that WM doesn't and vice versa is sort of a moot point since any connected hit should lead into the Gehngis unfly infinite or the traditional one. That said, I don't think that IM has much that WM doesn't. WM's AAA does entirely too much damage. If you can link 3 hits together you 50% damage with no super. I was in Training Mode the other night and did Crouching short + assist, crouching Strong, standing Roundhouse with Psylocke, WM's AAA hits like 3 or 4 times, walk backwards, launch into air combo with no super, and that's half of Cable's life gone. Let's not even mention what Sentinel or Magneto or anyone who can do real damage would be able to do. I don't really remember what I said about the combo abilities between IM and WM, but I didn't mean anything like either had better combos than the other. I never really checked into WM's AAA damage before, that's some nice info. I think his Projectile assist is just as good, its like a quicker Spiral's projectile IMO. Chips good and comes out fast, great at covering lag on moves. I abuse it alot with sent, I don't really know how it would work with other characters. His AAA would probably be more better in other cases. quote: WM's crouching Fierce, like all beams, does less damage the further away you are. Ya, I know about beam damage scaling (how beams do less damage the further you are away and solid projectiles do the same damage no matter where, blah blah). When I did it on Psylocke, I was far away. Anyways, when I did that post, I remember that Psylocke had already taken some damage so I was adding that with the damage that cr.hp took, so that's kinda my fault. quote: That would work better with WM. Also, you can DHC to hail if they flinch. I wouldn't say WM's infinite is harder to do, since I play him sometimes, and don't play's all relative. Damn near any assist in the game sets up the infinite. You can call some random AAA, and if you have your timing down you can do jump up+fierce, land, infinite. Just FYI. Though some (Dhalsim, Psyloke, Cyclops, Hulk, etc) are obvoiously easier than others. Nah, with WM, his Proton Cannon comes out slower, allowing more reaction time from your opponent, plus the missles would probably only just be hitting the assist while IM's Proton Cannon hits both (I think, or at least cover the full screen). I had already mentioned DHC into Hailstorm part for more damage. For WM, if you wanted to punish assist with a super, use his WD instead, BUT make sure you have some safe super to DHC into (HSF or Hailstorm), cause while the missles are attacking the assist, WM is left wide open. About WM's infinite, I used to play alot of IM, so I did infinites out my ass to with him so I didn't really find WM's that hard either. The difference between WM and IM though is how easy it can be set up though, IM has a much easier time just busting out the infinite anytime the opponent is popped up in the air. Glad there are some other WM players out there though. Posted by TS on 02:28:2002 02:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 For WM, if you wanted to punish assist with a super, use his WD instead, BUT make sure you have some safe super to DHC into (HSF or Hailstorm), cause while the missles are attacking the assist, WM is left wide open. That's actually what I meant...should have been more clear. And BTW, the missles always go for the point character on their way down. Also, nice little combo I found a long while ago was long range Smart Bombs xx War Destroyer, and DHC to Hail or something if the Smart Bombs hit. Not real useful, but a good way to DHC out. Posted by TimeFlip on 02:28:2002 04:34 AM: How do you use Storm's Expansion assist(LA) in IM's air combo, preferably without IM's U+RK(I'm an IM newbie ) How would you set up the infinite with it(just curious) Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:28:2002 07:05 AM: I guess this thread won't wither into nothing because of you guys, who bump this thread with strats/q's. So thanks. Just read the last few yet very informative posts about IM/WM. I didn't know WM's AAA could do THAT much damage. Would the same amount of damage go for IM's AAA as well? I'll test it. If both AAA's inflict the same amount of damage, the AAA that starts faster would be the better of the two. Damn, I should begin using WM more. Can't comment on their differences unless I use him. For people trying to setup IM/WM's infinite from almost any assist (obviously not heal assist), check out n817azn's sig and it should say somewhere in it. It's called Iron Man Infinite from assists guide. Yes, it would show you how to setup the infinite from Storm's Lighting Attack assist. Dorrinal: Great stuff. Very useful. Posted by calishaolin on 02:28:2002 07:11 PM: sup peeps well it looks like the guys on the 1st and 2nd tier thread all say that IMs 2nd tier, well I do think he's geting tossed by these guys storm mag sent cable these guys (exept cable)have went through some changes and R more menacing than ever but I think IM has 2 evolve a little. any opinions on this? Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:28:2002 09:09 PM: is it me or am i seeing that tca wants to use my war machine?????? U BASTARD HAHAHA LUCKILY I HAVE SOME STRATS FOR HIM BUT THIS IS IRONMAN THREAD HEHEHE SO ANYWAY DOES ANYONE HAVE THOSE JWONGS NEW COPYCAT VIDEOS????? Posted by Gen2000 on 02:28:2002 11:00 PM: quote: That's actually what I meant...should have been more clear. And BTW, the missles always go for the point character on their way down. Well when I do the WD for attacking assist, I do a, then cancel into. I guess we both aren't that clear when making points. Btw, I know they always go for the point character. I would recommend XXing from a st. LP Shoulder Cannon cause they hit at pretty high range and the missles kepts going even while the WD is starting up keeping the opponent in block stun. Use HP if you want to keep the opponent in block stun longer. I never bust out a random WD though unless I'm switching WM out using a safe DHC (Hailstorm or HSF, mostly HSF though cause I'm always using Sentinel with WM). Btw, my current WM team is WM/Sentinel/AAA. quote: I didn't know WM's AAA could do THAT much damage. Would the same amount of damage go for IM's AAA as well? I'll test it. If both AAA's inflict the same amount of damage, the AAA that starts faster would be the better of the two. Ha ha, score one more point for WM. Like mention before, the thing about WM over IM is that his specials come out faster. IM's AAA comes out like half a second slower than WM. As soon as you call out of WM he is already doing the AAA. You actually see IM go into the starting frames of it, but with WM you don't Damage wise, it depends on the size of characters. On Cable, they both do 36, but that's only due to Cable's size. I did both on Blackheart and WM racked up 48-49 damage and IM still got about 36-39. This is at max hits btw. So really, WM's is only better in damage if fighting against BH and maybe Sentinel (he is about the same size). But speed wise, WM is faster. Edit: Ok, after looking at even more, its like this. IM does the HP version of the RB, which starts-up slower and is bigger. WM does the LP version of it, which is faster and smaller. quote: is it me or am i seeing that tca wants to use my war machine?????? U BASTARD HAHAHA LUCKILY I HAVE SOME STRATS FOR HIM BUT THIS IS IRONMAN THREAD HEHEHE SO ANYWAY DOES ANYONE HAVE THOSE JWONGS NEW COPYCAT VIDEOS????? Well, WM discussion is already in here, might as well share your strats, I mean he is an "Iron" man as well. Btw, I don't have those vids. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:01:2002 01:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin sup peeps well it looks like the guys on the 1st and 2nd tier thread all say that IMs 2nd tier, well I do think he's geting tossed by these guys storm mag sent cable these guys (exept cable)have went through some changes and R more menacing than ever but I think IM has 2 evolve a little. any opinions on this? Since any of these characters can whoop IM to next week, assists like BH AAA, Doom AAA, etc can help IM get rid of them. BH AAA temporarily stops Storm runaway, Cable when he's sj.'ing and throwing grenades, Mag when he plays keepaway or rushdown, and Sent when he flies. Vs. Storm Runaway Storm can be a real pain in the ass for IM, since he can't stop her by superjumping because he'll probabaly get Lightning Attacked XX Lightning Stormed. There are a few ways to beat Storm: 1. Rushdown. Keep her pinned to the ground with a good assist (like Doom AAA) so she can't take superjump and runaway. Vary your attacks and don't attack recklessly because Storm could have an AAA or you could be hit by a jab/short and get aerial raved for it. From there, she could start her runaway. 2. Varying your keepaway and rushdown. Just keep Storm grounded to avoid the master of fighting without fighting. Vs. Magneto Doom AAA is valuable to IM against him. s. hk, an outprioritizing launcher, will tend to hit tri-jumping Mags. His rushdown is better than IM's, so he has that advantage. Doom AAA also clonks Mag out of tri-jumping and when that happens, infinite away. Mag is not that much of a problem, all you have to worry about is the assists that he uses. Random Jab Unibeams and Smart Bombs tend to hit him. To be continued, or if someone else wants to add on this or continue it, go right ahead. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:02:2002 03:26 AM: *bump* ok i found a new combo launch,sj down hp,dash df,lp,mp,uf+hp, infinity it's more effective trust me on this one Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:02:2002 07:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR *bump* ok i found a new combo launch,sj down hp,dash df,lp,mp,uf+hp, infinity it's more effective trust me on this one Welcome to two years ago. This infinite setup was in the 1st page. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:02:2002 01:41 PM: oops sorry that was not it launcher,down hp,call commando,dash df,lp,mp,uf+hp,inf heh thanks tca Posted by nightmareivy on 03:02:2002 06:21 PM: fuck you cerebral assasin, thanks i get it now, thanks for clarifying that combo for me. so are all the other fly, unfly combos require you to get hit by a flip back move? explain to me the japanese infinite setup, so are you saying to do the fly, unfly infinite i have to get hit by a flip back move everytime? -Erik Posted by n817azn on 03:02:2002 07:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin sup peeps well it looks like the guys on the 1st and 2nd tier thread all say that IMs 2nd tier, well I do think he's geting tossed by these guys storm mag sent cable these guys (exept cable)have went through some changes and R more menacing than ever but I think IM has 2 evolve a little. any opinions on this? I have some opinions on this as well. With storm like TCA said you have to stay on top of her. This is easier said then done however, she is so damn fast that its really hare to do this. i hate her personally and she is the character that i dread to face the most no matter who i am using. Iron man has trouble catching up to her and also has trouble dealing with any type of decent rush down character. The answer to this is just a good anti-air, and avoid the rushdown with smart bombs and such, i personally like to use commando. He helps to eliminate stupid runaway storm, and also knocks out mags rushdown period. The problem i have with using doom is that mags rush down owns his assist, one kick in the head and doom is gone, its like his assist doesn't even exist. Sentinel is not that bad, xcept for the fact that he is big and mean and does a sh*t load of damage. Some people don't know this, but a good timed jump up lp..... after a sent. stomp is a very easy inf. set-up you just have to time it right in between stomps, and its not that easy to do. Many times i have messed up and become sent. combo fodder . Now, my main beef~~>> Cable--------- I've seen in this thread many peeps say that cable is easy to deal with when usin Iron Man. Cable is a bigger problem character than any one else with Iron Man. The only chance against cable is to stay close and hope to get him into the infinite. A good cable player with a good anti-air will OWN a good Iron Man player most of the time. Y? do you ask, its quite simple. Iron man is just too damn slow, cable coupled with a good anti-air can keep iron man at screen length for most of the time, rendering him useless. Iron man wins sometimes when he can get in close and get the infinite started. The best way i've found to do this is when cable is trying the sj. land on top with the rh, just time it and jump up with a lp, surprisingly enough IM's lp overrides many moves in this game. I've beat cable many a times doing this. One good thing is that after a blocked uni-beam cable cannot ahvb your azz, just make sure that he blocks it, if he jumps over it your dead, cuz ironmans lag after a missed uni-beam is horrible. Anyone who says that Ironman can beat cable no problem is wrong, if you think that then you haven't played a good cable player. I'm not saying this becuz i'm a cable player, Iron man is my favorite character on the whole damn game, cable can just exploit his weaknesses very well. n8 Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:02:2002 08:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy fuck you cerebral assasin, thanks i get it now, thanks for clarifying that combo for me. so are all the other fly, unfly combos require you to get hit by a flip back move? explain to me the japanese infinite setup, so are you saying to do the fly, unfly infinite i have to get hit by a flip back move everytime? -Erik For all Unfly combos/infinite setups, you have to be in Unfly Mode to do them. You can only Unfly 5-6 times, then it'll wear off. This is why there are semi-infinites instead of infinites. If Unfly lasted forever, IM/WM would have a shitload of infinites. The explanation on how to do the Japanese IM Inf. Setup is in the first page. Click Iron Man for Dummies in my sig and it should take you there. Does that answer your question? Iron Man Vs. Cable Cable is one of the best counter characters for IM. If it was Cable Vs. IM one on one, IM has a good chance of winning. On the other hand, if Cable has an AAA, IM's chances of winning are slim. As n817azn said, he's too fucking slow. Cable/AAA prevents IM from invading Cable's space, which is a good thing for Cable because all IM needs is one hit to get rid of him. Also, Cable has a problem defending attacks above his head. An AAA would solve this problem but if Cable didn't have an AAA, it would be a different story. Another problem is IM's special moves. Jab and fierce Unibeams tend to be AHVB'd either before the move starts or when the move finishes. Jab and fierce Repulsor Blasts are also open to AHVBs. Ground Smart Bombs, Flight, and a few of IM's normals are AHVB prone. An IM player should be careful when playing against a Cable player. Mix up your gameplay with IM from rushdown to keepaway or vise-versa. When it's just my IM vs. Cable one on one in a last few seconds of the match situation, I tend to play more keepaway than rushdown when I have more pixels of life than Cable. I'm really carefull against Cable at this time because he usually has 2 or 3 meters. If I do something stupid, I'm fucked. In conclusion, IM does not own Cable. IM has a good chance of beating Cable if he doesn't have an AAA. Tread carefully when playing against Cable, but Cable will also be playing a smart game against you because he knows he's screwed when he gets hit once. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:03:2002 04:15 AM: tca: where r the vids that u said a long time that u r going to put in the yahoo briefcase about nun vs white vids?please!!!!!!!!! man i want those vids Posted by TimeFlip on 03:04:2002 12:05 AM: 1. I still don't get how to set the infinite up with Storm Beta 2. I still don't get how to do an IM air combo with Storm Beta. Pleaze help. My fingers hurt. Posted by Mr.Grimm on 03:04:2002 02:22 AM: This is test. Posted by n817azn on 03:04:2002 02:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip 1. I still don't get how to set the infinite up with Storm Beta 2. I still don't get how to do an IM air combo with Storm Beta. Pleaze help. My fingers hurt. eheh. ok storms beta = lightning attack. this is how i do it, but it only works if your near the side your facing away from, in other words near the side where you assist comes out. c.lp + storm assist,, jump, inf.......... it doesn't work across the screen cuz it takes too long for storm to come out. As for in a aircombo, i don't see how you could incorporate it into an ac, its a ground level move. n8 Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:04:2002 04:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: where r the vids that u said a long time that u r going to put in the yahoo briefcase about nun vs white vids?please!!!!!!!!! man i want those vids I'll do it when I have some time. Right now, I got a shitload of schoolwork and wrestling tourneys to attend. Just wait, I'll upload them when I get the time. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:05:2002 12:05 PM: tca: ok just let us know man heh me desperate to see those vids Posted by TimeFlip on 03:05:2002 10:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn eheh. ok storms beta = lightning attack. this is how i do it, but it only works if your near the side your facing away from, in other words near the side where you assist comes out. c.lp + storm assist,, jump, inf.......... it doesn't work across the screen cuz it takes too long for storm to come out. As for in a aircombo, i don't see how you could incorporate it into an ac, its a ground level move. n8 So you're saying she comes from behind you, that's all you had to say. And I thought you would be able to knock them down with a D+Hp, then storm hits them back up. It has different properties than regular LA, it's more of a XvSF LA in that it hits them up. You can even do that Sentinel Hp, Rocket Punch air combo with it. And can you infinite from a Storm LA off IM's Hp Throw? I might start a trend Posted by n817azn on 03:05:2002 10:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip So you're saying she comes from behind you, that's all you had to say. And I thought you would be able to knock them down with a D+Hp, then storm hits them back up. It has different properties than regular LA, it's more of a XvSF LA in that it hits them up. You can even do that Sentinel Hp, Rocket Punch air combo with it. And can you infinite from a Storm LA off IM's Hp Throw? I might start a trend Ohhhhhhhhh, k i see what your saying now, that might work, i dunno though cuz she comes out kinda fast, mmmmmhhhhh, i'll have to give that a shot. n8 Posted by Meelj on 03:06:2002 11:09 PM: Ironman newbie here. I was wondering if you guys can give me some tips on what to do against these characters; Magneto, Sentinel, Storm. Magneto just usually rapes my whole team He is my main trouble right now, the guy who uses him triangle jumps me to death. One thing I know I need to do is pushblock more and tech hit those throws. Any tips would be appreciated. Remember I'm new to IM. (I wish i had this game on dc to practice ) Also, what are some good teams for IM to be paired up with? Posted by n817azn on 03:07:2002 05:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Meelj Ironman newbie here. I was wondering if you guys can give me some tips on what to do against these characters; Magneto, Sentinel, Storm. Magneto just usually rapes my whole team He is my main trouble right now, the guy who uses him triangle jumps me to death. One thing I know I need to do is pushblock more and tech hit those throws. Any tips would be appreciated. Remember I'm new to IM. (I wish i had this game on dc to practice ) Also, what are some good teams for IM to be paired up with? Yep, both mags and storm give iron man considerable trouble. The main reason is that he's too damn slow. The main thing to have against a mags player is a good anti air, like commando he stops mags rush down pretty much cold, or even psylocke who can be used to easily to start the infinite. If he is hell bent on rushing down this should give you ample times to start up the inf. If you don't know the inf. cuz your a newbie, learn it, its his most usefull combo, and can help change a match back to your favor. However if its down to a one on one your pretty much screwed, mags is just too damn fast. Your only hope is to maybe get lucky and catch while he's jumping at you, and start up the inf. like that. I've done it a few times myself, much to the disappointment of my opponet. Out of storm and mags though i fear storm the most, she can just runaway all day, and just kind of chip at you and IM can't do squat about it really. While with facing mags you can runaway and call anti air, and sj and drop smart bombs, while against storm all of these things are prone to getting hail stormed, she i think is the most annoying character in the whole damn game, i hate her lol. Here are some good IM teams(in no particular order)----> IM, cable, doom IM, cable, sent Magnus, IM, psy IM, cable, psy IM, storm, psy IM, cable, commando IM, cable, cyclops(team beam) IM, commando, BH IM, cable, BH IM, dhalsim, cable There are quite a few others too, just use your imagination. These are just some of the ones that i prefer. n8 Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 03:07:2002 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Meelj Ironman newbie here. I was wondering if you guys can give me some tips on what to do against these characters; Magneto, Sentinel, Storm. Magneto just usually rapes my whole team He is my main trouble right now, the guy who uses him triangle jumps me to death. One thing I know I need to do is pushblock more and tech hit those throws. Any tips would be appreciated. Remember I'm new to IM. (I wish i had this game on dc to practice ) Also, what are some good teams for IM to be paired up with? When u say u need to push block more it really wont help against magnis that much it can throw off his timing tho but not by that much and this is if he is Tri-angle jumping alot. The best time to push block is during a sweep from magneto. Storm on the other hand there really isnt to much u can do cuz like n8 said IronMan is to slow tho u can get high enough in the air to hit her ur so slow she will probably be blocking by then its just not fair against her atleast thats how i feel. Posted by Meelj on 03:07:2002 04:33 PM: Well, this storm isnt really a run away storm. But, thanks for the advice. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:08:2002 05:49 PM: tca: or geekboy care to explain about jwongs vid of cornertrap the one with 8 min ok if u see the vid its (3:12 to 3:18) in the corner i dont understand it Posted by calishaolin on 03:08:2002 08:42 PM: Sup iron men anyways i dont think IM should be rated as a second tier charecter what do u guys think Posted by Gen2000 on 03:09:2002 05:21 AM: Clean out your inbox cause your email link don't work. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:09:2002 05:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin Sup iron men anyways i dont think IM should be rated as a second tier charecter what do u guys think I think IM should be top teir but there are reasons why he's not. Things like his infinite do make him a little better but that doesn't mean he's top-tier. Sure, he has a great keepaway game and he confuses his opponents well but it won't put him in the top-tier list. IMO, IM should be at the either at the top or near the top of the second-tier character scale. I don't believe in tiers, I just use whoever I want to use. You can always move to Japan where they accept IM and WM as top-tier characters. quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: or geekboy care to explain about jwongs vid of cornertrap the one with 8 min ok if u see the vid its (3:12 to 3:18) in the corner i dont understand it I wish I could but the computer I'm currently using doesn't have the updated version of Windows Media Player. If someone could post the combo, I'll do my best to explain it. Some misc. stuff: - Iron Man's Repulsor Blast assist is slower than War Machine's. IM uses the fierce version and WM uses the jab. But, they do about the same amount of damage. - War Machine cannot do the jab Repulsor Blast corner infinite. - It's true that IM is faster compared to WM, but WM has some normals that recover quicker than IM's. (ie: standing forward) - Iron Man cannot do some of his infinite setups on certain characters. (ie: fierce throw to infinite doesn't work on Storm, c. lk, c. mp, c. hk, jab Unibeam doesn't work on Ruby Heart) - Iron Man's fierce throw to Magneto's Hypergrav assist doesn't work on certain characters. (ie: Magneto and Sentinel) - In situations where IM can OTG his opponent, he can use his standing short to juggle the enemy instead of OTG'ing them. This comes in handy in corners after his fierce throw or at midscreen. But some of you probably know this. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:09:2002 05:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin Sup iron men anyways i dont think IM should be rated as a second tier charecter what do u guys think I think IM should be top teir but there are reasons why he's not. Things like his infinite do make him a little better but that doesn't mean he's top-tier. Sure, he has a great keepaway game and he confuses his opponents well but it won't put him in the top-tier list. IMO, IM should be at the either at the top or near the top of the second-tier character scale. I don't believe in tiers, I just use whoever I want to use. You can always move to Japan where they accept IM and WM as top-tier characters. quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca: or geekboy care to explain about jwongs vid of cornertrap the one with 8 min ok if u see the vid its (3:12 to 3:18) in the corner i dont understand it I wish I could but the computer I'm currently using doesn't have the updated version of Windows Media Player. If someone could post the combo, I'll do my best to explain it. Some misc. stuff: - Iron Man's Repulsor Blast assist is slower than War Machine's. IM uses the fierce version and WM uses the jab. But, they do about the same amount of damage. - War Machine cannot do the jab Repulsor Blast corner infinite. - It's true that IM is faster compared to WM, but WM has some normals that recover quicker than IM's. (ie: standing forward) - Iron Man cannot do some of his infinite setups on certain characters. (ie: fierce throw to infinite doesn't work on Storm, c. lk, c. mp, c. hk, jab Unibeam doesn't work on Ruby Heart) - Iron Man's fierce throw to Magneto's Hypergrav assist doesn't work on certain characters. (ie: Magneto and Sentinel) - In situations where IM can OTG his opponent, he can use his standing short to juggle the enemy instead of OTG'ing them. This comes in handy in corners after his fierce throw or at midscreen. But some of you probably know this. Posted by Maven on 03:09:2002 07:41 AM: Just a cool and easy way to get off infinite with help of psylocke launch, sj. up fierce, air dash up forward, lp, up fierce, fly, lp down fierce and at same time call psy, unfly, go into infinite cause psy hit's them on way down. pretty nifty Posted by Gen2000 on 03:09:2002 10:17 AM: quote: - Iron Man's Repulsor Blast assist is slower than War Machine's. IM uses the fierce version and WM uses the jab. But, they do about the same amount of damage. Didn't you read my post earlier about that? I said that a page back . IM moves faster and his normals comes out quicker, but some of WM's specials comes out faster, the Smart Bombs and Shoulder Cannon. Their Replusor Blast is about the same speed. Anyways, we already went over the IM/WM stuff, Btw, clean out your mailbox!! About that to juggle thing, I noticed this long ago but I never knew it was a juggle, I thought my opponents sucked at rolling. I always did that Throw in corner,, st.hp, Proton Cannon combo, but again, I always just thought my opponents sucked at rolling I watched Iron Man match vid and the player did the same combo, that's when I knew it was a juggle. Posted by Shamy on 03:09:2002 07:13 PM: O.k. I dont use Iron Man to much but I do want to know one thing. I couldnt understand all the shit about infinites on the first page. All the abreviations fuck me up. Please use jab/short/strong/foward...thank you. Anyway...I like to use Iron Man with psylock...i use her assist then try to do what I have been told is an infinate...but I cant hit it more than 2 times...jab,jab,short, up+strong...Does this work. And if not what can I use as an infinate. What can I use as an infinate after I launch...remember in jab/short format please. Thanks Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:09:2002 08:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 Didn't you read my post earlier about that? I said that a page back . IM moves faster and his normals comes out quicker, but some of WM's specials comes out faster, the Smart Bombs and Shoulder Cannon. Their Replusor Blast is about the same speed. Anyways, we already went over the IM/WM stuff, Yeah, I know you posted it awhile back. Just wanted to post it again. But, Iron Man's Proton Cannon comes out faster than War Machine's. There are about three ways to connect the Proton Cannon with WM. - s. lp, c. mp, Jab Repulsor Blast XX Proton Cannon. - (in corner) s. lp, c. mp, s. hp, Jab or Fierce Shoulder Cannon (not sure which punch) XX Proton Cannon. - Ground Smart Bombs XX Proton Cannon. This I'm not sure. If there are anymore, post them. Is it better to do s. hk, War Destroyer or Jab Repulsor Blast after WM's infinite? quote: Btw, clean out your mailbox!! About that to juggle thing, I noticed this long ago but I never knew it was a juggle, I thought my opponents sucked at rolling. I always did that Throw in corner,, st.hp, Proton Cannon combo, but again, I always just thought my opponents sucked at rolling I watched Iron Man match vid and the player did the same combo, that's when I knew it was a juggle. Whoops. My bad. I thought you were talking to someone else. Just to correct you, it's IM's standing short that can juggle not the crouching version. My PM Box is dead so I'm assuming you want me to clean out my Mailbox? I'll do it when I get home. Right now, I'm another computer at another school posting this. quote: Originally posted by Shamy O.k. I dont use Iron Man to much but I do want to know one thing. I couldnt understand all the shit about infinites on the first page. All the abreviations fuck me up. Please use jab/short/strong/foward...thank you. Anyway...I like to use Iron Man with psylock...i use her assist then try to do what I have been told is an infinate...but I cant hit it more than 2 times...jab,jab,short, up+strong...Does this work. And if not what can I use as an infinate. What can I use as an infinate after I launch...remember in jab/short format please. Thanks Here's the legend: lp = Jab mp = Strong hp = Fierce lk = Short mk = Forward hk = Roundhouse I like to use abbreviations but okay, I'll answer you questions in the jab/short format. One more thing, I don't use jab, jab to represent jab, strong. Since you're learning IM's infinite, you Psylocke's AAA (Anti Air Assist) or IM's jumping up + Roundhouse to set the infinite up. As either one of these attacks hit your opponent, jump for a jumping jab, jumping strong, pause for about a split second, jumping strong, then jumping fierce while holding up while you're about to hit the ground. Then repeat it and you've got an infinite. If you're fighting against larger characters like Juggernaut or Blackheart, you may have to switch the jumping jab for a jumping short, then do the rest of the infinite. If you keep on using jumping jab, Jugg or BH will start to fall and they'll be out of the infinite. What I mean is this: j. roundhouse, land, j. jab, j. strong, pause for about a split second, j. forward, j. up + fierce, land, j. short, j. strong, j. forward, j. up + fierce, then alternate between using jabs and shorts. Iron Man's basic infinite: j. roundhouse (infinite setup), land, j. jab, j. strong (do it quick), pause for about a split second, j. forward then j. up + fierce while you're about to hit the ground, land, repeat the process. If you have anymore questions, just holler. I found another IM infinite. Set it up by using any of IM's normal infinite setups, then do about one or two reps of the infinite, then as you land, sj. short, airdash up, sj. jab, sj. up + fierce, land, pause for about a split second, repeat. Again, it's just for show. Posted by Gen2000 on 03:09:2002 09:15 PM: Oops, I meant anyways, it was late that night. If playing with War Machine, DON"T worry connecting Proton Cannon in combos. Don't try to try War Machine into IM. Proton Cannon=Iron Man War Destory=WM After the infinite with WM, you just do the,WD at the end instead of the Proton Cannon, simple. Those are great combos with the Proton Cannon (In corner:, lp, cr.lp, (lp) Shoulder Cannon, XX Proton Cannon also works), but again don't rely on the PC with WM. If you connect anything, you should be going into his, which leads to (LP) Replusor Blast, which leads into WD which leads into some pretty damn nice damage. And of course you can connect it off a anytime. Also you can combo it off corner with st.hp, shoulder cannon xx WD. If you connect a on the ground though, its best to go for the a/d d/f infinite set-up anyways (it works with WM too) or if in the corner, the st.hp, d+hk, OTG set-up. Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 03:09:2002 09:16 PM: speaking of repulsor blast my combo video is almost done....i have a 3 magnetic shockwave combo (it isnt on an assist) and i have a detailed combo with IM WM IM on doom doom doom in whihc i hit doom and his assist.... the total combo has WM's proton cannon WM's war destroyer 15 repulsor blasts (IM and WM together) and one IM proton cannon...... they are good combos that is gunna be in the video...!! Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:09:2002 10:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 After the infinite with WM, you just do the,WD at the end instead of the Proton Cannon, simple. Or if you're in midscreen, after the infinite, dash forward, then do s. hk, WD. The dash forward part is very important. But when you're in the corner, forget about dashing, just s. hk, WD. Simple as Calcu ... 2+2=4. Posted by Mza on 03:10:2002 12:11 AM: Just did a neat "combo" today and felt like sharing. Started the match triangle jump short, fwd, then the japanese setup (c.short, c.strong, CC, sj.jab, ad.jab, up+fierce), infinite until the corner, rh, sj.jab, sj.strong, sj.up+fierce, ad.jab, ad.up+fierce, activate flight, short, strong, up+fierce, unibeam, call B-Doom, throw into Doom, smartbomb (SBs and rocks hit), jab, strong, up+fierce, unibeam, call B-Doom, throw into Doom, jab, strong, up+fierce, unibeam...death...guardbreak, etc etc. Very similar to the combo in the teamdan vid. I just though it looked cool with the smartbombs added in. Too bad alot of people expect a throw in the corner after the aircombo->unibeam finsh. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:11:2002 02:23 AM: *bump* just waiting for someone who has more advanced im heh Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:12:2002 10:06 PM: *bump* again Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:13:2002 12:27 PM: i found a new combo with im/commando d+lk,d+lp,launcher,throw commando lp,lk,lp,uf+hp,dash forward,lp,uf+hp,fly,throw commando again/lk,pause,uf+hp, fierce unibeam it takes like 80% damage of your life Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:13:2002 01:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR i found a new combo with im/commando d+lk,d+lp,launcher,throw commando lp,lk,lp,uf+hp,dash forward,lp,uf+hp,fly,throw commando again/lk,pause,uf+hp, fierce unibeam it takes like 80% damage of your life 2 times comando ? i dont see a throw or reset damage there Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:13:2002 02:30 PM: yea heh i just like it that waya nti y NO TE COPIES ACUERDATE FUI YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! Posted by antinewbies182 on 03:13:2002 11:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR yea heh i just like it that waya nti y NO TE COPIES ACUERDATE FUI YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! TU NO PUEDES SACAR 2 VECES 1 ASSIST EN UN COMBO . Ese es el 1ro de los mandamientos de MvC2 . Ademas , si hay un trow en ese combo o un cross over para reset damage , pues ese combo is mine . Lee los posts anteriores para q veas la discusion q tuve con unos de los miembros sobre ese combo . Ademas no voy a pelear por eso , no se pq saliste con el : " yo yo yo yo " Try to come to the next tourney to own your IM with my Mags Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:14:2002 03:29 AM: What the hell are you guys talking about? Anyways, does anyone know where I could find some Iron Man pics (not sprites but that'd be nice if you did)? Posted by BshidoHEAT on 03:15:2002 06:33 AM: Well, I would like to say, this thread is very imfomative. IM has been an enigma to me, but now I see. Anyway, I've been praticing the no assist infinite set-ups, and my best is the, c.lp, xx, ad d/f sj.lp, sj.lp, sj.fp. Does this work for smaller charaters? If it doesn't what variation of that can I do to make it work? Posted by deadly_magneto on 03:15:2002 12:32 PM: wutz that new im combo every1 doing, and his new infinite. Posted by deadly_magneto on 03:15:2002 12:33 PM: oh yea i have a lot of ironman vids if u want them post ur icq number Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:15:2002 01:44 PM: deadly_magneto: rememebr me from final burn on kailliera hey man i can teach u some im new tricks pm me dude so u can tell me your aim ok? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:15:2002 04:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by BshidoHEAT Well, I would like to say, this thread is very imfomative. IM has been an enigma to me, but now I see. Anyway, I've been praticing the no assist infinite set-ups, and my best is the, c.lp, xx, ad d/f sj.lp, sj.lp, sj.fp. Does this work for smaller charaters? If it doesn't what variation of that can I do to make it work? Nope, it doesn't work on smaller characters (like Wolvie, Chun, Ryu) that well. However, if you OTG your opponent with the c. lk then continue on with the setup, it works because your opponent is launched a little higher, allowing both sj. lks to hit. Better variations that you should try: - c. lk, c. mp, xx sj. lp, airdash d/f, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. - c. lk, c. mp, xx sj. lk, airdash up, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. Or any one of his launcher infinite setups would work. Posted by Jin1 on 03:15:2002 08:42 PM: I'm sure you guys talked about this but how do you start the infinite after the launcher? And when when I try,, FLY, lp,mp, up+hp, UNFLY, up+hp, infinite I can't connect the up+hp after you UNFLY it just doesn't come out. Any help would be great. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:15:2002 11:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jin1 I'm sure you guys talked about this but how do you start the infinite after the launcher? And when when I try,, FLY, lp,mp, up+hp, UNFLY, up+hp, infinite I can't connect the up+hp after you UNFLY it just doesn't come out. Any help would be great. Info on starting the infinite after IM's launcher is in the first page. Sigh, another question about the Unfly infinite setup. Anyways, search the thread for the answer because this question has already been answered. Since I'm a nice guy, I'll post it again. First of all, you have to be in Unfly Mode in order to do this setup. To set it up, get your character hit by moves that would make your character flip, but would land automatically (ie: Most AAA's, Cables's RH throw, AHVB, Rocket Punch). You're now in Unfly Mode. As soon as you're hit, don't jump because that cancels Unfly Mode. From here, you can do that infinite setup. Note: you can only Unfly 5 times. If you're still confused, go to the articles section and read the article titled "Advanced Flying Tactics." Posted by Gen2000 on 03:17:2002 08:53 AM: Hey TCA, to keep this thread alive, anyone ever noticed corner differences in MvC2? When I do launcher infinite set-up of: In corner:, ^, slowly... sj.lp,, sj.hp, falling, (OTGs), infinite... When this on the right side of the screen and jump foward with my, I usually end up on the right side of the opponent while falling. Now when I do this combo on the left side, they don't fall. Anyone noticed this? Note: I can still set-up the infinte from the right, all you gotta do is just jump straight up and do it, but I just wanted to know if anyone else notices the corner differences. Here is another set-up that I didn't see on the front page (I made sure I read them, I least I think so ),, (OTGs),, UnFly Mode, sj.lp, sj.lp,, sj.U+hp, end flight, sj.U+hp, into infinite... Its basically the same as the cr.lkx2, sj. cancel, air dash d/f, type one you mention earlier except w/o the sj. canceling. Btw, you can super jump in Unfly Mode, but you can't do a normal jump. Posted by n817azn on 03:17:2002 06:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jin1 I'm sure you guys talked about this but how do you start the infinite after the launcher? And when when I try,, FLY, lp,mp, up+hp, UNFLY, up+hp, infinite I can't connect the up+hp after you UNFLY it just doesn't come out. Any help would be great. launcher set-up goes like this---> s.rh(launch), sj. neutrel fp, ad df, lk, lk, up + fp, land, inf.... n8 Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:18:2002 04:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jin1 I'm sure you guys talked about this but how do you start the infinite after the launcher? And when when I try,, FLY, lp,mp, up+hp, UNFLY, up+hp, infinite I can't connect the up+hp after you UNFLY it just doesn't come out. Any help would be great. Unfly explained earlier. Other Launch Infinite setup Launch(HK) neutral sj.HP, AD forward(Do not hold forward), sj.LP,sj.LP, sj,Up+HP, INFINITE Launch(HK), sj.Down+HP AD d/f sj.LK,sj.LK, sj.Up+HP, INFINITE On big chars. u can Launch(HK) sj.UP+HP dash d/f(to other side of char) sj.LK, sj.UP+HP, INFINITE (this combos only on big people reset on smaller.) Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:19:2002 01:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 Hey TCA, to keep this thread alive, anyone ever noticed corner differences in MvC2? When I do launcher infinite set-up of: In corner:, ^, slowly... sj.lp,, sj.hp, falling, (OTGs), infinite... When this on the right side of the screen and jump foward with my, I usually end up on the right side of the opponent while falling. Now when I do this combo on the left side, they don't fall. Anyone noticed this? Note: I can still set-up the infinte from the right, all you gotta do is just jump straight up and do it, but I just wanted to know if anyone else notices the corner differences. I never noticed this since I don't use this inf. setup much. I'll make sure to try this out. quote: Here is another set-up that I didn't see on the front page (I made sure I read them, I least I think so ),, (OTGs),, UnFly Mode, sj.lp, sj.lp,, sj.U+hp, end flight, sj.U+hp, into infinite... Its basically the same as the cr.lkx2, sj. cancel, air dash d/f, type one you mention earlier except w/o the sj. canceling. Btw, you can super jump in Unfly Mode, but you can't do a normal jump. Hmmm, I never knew this because I never included a forward, I just do lp, mp, up + hp, the Unfly. I found some new infinite setups a few days ago. I'll make sure to post 'em here. Note, some of these involve crouch canceling. And I know you can superjump in Unfly Mode. Oh yeah, I haven't downloaded AIM yet because I don't have the free time. And it looks like I won't be having any free time in the next two weeks. Just be patient. Posted by Gen2000 on 03:19:2002 05:27 AM: quote: Hmmm, I never knew this because I never included a forward, I just do lp, mp, up + hp, the Unfly. I found some new infinite setups a few days ago. I'll make sure to post 'em here. Note, some of these involve crouch canceling. And I know you can superjump in Unfly Mode. Oh yeah, I haven't downloaded AIM yet because I don't have the free time. And it looks like I won't be having any free time in the next two weeks. Just be patient. Ya, the OTGing is just style since its OTGs, but sometimes people don't expect the from IM just like the from Storm. Heh, just let me know when you get AIM, take your time (but not forever, ). Posted by BshidoHEAT on 03:20:2002 03:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Nope, it doesn't work on smaller characters (like Wolvie, Chun, Ryu) that well. However, if you OTG your opponent with the c. lk then continue on with the setup, it works because your opponent is launched a little higher, allowing both sj. lks to hit. Better variations that you should try: - c. lk, c. mp, xx sj. lp, airdash d/f, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. - c. lk, c. mp, xx sj. lk, airdash up, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. Or any one of his launcher infinite setups would work. Cool, I'll try those when I get home Also, I've been working on, C.lp xx super jump xx airdash forward Sj.lp, sj. mp, Sj. up+fp, I am pretty good at that now. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:20:2002 03:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 Ya, the OTGing is just style since its OTGs, but sometimes people don't expect the from IM just like the from Storm. Heh, just let me know when you get AIM, take your time (but not forever, ). Aight, I'll let you know. The next two weeks will keep me occupied. Heh, it might be April by the time I download AIM. Yet another hard infinite setup. This can be done on any big character. At the corner, c. lk, c. mp, c. hk, sj. lp, airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, infinite. This'll keep you ppl busy. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 03:20:2002 04:34 PM: tca or gen or anyone heh those infinite setups r good in the corner but after u do the infinity try this: after inf, throw then call doom then inf again then same same throw hehehe pretty good effective TCA: WHERE R THE VIDS MAN!??!!?!?!?!? Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:20:2002 05:10 PM: Pointless combo just adding shit to keep IronMan on top IronMan/Mag Capture INFINITE then j.LP,j,LP (assist) d+HP still in air Smart Bombs land Proton Cannon No point cuz u can just use capture to reset inf. like the earlier stated combo. What exacally is the best way to do the inf if u want to get a air throw in it. Fast, slow where should i pause at? Posted by Gen2000 on 03:20:2002 06:36 PM: quote: IronMan/Mag Capture INFINITE then j.LP,j,LP (assist) d+HP still in air Smart Bombs land Proton Cannon Ya, I use Magneto with Iron Man lately and a combo similar too that, basically the same one I posted earlier except it uses Mag's Capture:,, asssist,, (it hits), go into infinite with j.lp You can use Mag's Capture assist the same way you would use Dhalsim's Ground assist in the Japanese IM teams (Dhalsim/Iron Man/Cyclops). You just hvae to be quick to hit or else the opponent can mash out of the Hyper Grav. TCA, you mention earlier that it doesn't work on Cable and a few others, any reasons why? I know it doesn't work on Sentinel cause of his Super Armor, but I don't understand why Cable gets special treatment (well that's Cable for you though, heh). Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:21:2002 12:59 AM: yeah I think IronMan/Mag work well together but as for Mag IronMan i'm not sure to much to do. With them in that order besides just use Magneto i know FP Throw+ironman(AAA) u can otg them But do u know any helpful things with mag first and the ironman assist no matter which one u use. Also how do u throw during the inf. I asked in my last post somebody help me out i know u have to do some ajusting to the inf. atleast i think so but what? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:21:2002 01:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by TrueNewbiePR tca or gen or anyone heh those infinite setups r good in the corner but after u do the infinity try this: after inf, throw then call doom then inf again then same same throw hehehe pretty good effective TCA: WHERE R THE VIDS MAN!??!!?!?!?!? Dayum, this had been posted awhile back. Older than 1234 Hypergrav XX Tempest. As soon as I can find the time to download AIM, I'll send them to Gen2000 and he'll upload them on his site. Maybe around April. quote: What exacally is the best way to do the inf if u want to get a air throw in it. Fast, slow where should i pause at? You should airthrow them fast if you want to surprise them or slow if you're going to throw them into an assist. To throw them after the infinite, do one infinite rep. but instead of up + hp, use the neutral version. As you land, you can jump and airthrow them. quote: TCA, you mention earlier that it doesn't work on Cable and a few others, any reasons why? I know it doesn't work on Sentinel cause of his Super Armor, but I don't understand why Cable gets special treatment (well that's Cable for you though, heh). What doesn't work on Cable? Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:21:2002 02:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin You should airthrow them fast if you want to surprise them or slow if you're going to throw them into an assist. To throw them after the infinite, do one infinite rep. but instead of up + hp, use the neutral version. As you land, you can jump and airthrow them. What doesn't work on Cable? Thanks i happened to be practicing with him a little earlier and i did it once not paying attention cuz i wuz on the phone too. And i was like how did i do that, Cuz they bounced i was wondering how the hell i made them bounce from up+HP lol Okay lets say u have Doom(AAA) Your doing the inf and u get to the corner i did this today to its probably old but its really not necessary cuz u can proton cannon. after the infinite okay Infinite around high 30's j.LP, j.LP ,up+Hk fly lp,lp(AAA) FP THrow they bounced of rocks then i did (still in fly) lp,lp, Up+FP weak or strong Unibeam (assist) Throw again then i kept messing up can u add anything to this combo. I didnt try being in unfly mode but i will later. Also did the same with magneto on capture type but after first throw into capture i dont think i can throw into assist again cuz the fact that a assist can only be used 1 per combo but what if i wuz in Unfly do u think i could UNFLY neutral HP ground throw then do what ever i think it might work tho its not a good combo but people wont know what to expect except death I'll try these out later but i'm posting them because u might of already done these. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:22:2002 03:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan Okay lets say u have Doom(AAA) Your doing the inf and u get to the corner i did this today to its probably old but its really not necessary cuz u can proton cannon. after the infinite okay Infinite around high 30's j.LP, j.LP ,up+Hk fly lp,lp(AAA) FP THrow they bounced of rocks then i did (still in fly) lp,lp, Up+FP weak or strong Unibeam (assist) Throw again then i kept messing up can u add anything to this combo. I didnt try being in unfly mode but i will later. Also did the same with magneto on capture type but after first throw into capture i dont think i can throw into assist again cuz the fact that a assist can only be used 1 per combo but what if i wuz in Unfly do u think i could UNFLY neutral HP ground throw then do what ever i think it might work tho its not a good combo but people wont know what to expect except death I'll try these out later but i'm posting them because u might of already done these. Well, you can call an assist multiple times if you cancel your attacks with a throw or something. Throwing in combos can only be done twice. I posted something earlier about this a couple of pages back. Yes, you can use Mag capture type as well as Dhalsim ground, Doom AAA, Storm Projectile (on larger chars only), and Anakaris' Cobra Blow assist. The best assists to use are Mag and Anakaris assists. I'll post more l8er because I have to study for a Constitution test. One more thing, anyone live in San Fransico? Posted by Gen2000 on 03:22:2002 05:47 PM: quote: What doesn't work on Cable? The IronMan/Mag set-up of the infinite. I think you mention that Cable gets out of the Hyper Grav faster so you couldn't do the set-up on him. Now that I post this, I barely remember the post where you said this (this is a large thread now, lol), so if you didn't say that or whatever, then just ignore it, heh. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 03:23:2002 03:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000 The IronMan/Mag set-up of the infinite. I think you mention that Cable gets out of the Hyper Grav faster so you couldn't do the set-up on him. Now that I post this, I barely remember the post where you said this (this is a large thread now, lol), so if you didn't say that or whatever, then just ignore it, heh. You mean this setup? c. lk (call assist), c. mp, Jab Unibeam (assist hits)? It does not work on Cable, only on certain characters. All times are GMT. 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